I am thrilled to announce that DARK WINDS has won a second Wrangler Award from the National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum in Oklahoma City, for the best television drama of 2024. This is the second year in a row that DARK WINDS has taken the prize.
The winning episode was “Hozho nahasdlii (Beauty is Restored),” the finale from our second season, shown last spring on AMC and AMC+. Chris Eyre directed, from a script penned by John Wirth and Graham Roland, based on the novel PEOPLE OF DARKNESS, by the late great Tony Hillerman. Zahn McClarnon starred as Joe Leaphorn, with Kiowa Gordon as Jim Chee, and Jessica Matson as Bernadette Manuelito. The producing team includes Chris, Graham, Zahn, Jim Chory, Anne Hillerman, Vince Gerardis, Tina Elmo, and me.
Here’s yours truly with last year’s Wrangler. This year’s trophies will be presented in Oklahoma April 12-13.
(It’s a pretty formidable trophy, all in bronze).
Meanwhile, we are moving ahead with the third season of DARK WINDS, which will start shooting this week in Santa Fe, at the Candle Rock Studio and on location around the state. And AMC is giving us EIGHT episodes this season, rather than six as with seasons one and two! More Hillerman to savor!
If you haven’t seen DARK WINDS yet, check it out. The first two seasons are streaming on AMC+. It’s a damn fine show, and I think it’s past time Zahn McClarnon got an Emmy. Maybe next year,
Current Mood: cheerful