The blacksmiths over at Valryian Steel have been hammering away, and are about to roll out three news GAME OF THRONES products that I thought some of you might like to know about.
((These are all tie-ins from the television series, produced under Jalic’s license from HBO, and not tie-ins to the novels, produced under Jalic’s license from me, which is why some of them — the dagger, especially — look nothing like the item as described in the books)).
First, we have the longsword of Robb Stark, King in the North:
Next, the Catspaw Blade, used by the man sent to kill Bran in his bed:
The last, but decidedly not least, the helm of Sandor Clegane:
All the items are available for pre-order.
And don’t worry, Valyrian Steel is still at work on replicas of the weapons from the books as well. Brienne’s sword Oathkeeper should be next, if we can figure out how to do the black/red patterning. After that, maybe Khal Drogo’s arakh.
Keep your swords sharp!
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