Drum roll, please. The trailer's here.
Have a taste of season four:
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April's not so far off. Really, it's not.
(Just keep telling yourself that).
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Drum roll, please. The trailer's here.
Have a taste of season four:
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April's not so far off. Really, it's not.
(Just keep telling yourself that).
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… but not until April. The fourth season of GAME OF THRONES will debut on Sunday, April 6, at 9pm Eastern.
But the TRAILER for season four can be seen tomorrow. Just make sure you catch the premiere of the latest great HBO drama, TRUE DETECTIVE, tomorrow night at 9 pm ET… and don't forget to tune in a few minutes early.
I can hear some of you muttering that you don't get HBO. Well, you should. But that aside, this weekend is a "Free HBO Weekend" on many cable systems and satellite services, so even if you don't normally receive HBO, you may find you have it this weekend. Click over and see, then sample TRUE DETECTIVE and enjoy the season four trailer. (And then run and subscribe to HBO, because it won't stay free forever).
And for those of you who cannot even wait until tomorrow, here's a teaser for the trailer:
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The GAME OF THRONES marathon continues next Monday at the Jean Cocteau Cinema, with a special guest.
RON DONACHIE, best known to GAME OF THRONES fan as Ser Rodrik Cassel, the master-at-arms at Winterfell, will be joining us from Glasgow via Skype for a Q&A after the screening. We'll be showing two episodes this week: — "Cripples, Bastards, and Broken Things," and "The Wolf and the Lion," episodes four and five from season one.
The show starts at 7:00pm, and we will probably start admitting people into the hall at 6:00. But come early. Last week we had to turn hundreds away, and my loyal staffers tell me that those who joined the line after 5:30 did not get in. (Sorry. We have only 125 seats). It's all first come, first seated; there's no advance ticket purchase, no reservations, no seat saving. But admission is FREE.
The following week, January 20, we will be joined by MAISIE WILLIAMS, our own Arya. And not via Skype. Maisie is coming to Santa Fe. (If you want to start lining up now for that one, it might not be too soon).
See you at the marathon.
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The GAME OF THRONES marathon begins tonight at the Jean Cocteau Cinema, at 7pm.
It's first come, first seated, and we have only 125 seats, so get there early if you want to be sure to get in.
You won't be the first in line, though. That honor goes to these brave souls, who camped out overnight (and it was COLD last night):
Tonight we will be screening the first three episodes of season one: "Winter Is Coming," "The Kingsroad," and "Lord Snow."
Admission is FREE.
We will have plenty of GAME OF THRONES merchandise on hand, along with pizza, soft drinks, candy, ice cream, pastries, burritos, and our famous popcorn, the best in New Mexico. And… for the first time… tonight the Jean Cocteau will be offering BHEER!
See you there!
Whew. That was fun.
Huge crowd. We filled every seat. We could have filled two more theatres the same size as the Jean Cocteau. The show started at 7:00 pm and we opened the door by 6:00 to get folks in from the cold… but no one who got in line after 5:30 made it inside. My apologies to all of you who got turned away. Better luck next week. Those who did get in had fun, I think. The show, as expected, looks great on the big screen.
Next week (Jan 13) we hope to have one of our cast members joining us via Skype. And the week after… drum roll, please… MAISIE WILLIAMS will be joining us in person right here in Santa Fe. That's Monday, January 20. Mark it down on your calendars.
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At the Jean Cocteau Cinema, we're celebrating the coming of 2014 with a return to the 1930s.
Opening on Friday, to fend off winter's chills, are two classic black & white musicals from the 1950s, ROBERTA and FOOTLIGHT PARADE.
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FOOTLIGHT PARADE is a personal favorite of mine — hey, Jimmy Cagney, Ruby Keeler, Honeymoon Hotel, Shanghai Lil… hard to beat. ROBERTA is one of Parris's all time faves, with Fred Astaire, Ginjer Rogers, and Irene Dunne in white satin.
So come join us and sing and dance your way into the new year. See you at the movies.
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2014. Wow.
What happened to 2013? It seemed to go by in a blur.
Of course, all the years are going by faster than they used to.
Here's wishing a great new year to all my friends and readers.
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