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Screening of ‘The Forest’ and an exclusive Skype Q&A with Natalie Dormer

January 10, 2016 at 1:42 pm
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/>Music: Wailing and Screaming
Hello from Ogre Jenni! I am not George R.R. Martin. Not even close. Believe me, I’m just as sad about this as you are!

And I'm sorry.

On Saturday, January 16th the Jean Cocteau will screen Natalie Dormer’s latest film, The Forest. Following the film screening, we will meet up with Natalie via Skype for an exclusive Q&A with this talented and incredibly charismatic actress. That’s right—audience members get to ask her any question they want! Within reason…don’t get too weird.

Dormer is well known for her roles in Game of Thrones (Margaery Tyrell), The Tudors (Anne Boleyn), The Hunger Games (Cressida), and more. She gets ALL the amazing costumes!

The Forest is a supernatural horror film about a woman whose identical twin sister has mysteriously vanished. While investigating her sister’s disappearance, she receives a cryptic phone call suggesting that her twin entered Japan’s notorious (and very real) Suicide Forest at the base of Mt. Fuji. She hurriedly travels to Japan, and despite several warnings enters the dangerous and bewildering woods. She soon discovers her sister’s abandoned tent—along with a host of malicious spirits.

Which really shouldn’t come as a surprise. C’mon, it’s clearly haunted as all hell.

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As the forest’s macabre moniker plainly suggests, this place is a well-known destination for suicides—especially by businessmen at the end of the fiscal year. The only location in the world with a higher suicide rate is the Golden Gate Bridge. How’s that for depressing?

Many people in Japan believe that the numerous suicides have created a terrible supernatural force that permeates the trees and generates a ghastly array of paranormal phenomenon. There are also ancient beliefs and traditions surrounding the forest, including the practice of “ubasute,” which involves leading an elderly or sick person to a remote place to die of exposure, thirst, starvation, or animal attacks.


And on that note—if you live near Santa Fe or are just visiting our lovely city, drop by the Cocteau!

*If you are suicidal, please seek professional help or call a suicide prevention hotline. Your life is well worth saving, and we don’t need more spooky ghosts flying around.


January 8, 2016 at 5:49 pm
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Snow, snow, snow.

I told you guys that winter was coming.

Santa Fe is getting socked in.

KotSK Limited Edition from Subterranean Press

January 7, 2016 at 12:11 am
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Minion Raya here, reaching out to let everyone know a little about Subterranean Press's limited edition of The Knight of the Seven Kingdoms collection.  Bound in an oversized hard cover limited edition and lavishly illustrated by the talented Gary Gianni.

Some of the proposed features of this stunning edtion are:

* The Full color endsheet as a wraparound dust jacket;
* A completely new set of endsheets;
* 8-10 of the full-page interior illustrations featured in color;

Visit the link below to preorder:


There are only 750 numbered hardcovers available and the special lettered edition is already sold out,
so get one while you still can.

This message has been brought to you by the Minions of Fevre River  đź™‚

Say It Ain’t So, Coach

January 4, 2016 at 2:59 pm
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Tom Coughlin announced today that he is stepping down as head coach of the New York Giants.

That makes me very sad.

Coughlin has been coaching the G-Men for twelve seasons, the longest tenure since Steve Owens back in the jurassic age of professional football. He’s compiled a winning record, and has led Big Blue to two Superbowls, winning them both. He helped shape Eli Manning into one of the best QBs in the NFL.

Yes, the Giants have missed the playoffs for four years. And this year was dreadful.

But I put most of the blame for that on the Giants front office, not Coughlin. The team had terrible luck with injuries this year — I believe the Giants ended the season with more players on IR than any other team — but even aside from that, the talent just wasn’t there. Look at the Minnesota game. With Odell Beckham Junior suspended, it became blindingly obvious that the Giants had no other receivers who could actually catch Eli’s passes. And the defense… oh, don’t get me started on the defense. Worst in the NFL?!?

Coughlin’s fault? No. Truth be told, no coach could have won with the roster he had this year. Not Evil Little Bill. Not Parcells. Not Don Shula, not Chuck Noll, not Tom Landry. Not even the sainted Vince Lombardi.

I wish Tom Coughlin well. He was a great coach and he had a great run, and he should leave with his head held high.

I have no idea who the G-Men can possibly bring in to replace him. He’s going to be a hard act to follow.


I Hate Football

January 3, 2016 at 4:46 pm
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Nothing like starting off a new year with two agonizing fourth quarter losses.

Giants lost to the Eagles. It might have been Tom Coughlin’s last game as coach. I really thought the G-Men would rise up and win one for Tom, but noooooo. If TC does go, I hope the new coach makes it a priority to get a defense. For a franchise that has built its storied rep on D, having the worst defense in the NFL is a disgrace.

And the Jets, well, all they had to do was beat the Bills to get into the playoffs. But of course they lost too, also in devastating fashion, so now they are out. It was a better season that anyone could have expected under our new GM and new coach, but of course when the game REALLY REALLY COUNTED, the Jets came up short, the way they always do.


Yes, I know, the playoffs are coming… but with both my teams out, my interest is minimal. I want the Pats to lose, of course. Elsewise I don’t much care.

Time to start looking forward to the NFL Draft.

((ONLY football talk in comments, please. Off topic comments will be deleted)).



January 2, 2016 at 10:36 pm
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The outpouring of support in response to my post on THE WINDS OF WINTER has been astonishing.

Thank you all, so very much.

There were forty pages of screened comments on the post by the time I logged on this morning. I haven’t even been able to read half of them as yet. So if I haven’t unscreened yours yet, be patient. (My loyal minions often do much of that for me, but they all have off right now for the New Year holiday).

I am going to close comments on this post, lest I have even more messages to deal with.

But I cannot tell you how much I appreciate all the kind words and good wishes.

Last Year (Winds of Winter)

January 2, 2016 at 12:24 am
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Just consider. Mago, Irri, Rakharo, Xaro Xhoan Daxos, Pyat Pree, Pyp, Grenn, Ser Barristan Selmy, Queen Selyse, Princess Shireen, Princess Myrcella, Mance Rayder, and King Stannis are all dead in the show, alive in the books. Some of them will die in the books as well, yes… but not all of them, and some may die at different times in different ways. Balon Greyjoy, on the flip side, is dead in the books, alive on the show. His brothers Euron Crow’s Eye and Victarion have not yet been introduced (will they appear? I ain’t saying). Meanwhile Jhiqui, Aggo, Jhogo, Jeyne Poole, Dalla (and her child) and her sister Val, Princess Arianne Martell, Prince Quentyn Martell, Willas Tyrell, Ser Garlan the Gallant, Lord Wyman Manderly, the Shavepate, the Green Grace, Brown Ben Plumm, the Tattered Prince, Pretty Meris, Bloodbeard, Griff and Young Griff, and many more have never been part of the show, yet remain characters in the books. Several are viewpoint characters, and even those who are not may have significant roles in the story to come in THE WINDS OF WINTER and A DREAM OF SPRING.

GAME OF THRONES is the most popular television series in the world right now. The most pirated as well. It just won a record number of Emmy Awards, including the ultimate prize, for the best drama on television. It’s an incredible production with an incredible cast and crew.

WINDS OF WINTER should be pretty good too, when it comes out. As good as I can make it, anyway.

Which is a long way of saying, “How may children did Scarlett O’Hara have?”

Enjoy the show. Enjoy the books.

Meanwhile, I’ll keep writing. Chapter at a time. Page at a time. Word at a time. That’s all I know how to do.

((And yes, this is my final Cliff’s Note for the day. You can all go to bed now)).

Last Year (Writing, Editing, Producing)

January 1, 2016 at 7:13 pm
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I do other things besides A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE.

Nothing new about that. Since the very start of my career, in the early 1970s, I’ve always tried to keep several balls in the air. Sometimes one will plunk you in the head, to be sure, but it keeps life from getting dull.

My editing wound down a little in 2015. As much as I would like to do some more anthologies like ROGUES and OLD VENUS with Gardner Dozois, they were taking more of my time than I was comfortable with, given my other commitments. So Gardner is going on ahead solo with several exciting new anthology projects, but our team titles will need to wait. Apologies to all of you who were waiting for OLD URANUS.

Wild Cards is another matter. Wild Cards is in my blood, and I plan to continue with those books as long as someone will keep buying them. (And I desperately want to write more Wild Cards stories of my own, instead of just editing, but I don’t have time for that either). We delivered HIGH STAKES last year — the copyedited manuscript is on my desk as I type, waiting to be reviewed — and have signed with Tor for three more originals. Meanwhile, the reissues continue, and foreign publishers are picking up the series all over the world. We also have three Wild Cards graphic novels in the pipeline. Originals, not adaptations. The scripts are in — one from Carrie Vaughn, one from Melinda M. Snodgrass, one from the team of Kevin Andrew Murphy and John Jos. Miller — and the artists are hard at work on the pencils. They should be something.

Meanwhile, on the Hollywood front, I have three shows in various stages of development under the aegis of my overall deal with HBO. There’s CAPTAIN COSMOS for HBO (scripted by Michael Cassutt), there’s SKIN TRADE for Cinemax (to be scripted by Kalinda Vasquez), and there’s a third project in the very early stages that I am not allowed to talk about yet. There’s also WILD CARDS, but that’s at a different studio and I am not involved with it, except to license rights, sign the check, and distribute funds to my writers. Oh, and on the movie side, we seem to be moving toward production on IN THE LOST LANDS, an adaptation of three of my old stories.

Last year I also formed Kill Van Kull Productions, to develop and produce a series of low budget short films (twenty to thirty minutes long) of some classic SF short stories. Can’t say any more than that just now, but I will keep you posted as plans proceed.

I also turned down several interesting and potentially lucrative projects, on both the publishing and television/ film sides. Some of it was stuff I would love to do, but there’s just not enough time. I like to juggle, but you do need to keep the number of balls down.

So… plenty on my plate. Keep your fingers crossed, though, especially for the television and film projects. In Hollywood, nothing is ever real till shooting starts, and sometimes not even then. Remember William Goldman’s wisdom: nobody knows anything.

Last Year (Travel and Conventions)

January 1, 2016 at 6:19 pm
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I did a lot of travelling last year. Probably too much. You don’t have to chide me about that. I know, believe me, I know. I am trying to cut down on travel this year and in subsequent years, at least until Ice & Fire is done.

But it’s a struggle. I love travel — not the flying, but being there, seeing other parts of the world, meeting my readers. As a kid, I never went anywhere at all except in my imagination, so now, when I have the means, travel is hard to resist. It’s a big wonderful world.

Also, I am not getting any younger (some of you love to remind me of that). Travel is fun, but it can also be taxing. I am all too aware that if I don’t take some of these trips now, age and health may preclude my ever taking them. Who knows what awaits me (or you, or you, or you) five years or ten years down the road?

Some of the travel I did in 2015 was for business, or to attend conventions that I had committed to two, three, four, even five years ago. Other travel was more spontaneous. A nephew’s wedding. An invitation to the SuperBowl. The last Grateful Dead concerts. People keep making me offers I cannot refuse… and not just Don Corleone…

Anyway… I travelled, and mostly I am glad I did… I wrote a couple of pages about my various trips and conventions in the Lost Post, and included plenty of pictures. I am not going to bother redoing any of that. I fear that only a few of you are interested in my travels. Many would rather I never ever got up from my computer.

So no rehash of the rehash.

I will say that I had a great time in San Francisco at the GAME OF THRONES premiere parties, that ConQuest in KC was something special, and that my summer trip to Germany, Sweden, and Finland was one I will long remember and cherish. Stockholm is a gorgeous city that I want to see again, and I had a fantastic time in Hamburg hanging with the beautiful and talented Sibel Kekilli, her guy Andreas, and my old agent and friend Werner Fuchs. The con was fun too; Finnish fans are tops, and I look forward to Helsinki in two years.

As for worldcon… I have been going to worldcons since 1971, it is always one of the highlights of my year, and Sasquan was no different, despite the whole state seemingly being on fire, and the tensions created by the Recent Unpleasantness With Young Dogs. The Hugo Awards were… ah… a mixed bag, but I was pleased to reclaim my Hugo Losers Party. We kicked ass there, yes we did, and I’m only sorry Gardner Dozois was not with us in Spokane to be part of it.

Travel and cons. ‘Nuff said.

Last Year (Santa Fe)

January 1, 2016 at 5:43 pm
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My Lost Post also contained some reports on the other projects I’m involved with here in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Biggest one is Meow Wolf’s ongoing transformation of the Silva Lanes, a derelict bowling alley, into a fantastic interactive art exhibit called the House of Eternal Return. I bought the bowling alley last January, and construction has been ongoing ever since. Of course, we’re behind schedule. Originally hoped to open in September. Then November. Then January.

Now it’s March, but March is looking solid. And really, boys and girls, if you pass through New Mexico any time this century, you will really want to stop and visit the House of Eternal Return. It’s like nothing you’ve ever seen before. Besides, we have a giant robot and a giant spider in the parking lot.

Rather than recap, let me just link to all my previous blog posts about Meow Wolf. That should catch everyone up well enough.

Besides Silva Lanes, my other ongoing project is Dragonstone Studios, the former Desert Academy prep school that we’ve been converting to artist studios and offices. Work is still ongoing there (and way behind schedule, like everything else I am connected with, it seems), and there’s less to say since this is not intended for the public… but the building has been filling up nicely with artists, a real creative community seems to be developing, and I’m stoked.

There’s also some cool stuff going on down in Candy Kitchen, New Mexico at the Wild Spirit Wolf Sanctuary. But more on that in the future, when the work is done.

And there’s something else… but no, can’t talk about that one yet…

I love Santa Fe, and it pleases me no end that I am able to given something back to the community that has nurtured me since 1979.