The night I won two Hugos.
Seems like last week.
Seems like a million years ago.
Robert Silverberg was toastmaster (he was a great toastmaster, the best worldcon ever had) and handed me the rockets. I have forgotten every word he said. I have forgotten every word I said, for that matter. (I wonder if anyone was filming the ceremony. These days all the Hugo ceremonies are videotaped, but in the days of yore, that did not always happen). My whole night is a blur… but I do remember how happy I was… and the friends I shared the night with. Phyllis Eisenstein, Mary Mertens, Ed Bryant… so many more… and of course, Gardner Dozois, who squirted whipped cream in my hair and formally threw me out of the Hugo Losers’ Party.
Once upon a time there was a worldcon…
Current Mood: melancholy