I will be in Westwood in LA on May 8, to moderate a Q&A after the premiere of the new film TOLKIEN, about our favorite fantasist. (See the post below for more details, and follow the streaming on Facebook).
Immediately thereafter, I will be heading back to Santa Fe… because the following night, May 9, TOLKIEN will be having its New Mexico premiere at my theatre, the Jean Cocteau Cinema.
Admission is FREE, so get there early. For RSVPs, go to http://bit.ly/grrmtolkien . We all love the JCC, but we have only 130 seats, and events like these tend to fill up early. We hate hate hate turning people away, but alas, the fire marshall insists.
The event will include a costume contest… so come dressed as your favorite Tolkien character. I expect to see an auditorium full of elves, dwarves (not dwarfs, as all Tolkien purists know), ents, hobbits, Aragorns, Boromirs, Galadriels, and the occasional Leaf by Niggle.
And here’s the most exciting part. The first prize winner in the costume contest will receive a brand new 65″ 4K television set, courtesy of our friends at TCL Electronics. And we’ll have signed books for the top runners-up… so dust off those swords and cloaks now, and we’ll see you at the Cocteau.
Current Mood: excited