The Wall in A SONG OF ICE & FIRE was inspired by Hadrian’s Wall, which I first saw in 1981 with my friend Lisa Tuttle. I’ve told that story about a thousand times in a thousand interviews. (Of course, the Great Wall of China was also a factor, but I’ve only read about the Great Wall, I’ve never seen it. One day I want to visit China, but not until I’ve finished these books).
Hadrian’s Wall is the reality. My Wall is the fantasy. In fantasy, you take reality and turn it up to eleven. (I have used that line in numerous interviews as well).
But now something very strange is happening. Reality is turning around to imitate fantasy.
English Heritage has appointed Watchers on the Wall. On Hadrian’s Wall.
Dressed as Roman legionaries, you say? No, dressed as brothers of my Night’s Watch.
Here’s the whole story:
So far there are no plans to raise rebuild Hadrian’s Wall in ice and raise it up to 700 feet high, but the way things are going, that might be next.
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