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Win a Signed Copy of BUSTED FLUSH

November 29, 2008 at 3:30 pm
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The latest Wild Cards mosaic novel, BUSTED FLUSH, will be released on December 9 in hardcover (and the previous volume, INSIDE STRAIGHT, is just out in paperback).

Pat’s Fantasy Hotlist is marking the release with another of their famous giveaways. Two ARCs (Advanced Reading Copies) of BUSTED FLUSH, signed by me and all of my contributors, will go to the lucky winners. Pat’s also giving away two signed posters of the BUSTED FLUSH cover, with that great Michael Komarck artwork. (This time the cover girl is Lilith).

Anyone can enter the contest, and no purchase is required. To check out the rules, go to the Hotlist at

Good luck.

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Plax, Plax, Plax

November 29, 2008 at 2:03 pm
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Accidentally shooting yourself in the leg while dancing at a nightclub?

This is not the recommended treatment for a bad hamstring.

And this is not how a New York Giant behaves, Plaxico.

You’re not a Dallas Cowboy.

But you might be soon, if you keep up this kind of crap.

Thank god for Domenick Hixon.

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