It’s been a couple of very exciting weeks for me and Archmaester Gyldayn.
My trip back east was a lot of fun, and hugely productive. I got to have Thanksgiving with my family in Jersey for the first time in more than a decade, I checked in with my editors, publishers, and agents, I had a blast on LATE NIGHT WITH STEPHEN COLBERT… and I signed 1600 copies of FIRE & BLOOD for the big launch at Loew’s Jersey. Being on the stage of that magnificent old movie palace with my friend John Hodgman, seeing my name on the marquee of a theatre where I saw BEN-HUR and LAWRENCE OF ARABIA as a kid in days gone by… there are no words for that.
And the fans were great as well. Their excitement and enthusiasm was palpable. My thanks to everyone who came out… and to all of you who were not able to get tickets as well. Sorry about that. (The Friends of the Loew’s hope to have their balcony restored for the next time I return, which will mean a thousand more seats).
FIRE & BLOOD was released the day after the Loew’s event, November 20… in the US, in the United Kingdom, and in various other countries around the world, where my translators had to work around the clock to get the translation done in time to allow simultaneous publication with the English editions. A number of them did just that, and my hat is off to them. Great work, folks.
No one really knew how well the book would do, least of all me. It’s a Westeros book, yes… but not a traditional novel, and not part of the SONG OF ICE AND FIRE/ GAME OF THRONES sequence. How would my readers react to a book of imaginary history?
I’m thrilled to say that they have reacted very well.
FIRE & BLOOD debuted at #1 on the NEW YORK TIMES bestseller list, for hardcover fiction.
FIRE & BLOOD also debuted at #1 for the TIMES list in the United Kingdom.
I’m informed that we were also #1 in Brazil, #2 in Spain, #5 in Germany, and #8 in France.
(Other countries will need to wait on the translations).
Needless to say, I am thrilled. My thanks go out to Anne Groell, Scott Shannon, and David Moench, my team at Bantam Spectra, to Jane Johnson at Harper Collins Voyager in the UK, to my amazing agents Kay McCauley and Chris Lotts, and to all my editors and publishers and translators around the world. And thanks as well to the booksellers, without whose support those bestseller lists would not have been possible.
And most of all, my thanks go out to my fans and readers. I know you want WINDS, and I am going to give it to you… but I am delighted that you stayed with me for this one as well. Your patience and unflagging support means the world to me.
Enjoy the read. Me, I am back in my fortress of solitude, and back in Westeros. It won’t be tomorrow, and it won’t be next week, but you will get the end of A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE. Meanwhile, you have the final season of GAME OF THRONES coming, and the new show that is not yet officially called THE LONG NIGHT being cast, and a couple more shows still being scripted… and a few other cool things in the works as well.
Winter is not the only thing that is coming.
Current Mood: excited