Hey, Wild Cards fans, we’ve got another brand new original story for you.
It’s by Marko Kloos, and it’s FREE on Tor.com. The title is “How to Move Spheres and Influence People.” Marko is introducing a brand new ace this time, and I think you guys are going to love her.
You can check it out at
Enjoy… and be sure to leave a comment.
And speaking of Wild Cards, there also some great new stuff on the Wild Cards website.
On our blog, check out William F. Wu’s post, “From Iron Fist to Wild Cards,” at https://www.wildcardsworld.com/from-iron-fistto-wild-cards/
And Ti Mikkel has another victim… ahem, subject, in Talking With Ti. This time she’s interviewing Caroline Spector, mother of Bubbles. You can read what they have to say at https://www.wildcardsworld.com/qa/caroline-spector/
Current Mood: cheerful