My friend, minion, and collaborator Raya Golden has been blitzing the Pacific Northwest this week, promoting her graphic novel STARPORT, based upon an unproduced pilot of mine from 1994. Raya did the adaptation and the art.
She started out at the Emerald City Comicon in Seattle, where she was joined by a couple of buds of the Lobh.
After the con, she headed down to Portland, to sign copies at Powell’s, surely one of the great bookstores. (I have signed at Powell’s myself in years past. My name is scrawled on one of their pillars, amongst all the other writers who have had signings there).
STARPORT is now available from your favorite bookstore or on-line bookseller. It’s one of my favorites of my unproduced pilots, and Raya did an amazing job with the adaptation. If you like SF, give it a try.
Oh, and where was I, you ask? Why wasn’t I with her? Well, I’ve been busy at home.
Who loves the infants??
Current Mood: pleased