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More Hugo Musings

December 14, 2015 at 11:31 pm
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Speaking of awards, nominations for the 2016 Hugo Awards will be opening soon… so maybe I should post a few more thoughts about some works I think worthy of consideration.

I talked about the two Dramatic Presentation categories in previous posts, and also mentioned NEMESIS GAMES by James S.A. Corey as a possible contender in Best Novel. Tonight I want to draw your attention to a couple of possibilities for Best Related Work.

Now, I will freely admit that Best Related Work is not my favorite Hugo category. It is kind of a grab bag category, the place fandom puts stuff that it likes that doesn’t fit anywhere else. Nobody really seems to have a clear idea what a “related work” is… but past nominees have included biographies, autobiographies, essays, critical works, encyclopedias, science books, graphic novels (before there was a graphic novel category), and other, stranger things.

This year, I think there a couple of strong ‘related works’ worthy of attention.

THE WHEEL OF TIME COMPANION was a mammoth concordance of facts about the universe and characters of the late Robert Jordan’s epic fantasy series, edited and assembled by Harriet McDougal, Alan Romanczuk, and Maria Simons. It’s a labor of love, and everything one could possibly want to know about Jordan’s universe is in there.

Robert Jordan was a giant in the history of modern fantasy, but during his lifetime he was never nominated for a Hugo, for a Nebula, for a World Fantasy Award (the entire WOT series was nominated at Loncon after his death, but lost). The COMPANION is worthy of consideration in its own right, I think… and a Hugo for Harriet, Jim’s widow and Jim’s editor, would be a splendid way to acknowledge his contribution to the genre he loved so much.

Biographies and memoirs have often contended and won in this category before: Jack Vance’s memoir was a recent winner, as was a brilliant biography of Alice Sheldon. The first volume of William Patterson’s Heinlein biography was nominated (though it lost).

This year we have something different: Felicia Day’s delightful look at her life, YOU’RE NEVER WEIRD ON THE INTERNET (Almost).

No, Felicia’s not an SF writer like Vance or Heinlein or Pohl… but she’s certainly an SF person, the queen of the geek girls, an actress, a gamer, a producer. Her whole life has been lived in and around the worlds of SF and fantasy, and her credits include EUREKA and THE GUILD and DR. HORRIBLE’S SING-ALONG BLOG and SUPERNATURAL and… Her book is a lot of fun, witty and wise and insightful… and besides, if she was nominated, maybe she’d come to Kansas City, and it would be a hoot and a half to have Felicia at MidAmericon.

So there you are. Two books to consider when nominating for Best Related Work. I am sure there’s other good stuff out there as well… let’s get some of it on the ballot this year.


December 14, 2015 at 4:06 pm
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Just a reminder… THE EXPANSE premieres tonight on the SyFy channel.

For those who came in late, this is the big new space series based on a terrific series of novels by James S.A. Corey, who is really my friends Daniel Abraham and Ty Franck in disguise.

I’ve seen the first two episodes, and they’re terrific.

But don’t take my word for it.

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If you like episode one tonight, you won’t have to wait long for episode two. SyFy plans to broadcast that one tomorrow night. Then you’ll be all caught up on what the fans at the Jean Cocteau Cinema saw December 3 at the Official Red Carpet Premiere (how could you miss it?)

Pinto Vortando says, “This is a very brave show. Pinto will be watching, and you should too.”

P.S> If you like the show, you will like the novels even better. And you can order signed copies of all five from the Jean Cocteau at

Jets Soar

December 13, 2015 at 4:32 pm
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Okay, not bad, not bad… the Jets won their third in a row this morning, by the convincing score of 30 – 8. Fitz was solid and efficient at QB, the running game was cooking (especially Chris Ivory), Brandon Marshall and Eric Decker had strong games at wideout, and the defense looked hellacious.

It is enough to give a boy hope.

Of course, it was against the Tennessee Titans, so one cannot read too much into it.

Speaking of the Jets… I never got around to posting about last week, and their overtime win over the Giants. Every four years I face a Sunday like this, when my two teams go head to head. (I hope someday to see them go head to head in a Subway Superbowl, but I am starting to think I will never live that long). When that happens, I basically just root for a good game with no injuries… well, unless one team is in contention and t’other ain’t.

Jets/ Giants 2015 was certainly an exciting game, and Gang Green gets props for hanging in when things looked dark… but, really, it was more a case of the Giants losing the game than the Jets winning in. The G-Men had a ten point lead in the fourth quarter, and managed to blow it… as they have in four or five other games this season. Sadly, the Giants D does not seem capable of holding a lead, and while the Giants O can certainly put up points, they don’t seem capable of running out the clock to close the deal when that’s what is required. They keep trying to pass when all that’s needed to win is some good runs to move the chains and eat the minutes.

It does boggle the mind to realize that the Giants could still win the NFC East (though I don’t think they will), even with all those fourth quarter collapses. Everybody in the division seems to suck this year. The East champion could well have a losing record. Maybe it will be the G-Men. We’ll see how they do against the Fish tomorrow night.

Meanwhile, the Jets are in strong contention for a wild card… but they need to beat the Cowboys on Saturday, since the last two games (against the Pats and Bills) will be tough.


Awards Season

December 11, 2015 at 3:34 pm
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Awards season is upon us.

The Golden Globe nominations have just been announced. And once again GAME OF THRONES is a finalist in Best Television Series – Drama. Congrats to David Benioff, Dan Weiss, HBO, and our amazing cast and crew. This year we are up against OUTLANDER, MR. ROBOT, NARCOS, and EMPIRE.

Will we win? Maybe. We’ve been nominated before, but never won — but that was true of the Emmy Awards as well, until this year, so maybe this time will prove to be the charm in the Globes as well. Actually, none of the nominees in this category have ever won, so someone is going to be taking home a Globe for the first time. I’m glad to see OUTLANDER getting some recognition, after being snubbed by the Emmys; it’s a superb show. Never watched the other three, so it’s hard to say how they stack up.

Sad to say, none of our actors were nominated. Boo, hiss. Lena Headey deserved a nod for sure, and some of our other regulars as well.

For a full list of those who were, go to:

OUTLANDER did very well with noms for Tobias Menzies in Supporting Actor and Catrionia Balfe in Lead Actress, both well deserved… but the Hollywood Foreign Press should really have made it three by nominating Sam Heughan too. He was amazing as Jamie Frazier.

The film nominations were a mixed bag, in my opinion. Very pleased to see MAD MAX:FURY ROAD up for Best Drama, and Bryan Cranston nominated for his performance as Dalton Trumbo in TRUMBO… a superb film that deserves a lot more attention than it’s getting.

Also pleased to see the nominations for THE MARTIAN… but wait… THE MARTIAN is up for Best Comedy or Musical?????? Was that for Mark Watney’s toe-tapping rendition of “Get Me Home Before I Starve To Death?” Or maybe that ever popular musical number, “Growing Potatoes in Poop, Heigh Ho?” I mean, c’mon guys, a nomination is a nomination, but…

Meanwhile, on other fronts, the Writers Guild of America also announced their screenwriting nominations. GAME OF THRONES is up twice. David Benioff and Dan Weiss and Bryan Cogman and Dave Hill are up collectively as a writing staff, up against the writing staffs of MR. ROBOT, MAD MEN, BETTER CALL SAUL, and THE AMERICANS.

David and Dan are also nominated for best single episode for “Mother’s Mercy,” competing with episodes of NARCOS, THE LEFTOVERS, THE GOOD WIFE, MAD MEN, and BETTER CALL SAUL. For a complete list of finalists, go to:

Finally, we also have acting nominations from the Screen Actors Guild, which can be found here:

SAG gave GOT three nods: Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Drama, Outstanding Action Performance by a Stunt Ensemble… and Peter Dinklage for Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Drama.

My congratulations to everyone who was nominated. You deserved it! And my condolences to all those who were not. You were robbed!

Signed Books For Xmas

December 7, 2015 at 4:49 pm
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December 7. Pearl Harbor Day. The Day That Will Live in Infamy.

Also… getting closer and closer to the last day you can order signed books from the Jean Cocteau Cinema and have any hope of getting there in time to pretend they came from Santa Claus.

We’ve uploaded lots of cool new selections to the Signed Books page, from our recent events.

Like Neal Stephenson’s visit, for instance.

And many more.

For all you WHEEL OF TIME fans out there, we also have hardcovers of the new WHEEL OF TIME COMPANION signed by all the authors.

And of course, from last week’s EXPANSE premiere, we have the complete set of Expanse novels by James S.A. Corey, suitably defaced by both Ty Frank and Daniel Abraham.

Lots more titles too, including some by the Martin guy.

Check them all out at

Big Ass Spider

December 7, 2015 at 12:03 pm
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No, not the movie (we showed that at the Cocteau when it was first released).

I am talking a REAL big ass spider, which has newly taken up residence in the parking lot of the former Silva Lanes, just off Rufina, outside what will soon be Meow Wolf’s amazing art space.

That’s my friend and euro-minion Jo standing underneath TaranTula, for a sense of scale.

The Silva Lanes/ Meow Wolf complex is still an active construction site, so you can’t get too close… but the spider, and her friend the giant robot, are visible from the street, so do swing by and take a look if you’re in the neighborhood.

Construction continues apace. No opening date set yet, but Meow Wolf is now talking February. I had the pleasure of taking some of the producers from THE EXPANSE through the exhibit last week, and they were as blown away as I am every time I see the site anew. Whenever it finally opens, it ought to be amazing.

You can learn more about the project and even buy a lifetime membership direct from Meow Wolf at

Meantime, ‘ware the iron spider.


The Iron Giant Is Coming

December 6, 2015 at 5:21 pm
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We’re going to have a special guest at the Jean Cocteau next week.

A big BIG guest: the Iron Giant himself.

Yes indeed. Starting on Friday, December 11, for one week only, we will be screening the newly restored and remastered “signature edition” of Brad Bird’s animated classic, THE IRON GIANT.

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If you haven’t seen THE IRON GIANT… or even if you have… you don’t want to miss this. If you’ve only seen it on the small screen at home, you don’t want to miss this. And even if you’ve seen the movie in a theatre, you don’t want to miss this, since the signature editions includes some new scenes never before shown.

In honor of the occasion, the Iron Giant his own self will be on hand to say hi. You don’t want to miss him either. Come see the movie, and have your picture taken with the Giant. Advance tickets can be reserved at the JCC website.

More Hugo Thoughts

December 5, 2015 at 12:59 pm
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Continuing the conversation I began in my Not A Post of November 2…

Last time I talked about some possible nominees for Dramatic Presentation, Long Form. This time I want to focus on Dramatic Presentation, Short Form. In other words, best television episode. (No, not officially, but that’s what it usually comes down to, and let’s ignore the silliness of nominating an Easter Egg or an acceptance speech from the previous year’s Hugos).

I was no fan of the efforts of Puppies to game the Hugo Awards last year. I don’t think I have been shy in my opinions on that subject. But I will give the Puppies this much — their efforts did break the decade-long hold that Dr. Who fandom had on the nominations in this category. I have no problem with episodes of DR. WHO being nominated, and indeed winning, mind you… and the Doctor has won plenty of times in this category over the past decade… but when four of the six finalists are from the same category, that strikes me as way unbalanced and, well, greedy. The Doctor’s fans love their show, I know, but there is a LOT of great SF and fantasy on the tube right now. Nominate DR. WHO, by all means… but leave some room for someone else, please.

(And yes, I would feel the same way if it was four episodes of GAME OF THRONES being nominated every year, rather than four episodes of DR. WHO).

Last year, for the first time in recent memory, we actually had five different series represented on the final ballot. In addition to GAME OF THRONES and DR. WHO, the two shows that had dominated the previous three years, we also had ORPHAN BLACK (the eventual winner), plus episodes of THE FLASH and GRIMM. The Puppies had something to do with that, I can’t deny that. Nonetheless, I do think it was a healthy development. I hope we have five different series represented this year as well… though maybe not the same five.

There’s a lot to choose from, actually. Yes, DR. WHO. No way to keep the Doctor off the ballot. Yes, GAME OF THRONES. I am only human, so I do hope we contend again… I’d favor “Hardhome” myself, but “Mother’s Mercy,” with Cersei’s walk of shame, could be a strong choice as well. ORPHAN BLACK is the defending champion, and should get another nod as well.

THE FLASH? Maybe. But there’s also ARROW and GOTHAM and AGENTS OF SHIELD for the comic book fans out there (I count myself as one of those), and now SUPERGIRL as well.

GRIMM was nominated last year, and is still going strong. And there’s ONCE UPON A TIME as well. That one has never gotten a nod.

However, looking beyond previous nominees, there are lots of shows out there that might be due for a bit of Hugo love. Start with the zombie triad: the very grim WALKING DEAD, the very tongue-in-cheek Z NATION, plus I, ZOMBIE. The undead are well represented.

And for horror fans, there’s also AMERICAN HORROR STORY. A perennial Emmy contender, yet it never seems to get any notice at Hugo time.

I love scary stories myself, count myself a fan of Lovecraft and Poe and Stephen King, so I’ve sampled and enjoyed most of these shows. The one I like better than any of them, though? PENNY DREADFUL. That’s the one I’ll be including on my own Hugo ballot.

I am tempted to mention THE LAST KINGDOM as well… but as much as I love it, it really isn’t eligible. A terrific show, one you should all be watching, but it’s straight historical fiction, with no fantasy elements.

However, I will mention another show that might otherwise be overlooked: OUTLANDER. Yes, it is a historical. Yes, it is a romance. But it is also a science fiction show. TIME TRAVEL, remember? Plus, it’s just flat out terrific. Great production values, first rate writing and directing, and some amazing acting… all three of the leads gave performances worthy of Emmy nods this past year, though the Academy overlooked them. I hope that fandom doesn’t make the same mistake.

Let’s spread the love. Lots of people are doing good work in television right now, and deserve some recognition. Five nominations, five different series, that’s my hope. When the time comes to make your nominations, look beyond the usual suspects.

Out in the Belt

December 4, 2015 at 3:44 pm
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We had a great time at the Jean Cocteau yesterday. Our world premiere of THE EXPANSE was terrific fun for all concerned, I think. We screened the first two episodes of the series (joined seamlessly into one long two-hour film), once for the cast, crew, and VIPs, and once for the general public… and my, but the show looked great on our big medium-sized screen. We also had a signing and Q&A with Jimmy Corey, aka Ty Franck and Daniel Abraham, followed by a kickass party.

Everyone seemed to have a swell time… especially those, like me, who had not seen the show before (though of course I have read all the books). Terrific performances and fine writing. This is the show that fandom has been waiting for since FIREFLY and BATTLESTAR GALACTICA left the air… a real kickass spaceship show, done right.

Admittedly, a December debut is a little late in the year for awards buzz, but if the word gets around fast enough, I think you can add THE EXPANSE to the list of shows that could (and in this case, should) compete for a Hugo nomination in Best Dramatic Presentation, Short Form.

My thanks to Ty and Daniel and the good folks at Alcon Television for making this happen, and to David Sidebottom, Jenni Higginbotham, Jon Bowman, and the rest of my amazing JCC staff for making the event such a smashing success.

For all of you who could not make it… be sure to catch THE EXPANSE when it debuts on December 14.

Speaking of THE EXPANSE…

December 2, 2015 at 1:29 pm
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As Ogre Jenni details below, we will be hosting the world premiere of SyFy’s new EXPANSE series tomorrow at the JCC, screening the first two episodes on our big medium-sized screen. First fifty people to attend the 4pm booksigning will get tickets for the 8:30 screening; the rest of the tix will be available on first come, first seated basis.

However, it’s the latest Expanse novel that I want to talk about here.

NEMESIS GAMES is just terrific.

This is definitely one to keep in mind when filling out your Hugo ballot this year. The first of the Expanse series, LEVIATHAN WAKES, was a Hugo nominee (and loser) back in 2012. Subsequent volumes have not made the ballot. This one should. I don’t know if it will be the best SF novel published in 2015 (I still have a lot of novels to read), but I can’t imagine that it won’t be one of the top five. Fans of space opera, of classic old school SF done really well, of great can’t-put-it-down storytelling, should love this one, I’d think. Fans of military SF as well; the Expanse books have all the excitement of the best military SF along with a lot more. Two-headed Jimmy Corey has created a detailed, vivid, well-imagined, lived-in world, peopled it with a great cast of characters, and here welded all that to a page-turning plot that takes us places I never imagined they could go.

Those of you who live near enough, come to the JCC tomorrow and get Jimmy to sign your books and catch the EXPANSE premiere.

Those who don’t… go out and grab NEMESIS GAMES. It’s a hell of ride.