Your wait is almost over. Within the week you can own the first season of HBO’s GAME OF THRONES for yourself. DVDs and Blu-Rays of season one are now available for pre-order, and will be shipping on Tuesday, March 6. No wonder they’re calling it Super Tuesday!
Here’s a taste of the extras that you will be getting with the Blu-Rays and DVDs, a small portion of my own commentary from Episode 8, “The Pointy End.”
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You can purchase your own copy of the Blu Ray or DVD set of Season One, (including more commentary tracks from many of the people who worked on the show) from your favorite on-line retailer, or directly from the HBO Store.
I’ve seen both DVD and Blu-Ray. The DVD is immensely cool, and the Blu-Ray is cooler. Incredible HD picture and sound, and the ‘extras’ are amazing. My favorites are the wonderfully drawn sidebars about Westerosi history, read by cast members and written by the multi-talented Brian Cogman. And somewhere on the Blu-Rays there are buried dragon eggs as well, though I haven’t found any yet (no, DON’T TELL, I want to find ’em for myself, the hunt is half the fun).
So go ye forth and grab a set or three, and let’s see if we can surprise and delight and astonish HBO and the industry with the number of DVDS sold on day one!
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