One more monkey off my back.
I just sent the manuscript of FORT FREAK, volume twenty-one in the ongoing Wild Cards series, off to our editors at Tor. Six hundred and eight pages of Jokertown goodness.
After the wide-ranging global storylines of the Committee triad, this volume returns to New York City, the epicenter of the Wild Cards universe, to tell the stories of the cops and crooks of the historic 5th precinct of the NYPD — the Jokertown precinct, Fort Freak. The lineup features work by WC veterans Melinda Snodgrass, Stephen Leigh, John Jos. Miller, Kevin Andrew Murphy, and Victor Milan, and introduces newcomers (new to Wild Cards, that is) Cherie Priest (Hugo-and-Nebula finalist), David Anthony Durham (still wearing his Campbell Award tiara), Mary Anne Mohnaraj, Ty Franck, and Paul Cornell (Dr. Who scripter).
No publication date set yet, of course, but I’d look for it sometime in the spring of 2011. So mark that down on your calendar, and come meet Ramshead, the Rook, Tabby, SlimJim, Abigail, Sgt. Squinch, Ratboy and Flipper, Tinkerbill, the Infamous Black Tongue, Natya, Maggie Graves, Puff, Beastie, Dr. Dildo, and the other colorful denizens of Fort Freak and environs. Old-timers like Father Squid, the Sleeper, and the Oddity are also expected to turn up to enliven the proceedings.
As for me… there are still a few more monkeys to wrestle into submission. Including Kong.
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