Aces Assemble! You jokers can come too. We have a new book coming for you TODAY.
Our friends at Tor will be releasing FULL HOUSE in hardcover.
FULL HOUSE is the thirty-first volume in the overall Wild Cards series, which began all the way back in 1987, before some of you were born. (Seems like last week to me, though) This one is a little different. It is not our usual mosaic, but rather a collection of stand-alone stories:
“When We Were Heroes” Daniel Abraham
“Evernight” Victor Milan
“Lies My Mother Told Me” Caroline Spector
“Nuestra Senora de la Esperanza” Carrie Vaughn
“Discards” David D. Levine
“The Elephant in the Room” Paul Cornell
“When the Devil Drives” Melinda M. Snodgrass
“The Atonement Tango” Stephen Leigh
“Prompt. Professional. Pop!” Walter Jon Williams
“How to Move Spheres and Influence People” Marko Kloos
Many of those titles may seem familiar to you… if you’re one of our longtime Wild Cards fans. Yes, all of these stories have appeared before. All but one of them were originally published electronically on Tor.com. This will be their first time on paper, though, in an actual book that you can put on your shelf beside all of your other Wild Cards books.
The sole exception is Caroline Spector’s novella, which originally appeared in DANGEROUS WOMEN, one of the big crossgenre anthologies I co-edited with my dear friend, the late great Gardner Dozois. (It was a great fit there. Bubbles and Hoodoo Mama are not to be messed with).
Maybe you’re read all of these. Maybe you missed a few. Maybe you missed all of them. They’re some terrific tales, however, and I’m delighted to have them all together between the same set of covers. And who knows? FULL HOUSE may get these stories a whole new readership — old guys like me who hate reading stuff on a computer, most like, but what the hell.
And if this one does well, there have been enough Wild Cards stories on Tor.com to fill two more collections… and more in the pipeline. So watch for new Wild Cards tales on Tor.com, and enjoy those collected in FULL HOUSE. On sale August 2 from your local bookstore or favorite online bookseller… and signed copies are always available from Beastly Books, via their website.
Spread the word, aces.
Current Mood: cheerful