Over at Prizeo, my fundraiser on behalf of the Food Depot and the Wild Spirit Wolf Sanctuary continues to soar. As I write, my fans and friends have donated $390,000 — and we still have 33 days to go!!
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The grand prize — the visit to Santa Fe and helicopter trip to the wolf sanctuary — will be determined at the end of the fundraiser, by a drawing. Everyone who donates will have a chance to win.
A lot of the secondary prizes and extra rewards have been snapped up, however. Have no fear! We're adding more. I am donating more books and collectibles, two more breakfasts (one at San Diego Comicon, one when I am in NYC this October), and even a couple pair of my infamous suspenders (braces to you Brits). So keep a careful eye on the Prizeo site. We plan to add new prizes every Wednesday, for as long as the drive is ongoing. More details can be found at:
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