Not a Blog

Off to Angel Fire

June 21, 2017

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Been a while since I posted here, I see. That doesn’t mean nothing is happening. Quite the contrary; it means lots of things are happening, and I’ve been way too busy to worry about my Not A Blog.

I seem to have an insane amount of things on my plate. Would that there were more of me. Would that there were more hours in the day. The work is actually going well, I think… but there’s so MUCH of it, on so many different fronts…


Today will be a pleasant interlude. I’m taking the Tesla up north to talk to the students at Walter Jon Williams’ Taos Toolbox workshop… which no longer seems to be in Taos, but further north in Angel Fire. But it’s a beautiful day and it should be a beautiful drive, and I always relish the opportunity to corrupt some young minds.

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