I moved from Iowa to New Mexico in late 1979. A few months later, Roger Zelazny took me down to Albuquerque to First Friday, the monthly writer’s luncheon at the Albuquerque Press Club, where I met the bestselling mystery writer Tony Hillerman, one of the founders of the group. Tony was a delight, a great lunch companion and a born storyteller… and, as I soon learned, a marvelous writer. Once I tried one of his Joe Leaphorn novels, I was hooked. I read as many as I could get my hands on, and then found myself eagerly awaiting the next, like millions of other readers around the globe.
Now, I am thrilled to report, Joe Leaphorn and Jim Chee are returning to television.
We just got word from AMC that they are greenlighting DARK WINDS, based on Tony’s novels about the two Navajo tribal policemen. The first season will be six episodes long, adapted (largely) from LISTENING WOMAN, one of my favorite books in the series. If we get the viewers. more seasons will follow, and more books will be adapted.
There’s lots more, but why should I rehash it all when the HOLLYWOOD REPORTER has all the details:
DARK WINDS will be filmed in and around Santa Fe and Gallup, and on the Navajo reservation, and based out of the Native-owned Camel Rock Studios (the former Camel Rock Casino), right here in the Land of Enchantment. Filming will begin in August, and continue — we hope — for many years.
Bob Redford and Chris Eyre have put together a great team (with a little help from yours truly), and we hope to make a great show, one that truly captures the magic of this very special place. Look for DARK WINDS on AMC in 2022.
((Comments allowed, but ONLY about Joe Leaphorn, Jim Chee, DARK WINDS, and the works of Tony Hillerman. Off topic comments will be deleted by my marvelous minions)).
Current Mood: excited