We have a cool week coming up at the Jean Cocteau Cinema, for all of you in Santa Fe and Albuquerque and environs, or anyone who just happens to be in the neighborhood.
On Friday and Saturday, we’ll be featuring live magic by the amazing JOEL WARD. See the post below by Jenni (who insists that she is an ogre, not a minion).
On Sunday, September 13, we’ll have the one-and-only FELICIA DAY, queen of the geek girls, here for an author event, interview, and signing. She’s on tour, promoting her new bio YOU’RE NEVER WEIRD ON THE INTERNET (almost), and of course we’ll have stacks of copies on hand.
And come Monday and Tuesday, for those two nights only, the Cocteau will be presenting BURLESQUE with a GAME OF THRONES theme.
Advance tix for all of these available at the Cocteau website: http://www.jeancocteaucinema.com/
Do move fast if you want tickets. Especially for Felicia, whose show is almost sold out.
Oh, and we still show movie too.
((More detailed announcements about Felicia’s appearance and the GAME OF THRONES burlesque will be appearing here soon, courtesy of Ogre Jenni)).
(((I will leave this open for comments, but please, STAY ON TOPIC. The post about Joel Ward just below drew a bunch of off-topic comments and questions, all of which have been deleted. No questions about my books or the Tv show here, please, and no more Puppy poop.)))