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Tyrion in Pewter

June 1, 2009 at 12:17 pm
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Here’s something cool: the new miniature of Tyrion Lannister, soon to be rolling out from Dark Sword Miniatures.

The mini hasn’t been released yet. This is a prototype, painted by the amazing Jen Haley in a color scheme to match her gorgeous versions of Jaime and Cersei, which can be seen below.

You can order your own Dark Sword miniatures at

And Jen has her own website at where you can see a lot more of astonishing brushwork. She takes commissions, too.

Comments welcome, but only about miniatures, painting, and Tyrion. Please stay on topic.

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June 1, 2009 at 11:12 am
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It can’t be June already. It really can’t.

Where have the months gone?

I am so depressed.

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