The podcasters Alt Shift X and Glidus have been wandering about the globe these past few months, and they sat down while passing through the Land of Enhantment to talk with Raya Golden about VOYAGING, her graphic novel adaptation of my novella “The Plague Star.”
It was a fun interview. I thought you folks might like a look.
VOYAGING is for sale at your favorite local bookstore, comic book shop, or online retailer. And Beastly Books, here in scenic Santa Fe, has autographed copies signed by both Raya and myself. Beastly also has copies of the source material on hand, featuring the further adventures of Haviland Tuf (and cats). We hope to have Raya adapt and illustrate some of those as well.
And maybe one day we’ll have a television series as well. Anything is possible. Indeed.
Current Mood: pleased