Things are pretty hectic here. A million things to do, and in less than a week, I will be headed off Down Under.
Details of my tour have been available for ages on the Appearances page of my website, but I know that some of you never visit my website (bad on you), so in the hopes of avoiding the "why don't you ever visit X" emails that inevitably seem to turn up whenever I've just gotten back from X, let me hit the highlights here for all my fans and Not A Blog readers in Australia (and New Zealand):
First stop will be Brisbane, where I will be appearing at the SUPANOVA convention, November 8 – 10. I will be doing signings, panels, signings, Q&As, signings, maybe a reading, signings, interviews, and signings. It's a big big convention with lots of cool guests, so I'll be joined at some of these events by Lena Headey (Queen Cersei), Mark Addy (King Robert), and Jerome Flynn (Bronn) from HBO's GAME OF THRONES, along with stars from TRUE BLOOD, SPARTACUS, and many other actors and writers.
Then on to Sydney. On November 11, I will be speaking at the Sydney Opera House. I'm informed that Lena will be on hand as well, along with Michelle Fairley (Lady Catelyn). This will be an interview and Q&A, I believe. I promise not to attempt to sing opera. ('Kill the wabbit! Kill the waaaaabit').
On Wednesday, November 13, I will be in Melbourne, appearing that evening for a similiar event at the Wheeler Centre. The sponsors tell me that Michelle will be on hand for that one as well.
Afterwards it's on to Adelaide, and another SUPANOVA, November 15-17. As with Brisbane, there will be a full lineup of signings, panels, interviews, and other events. Mark Addy, Jerome Flynn, and Lena Headey are supposed to join me for that one as well.
For my fans elsewhere in Australia… I am sorry, but no, I am NOT appearing in Darwin, Townsville, Cairns, Canberra, Hobart, Alice Springs, Perth, Kangaroo Island, or any of the other cool towns and cities in your lovely country. If you want to see me, hear me, or get your book defaced, you will need to travel to Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, or Adelaide. You can find my details, and links to the SUPANOVA webpage and other events, on the Appearances page of my website, so get yourself hither if you'd like to buy tickets. Some of these events may sell out. Some may be sold out already.
Last stop on the trip will be New Zealand. Or, rather, Wellington, where I am scheduled to do a signing at Whitcoulls booksellers at 12:30 on Friday, November 22. That will be my only public appearance in NZ; the rest of our time there will be private.
Parris and I love Australia and New Zealand and have lots of friends there, so we're looking forward eagerly to returning. (Though I do rather wish it wasn't coming up so fast, I have so much else to do).
See you Down Under.
Current Mood: null