Not a Blog

GRRM is Coming to France & Switzerland

June 26, 2014 at 5:20 pm
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Hey all you European Fans, GRRM is officially on his way to France tomorrow, he will be signing books at the lovely Librairier Grangier bookstore in Dijon from 2PM -6PM on Thursday July 3rd.



Then after a short visit in France, it's off to beautiful Switzerland and the Neuchâtel International Fantastic Film Festival, or NIFFF, which GRRM will be attending from July 5th to July 12th.  During this wonderfully weird event highlighting fantastic films from all over the world they will feature three movies personally picked by George,  Hitchcock's PSYCHO, CASABLANCA and of course the forever classic FORBIDDEN PLANET.  GRRM will be introducing all three of these features and giving a short speech as to the influence these particular films had on him.

GRRM will also be hosting a panel about being an author, working in television and the overall adaptation process.  The Panel is listed as the Writer's Room at NIFFF and is being scheduled for Monday the 7th of July at 2PM.

There will also be a signing session for fans during NIFFF it beings at 2PM on Sunday July 12th.

Please visit NIFFFs website for more details on all the fun happening in Neuchâtel this July.


This Announcement has been brought to you by the Minions of Fevre River…. 🙂

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See You in Carolina

May 28, 2014 at 4:04 pm
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Tomorrow morning my executive minion Raya and I will be off again, this time to ConCarolinas in Charlotte.

 If you're in the neighborhood, swing by the Charlotte Hilton and join the fun.  Parties, panels, autographing, speeches… did I mention the parties?  Sometime in there I hope to find some good barbeque.

 And I'll be doing a reading.  This time, I think, a selection from the forthcoming WORLD OF ICE AND FIRE, for all you fake history fans.


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Howard, Gardner, and George Show

November 25, 2013 at 4:20 pm
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Warning: contains risqué anecdotes and off-color stories that may offend some.

I should also mention that I had a senior moment during the panel, when I mentioned that I won my first Hugo in 1985 and appeared on my first panel in 1986.  While the relation between those two events is correct, the dates aren't.  I misplaced a decade there.  I actually won my first Hugo in 1975, and appeared on my first panel later that same year (at the same con where the trophy was presented to me).

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Heading Down Under

October 31, 2013 at 10:44 am
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Things are pretty hectic here.  A million things to do, and in less than a week, I will be headed off Down Under.

Details of my tour have been available for ages on the Appearances page of my website, but I know that some of you never visit my website (bad on you), so in the hopes of avoiding the "why don't you ever visit X" emails that inevitably seem to turn up whenever I've just gotten back from X, let me hit the highlights here for all my fans and Not A Blog readers in Australia (and New Zealand):


First stop will be Brisbane, where I will be appearing at the SUPANOVA convention, November 8 – 10.  I will be doing signings, panels, signings, Q&As, signings, maybe a reading, signings, interviews, and signings.  It's a big big convention with lots of cool guests, so I'll be joined at some of these events by Lena Headey (Queen Cersei), Mark Addy (King Robert), and Jerome Flynn (Bronn) from HBO's GAME OF THRONES, along with stars from TRUE BLOOD, SPARTACUS, and many other actors and writers.

Then on to Sydney.  On November 11, I will be speaking at the Sydney Opera House.  I'm informed that Lena will be on hand as well, along with Michelle Fairley (Lady Catelyn).  This will be an interview and Q&A, I believe.  I promise not to attempt to sing opera.  ('Kill the wabbit!  Kill the waaaaabit').

On Wednesday, November 13, I will be in Melbourne, appearing that evening for a similiar event at the Wheeler Centre.  The sponsors tell me that Michelle will be on hand for that one as well.

Afterwards it's on to Adelaide, and another SUPANOVA, November 15-17.  As with Brisbane, there will be a full lineup of signings, panels, interviews, and other events.  Mark Addy, Jerome Flynn, and Lena Headey are supposed to join me for that one as well.

For my fans elsewhere in Australia… I am sorry, but no, I am NOT appearing in Darwin, Townsville, Cairns, Canberra, Hobart, Alice Springs, Perth, Kangaroo Island, or any of the other cool towns and cities in your lovely country.  If you want to see me, hear me, or get your book defaced, you will need to travel to Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, or Adelaide.  You can find my details, and links to the SUPANOVA webpage and other events, on the Appearances page of my website, so get yourself hither if you'd like to buy tickets.  Some of these events may sell out.  Some may be sold out already.

Last stop on the trip will be New Zealand.  Or, rather, Wellington, where I am scheduled to do a signing at Whitcoulls booksellers at 12:30 on Friday, November 22.  That will be my only public appearance in NZ; the rest of our time there will be private.

Parris and I love Australia and New Zealand and have lots of friends there, so we're looking forward eagerly to returning.  (Though I do rather wish it wasn't coming up so fast, I have so much else to do).

See you  Down Under.

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Cool Cosplay

October 22, 2013 at 11:48 am
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Okay, this is cool:

Not sure what they mean by "George R.R. Martin approved," since I wasn't at the NYC Comicon, and never saw the costume till I came upon this link.  But if I had been there, I certainly WOULD have approved.  Very imaginative.

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Skins for Capclave

September 20, 2013 at 1:20 am
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October is going to be an absolutely insane month for me.  I have so many things coming out, even I can't keep track of them all.

But I've just gotten the green light to announce one of the coolest.

Those of you who check out my Appearances list regularly know that I'll flying to Washington DC in a few weeks, to be Guest of Honor at Capclave.  Well, as it happens, WSFA Press likes to release a "Capclave book" every year, to honor the con's GOH.

This year, that book will be a new collector's edition of my novella "The Skin Trade" (a World Fantasy Award winner, donchaknow), illustrated by the amazing award-winning artist RICK BERRY.  You can check out the details here:

CapClave attendees will get first crack at this book, after which unsold copies will be offered to the general public.  This illustrated SKIN TRADE will be limited to 1000 copies — 500 signed by me and Rick, and 500 unsigned.  (Must remember to bring my pen to Washington).

So add THE SKIN TRADE to the list of stuff I have coming out next month, along with OLD MARS, MEATHOUSE MAN, THE DANCE WITH DRAGONS paperbacks, and THE WIT AND WISDOM OF TYRION LANNISTER.

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Yadda Yadda Yadda

August 5, 2013 at 2:37 pm
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Me again, talking.

Here's an inteview from the San Diego Comicon, done by the guys at Nerdist:

Be warned, it's mostly about stuff OTHER than GAME OF THRONES / SONG OF ICE AND FIRE. 

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Not Their Bitch

July 30, 2013 at 11:55 am
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For those of you who were not able to be in San Diego for Comicon:

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The rest is silence.

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Coming to San Diego

July 13, 2013 at 5:18 pm
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The next convention on my calendar is the San Diego Comicon.

My dance card is already almost full. Yes, there will be a GAME OF THRONES panel, and I'll be on it. It is scheduled for Friday, July 19, 2:50 to 3:45, in Hall H To be followed by an autographing at the WB booth. Of course, I'll be joined on the panel by half a dozen cast members (no, don't know which ones yet) and David and Dan.

I will also be doing a signing on Saturday, July 20, from 11:00am to noon, in the official autograph area. That one is for Bantam.

Working on two more signings: one for Avatar Comics, which will be launching their new comic of THE SKIN TRADE (based on my novella, scripted by Daniel Abraham) at the con, and one with the marvelous Gary Gianni, the artist for the 2014 ICE & FIRE calendar, which will debut in San Diego. Details on those when I have 'em.

I am not on any panels besides the one for GAME OF THRONES, nor will I be doing any readings (come to worldcon for that), but there should be plenty of chances for anyone who wants me to deface their books, maps, games, videotapes, or body parts with my illegible scrawl. But PLEASE, if you want my autograph, come to one of these four signings. Don't stop me in the hotel lobby or on the street or in a restaurant when I am trying to have dinner.


I now have the details on another of my signings, so I thought I would add them here.

On Thursday, 2:00 – 3:00 pm, I will be signing copies of the 2014 ICE & FIRE CALENDAR, together with the amazing Gary Gianni, the artist. The signing will take place at Gary's booth, Booth #4902/ 4904 on the convention floor. First come first served, as usual… Gary has only 150 copies of the calendar, and I can only be there for an hour. Though this is a signing for the CALENDAR, not my books, I will autograph ONE (1) book for anyone who buys a copy of the calendar. As in other recent events, I will be doing only signatures, no inscriptions. Sorry, I'd love to, but time does not allow. Gary may or may not be doing inscriptions, don't know, that's his call.

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Dany and the Dragons

July 8, 2013 at 3:38 pm
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What's that, you ask? Dany and the Dragons? A forgotten rock group of the doo-wop era?

NO! It's a special variant cover for issue #15 of the GAME OF THRONES comic, available only (or so we are told) at the San Diego Comicon, as a comicon exclusive.

This special alternate cover was requested and commissioned by our friends at Mile High Comics, in cooperation with Dynamite Comics. It is my understanding that it will be available only at the Mile High booth. (Though of course the same issue, with the regular cover, will be available from numerous dealers at the con).

The artist is Fritz Casa.


((Before you all start posting messages and sending emails… yes, we're well aware that the scene depicted does not actually occur in this issue. In fact, Dany's dragons have not even hatched yet in the comics, that's a good ten issues in the future. And even when they do hatch, the dragons won't be that big until, oh, STORM OF SWORDS or so. [A couple of other things here are also bigger than I'd envisioned]. No need to point all this out. My editors and I pointed it all out already to Dynamite and Mile High, but this is the cover they wanted. Artistic License, and all. The Mike S. Miller cover, with a completely different scene, will also continue to be available.))

I am told that Dynamite printed 1500 copies of these for Mile High… but with 150,000 fans at comicon, there's no telling how long they will last. So if you want to snag one, I'd advise you to hit the Mile High booth early.

(Yes, that's Froggy. No, there's no casting clue in this post. I just missed the lil' guy. Hiya, kids, hiya, hiya.

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