Watch out! Here there be dragons!
“Here” in this case refers to Camino Alire, and the former Desert Academy, which building I bought a couple of years back and converted to Dragonstone Studios, low-cost studios for aspiring artists.
It’s taken longer than I thought (a lot of repair and restoration was needed first), but we finally got up a proper sign.
I love it, and hope you do as well.
The sign is the work of one of those aformentioned aspiring artists, the sculptor and metalworker TYLER EUGENE SMITH. Tyler is also the guy who makes the Alfies every year out of old hood ornaments, and who created the amazing Beast Head that welcomes patrons inside the door of the Jean Cocteau Cinema. And wait till you see what he’s making next… it will blow your minds.
Meanwhile, drive down Camino Alire, and admire his latest.