I haven't even found time to post about all the cool stuff that went down at Comicon, or in France and Switzerland before that, but in a few hours we'll be off again… for Scotland and the Edinburgh Book Festival first, then London for worldcon, then straight to LA for the Emmys.
I am exhausted just thinking about it.
A year or two back, grouping most of my 2014 travel in one tight two-month period to allow me to stay home and work the rest of the year seemed like a really great idea… but now that it's on me, I have to admit, it's too much too soon.
Fortunately, once I get home from LA, there's nothing on the schedule for the rest of the year but one quick trip to NY and Jersey, to see the family, check in with editors and agents, and do a couple other cool things. Which is great. New Mexico is at its most gorgeous in the fall, and I am hoping that the big block of time at home will let me get a LOT of writing done.
Meanwhile… these flights across the pond are always grueling, but I expect to have a great time in Edinburgh and London.
See you there!
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