It’s August, and that means that worldcon is coming around once again. (In a properly ordered universe, worldcon would be coming on Labor Day weekend but sadly that seems to be a lost cause since Dragoncon stole those dates).
This year’s gathering is in San Jose, California. It ought to be called ConJose II, but it’s not. I like my worldcons to have names, not numbers, however, so I refuse to accede to this new twitch of numbering cons instead of naming them. The SanJose folks keep insisting that this worldcon is not ConJose II, though. So be it. In the tradition of my Not A Blog, and of course the famous John W. Campbell Award (Not A Hugo), I shall henceforth refer to this year’s gathering as Not ConJose II.
I have cut way down on the number of cons I attend, due to the press of work, but there’s no way I’d miss a worldcon, by any name. I’ve only missed one in the last thirty years. Dragoncon and San Diego Comicon and GenCon and many other cons are now much bigger, but worldcon remains the original, and the best, the heart of the fannish community. Worldcon is like a family reunion. And yes, like any large family, we have our share of drunken uncles, loony cousins, and snot-nosed kids… but still, family is family. I’ll be there for the whole con. I hope to see many of you in SanJose. Worldcon is great time for getting together with old friends and making new ones.
I know that some of you will be hoping to get your books autographed at the con. There will be several opportunities for that.
My week will start on Tuesday, August 14, with a special fundraiser on behalf of LOCUS, an evening with John Picacio. That event is not an actual part of the con, so tickets will be sold separately. I will not be signing at the fundraiser, no… but we will have hundreds of pre-signed books available for purchase at the event.
I also have three scheduled signings at Not ConJose II itself. Friday at noon and Sunday at 1pm, I will be signing in the official autograph area. The lines will be capped, however; there’s a limit to how many books I can sign in an hour. (No, my hand doesn’t fall off. It’s my lower back that protests). Sorry, I can’t do personalizations or inscriptions, and we have a limit of one book per person. Mind you, if the lines are short, I will sometimes loosen the rules and sign a second book, etc. Don’t count on that, though; my lines have not been short in years. Oh, and yes, I will sign things other than books. Games, cards, replica swords, photographs, program books, interesting body parts…. but still, only one item per person, and no personalizations. And I don’t sign babies, pets, or books written by other authors.
Besides these two general signings, we also have the Wild Cards signing, scheduled for Saturday morning at 10am in the dealer’s room. That’s a mass signing. Melinda Snodgrass, Caroline Spector, Marko Kloos, Mary Anne Mohanraj, Kevin Andrew Murphy, and several other Wild Cards writers and creators will be joining me, to deface your books with their illegible scrawls. But at that event we will be signing ONLY Wild Cards books, so please don’t bring copies of any of my other works… those you can get signed at the general signings.
I do prefer to limit my autographing to these four scheduled events. I want to enjoy worldcon like everyone else, without having to scrawl my way through it. So please do not approach me before or after panels, at the Hugos, in the corridors, at the parties, while I’m having dinner (or breakfast, or lunch), or in the restrooms to ask for an autograph. Your understanding would be much appreciated.
Aside from signing things, what am I doing at Not ConJoseII? you may ask.
At 5pm on Friday I will be part of the Gardner Dozois Memorial. A sad event, but I think we’ll have some laughs as well. Gardner was the funniest man in our field for half a century, he’d want to hear us laughing.
There’s also to be a Wild Cards panel, though I am not sure just when. The present time is a conflict for me. Depending on where the panel gets moved, I may or may not be on it. But there will be a Wild Cards panel regardless.
Oh, and keep your eyes on Thursday. We’re looking at doing a presentation and trailer screening for the new NIGHTFLYERS television series that debuts this fall. Details are still being worked out When we have more definite news, I will let you know.
And that’s it, so far as my public participation in Not ConJoseII is concerned. But of course, I will be there all weekend, wandering the dealer’s room, drinking in the bar, visiting the art show… and, of course, hitting the parties. That’s what worldcon is all about.

Current Mood: