And who is Pablito, I hear you asking?
He’s a dragon. A friendly purple dragon who lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
And he’s also the hero of SANTA’S DRAGON, a lovely new children’s book by Douglas Preston, the New York Times bestselling author of numerous mysteries and thrillers, including (with Lincoln Child) the Agent Pendergast series, the latest installment of which just debuted at #1 on the Times list. This is Doug’s first children’s book.
His partner is this endeavor is the amazing Raya Golden, whose illustrations were last seen in the STARPORT graphic novel and before that in the Hugo-nominated MEATHOUSE MAN, both adapated from my work.
SANTA’S DRAGON will be going on sale for the first time on Saturday, November 6, at Beastly Books at 418 Montezuma Street in Santa Fe. Raya and Douglas will both be on hand from 1:00 to 3:00 pm to meet you and sign your copies. And for those who cannot make it, signed copies will of course be available afterward from Da Beast, via mail order.

If you’re in the neighborhood, do come by next Saturday to find out how Pablito helped Santa save Christmas for all the children of New Mexico. And bring the kids!
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