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Jean Cocteau Cinema Presents: Q&A and Book Signing with Tony DiTerlizzi #GrrMinion

February 24, 2016 at 12:18 pm
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Ogre Jenni speaking! I am one of George's minions who helps out at Jean Cocteau Cinema.

This February and March we celebrate the incredible work of Tony DiTerlizzi, illustrator and co-creator of The Spiderwick Chronicles!

On Tuesday, March 1st at 4:00 p.m. (Mountain Standard Time), we will feature a special screening of the 2008 film adaptation of The Spiderwick Chronicles (PG). Afterward at 6:30 p.m (MST), we have the privilege of welcoming DiTerlizzi to our cinema for a Q&A and book signing! Tickets are $10 for event admission only, or $35 for event admission and a copy of Arthur Spiderwick's Field Guide. If you can't make it to Santa Fe, make sure to check out Jean Cocteau Cinema's Periscope feed at 6:30 p.m. (MST) on March 1st to watch the event live!

The Jean Cocteau Cinema Gallery currently showcases a selection of DiTerlizzi’s original illustrations and giclee prints, which are available for purchase. For inquiries about art sales, like us and send us message us on Facebook! We will happily send you a packet with some information, but please give us at least 24 hours to respond.

In addition, signed copies of The Spiderwick Chronicles, and several other books featuring DiTerlizzi’s award-winning illustrations, will be available for purchase at our online bookstore on March 4th.

See you at the Cocteau!

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See You In Roanoke

February 22, 2016 at 12:53 pm
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Next weekend I will be heading off to MystiCon, in Roanoke, Virginia, where I’ll be a Guest of Honor. A new con for me, and a new part of the country (it’s been on my schedule since 2013).

They have a website at with a list of all the other guests — but, alas, it says there that they are sold out, so if you’re not signed up, you may be out of luck.

I am looking forward to spending some time with old friends there, and to making some new ones.

Truth be told, I need a good con just about now. I am tired and I am stressed, and I am so so so sick of the toxic rancor that more and more seems to characterize the internet.

So… let’s raise a few glasses and have a few laughs at MystiCon, and try to remember why we love science fiction, fandom, and each other.

What They Edited, the Third

February 20, 2016 at 7:55 pm
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Returning once more to the Hugo Awards…

In my original post about Best Editor (Long Form), I mentioned the names of a number of very gifted and hard-working editors deserving (IMNSHO, of course) of nomination. Some of the fans commenting on that post, both here and over on FILE 770, said they could not possibly vote for any of them — or for any editor, actually — without knowing what titles each of them had edited during the awards year.

So I asked them.

Some have replied. Downstream of this, you’ll find a list of the books edited last year by Anne Lesley Groell of Bantam Specta, Diana Pho of Tor, and Jane Johnson of HarperCollins Voyager. And today I have a response from an editor who was NOT mentioned in my original post, but should have been: JOE MONTI of Saga Press.

Saga, for those who do not follow the ins and outs of publishing closely, is the new science fiction imprint of Simon & Schuster/ Pocket Books. S&S, of course, is one of publishing’s Big Five, a major major house with a long and storied history, but they have not had much presence in our genre since David G. Hartwell’s prestigious Timescape imprint folded a few decades back. The return of S&S to SF was one of the big publishing stories of recent years, and a very good thing for our field. It says a lot for Joe Monti’s skills that he was the guy S&S chose to launch Saga and go head to head with Tor, Bantam Spectra, Del Rey, DAW, Baen, and the other long-established SF imprints.

And so far, I think, he’s done a hell of a job. But you can judge that for yourself. When I wrote Joe and asked what books he’d edited last year, he replied:

“As for this, I sat on it a bit as I wasn’t sure if I deserved to be mentioned, but I will play along… I edited and acquired a lot in my inaugural year for Saga Press! I really was scrambling to present a full list, along with my fellow editorial conspirator Navah Wolfe, to showcase the kind of books I hope to publish and a sense of my tastes.

“One author I snapped up in a pre-empt in my first days: The great Ken Liu. Some were through previous relationships I had as an agent, a friend, others were just serendipity like The Gospel of Loki and Lagoon, which I saw on publisher rights list and ran screaming after. They are, in loose order of publication:

The Darkside War by the enigmatic Zachary Brown
The Grace of Kings by Ken Liu
The Gospel of Loki by Joanne M. Harris
Cold Iron by Stina Leicht
Lagoon by Nnedi Okorafor
Loosed Upon the World: the Saga Anthology of Climate Fiction, edited by John Joseph Adams
The Red by Linda Nagata
The War Against the Assholes by Sam Munson
The Trials by Linda Nagata (The Red trilogy #2)
Silver on the Road by Laura Anne Gilman
Going Dark by Linda Nagata (The Red trilogy #3)

I also reissued a few excellent books that were previously at other publishers:
Chuck Wendig’s first three Miriam Black novels: Blackbirds, Mockingbird, and The Cormorant (Setting up for books 4, 5, & 6 starting in 2017)
Six-Gun Snow White by Catherynne M. Valente
The November Criminals by Sam Munson

And then I repackaged a few great books from the S&S lists for adult SFF readers:
The Harper Hall trilogy by Anne McCaffrey: Dragonsong, Dragonsinger and Dragondrums; all with new introductions by Tamora Pierce, Naomi Novik and Brandon Sanderson (respectfully)

The Sea of Trolls trilogy by Nancy Farmer: The Sea of Trolls, The Islands of the Blessed, The Land of Silver Apples

The Curse Workers trilogy by Holly Black: White Cat, Red Glove, Black Heart.

PHEW! I am really proud of that list, as they contain a few debuts and all of them reflect authors… stretching their… skills… I really feel lucky to be in my dream job after all this time. That’s why I got the Saga colophon tattoo!”

So there’s another name to consider when you are making those Hugo nominations.

We have a wealth of choices in Best Editor (Long Form) this year. Good editors, who would make worthy winners. Regardless of what the slates chose to do, my own hope is that one of them gets to claim a rocket in Kansas City, to thunderous applause.

Here Come Hap & Leonard

February 19, 2016 at 1:24 pm
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Fresh off last night’s terrific COLONY showcase, the Jean Cocteau Cinema is setting up to do it again next Tuesday, when Joe R. Lansdale His Own Self returns to Santa Fe to premiere the pilot episode of his new television series HAP & LEONARD, from Sundance.

Joe is an amazingly prolific author (I hates him, I hates him), turning out wonderful books in a whole range of genres: science fiction, horror, historical, and mystery, just for a start. If you haven’t read his stuff, you don’t know what you’re missing. The Sage of Nachodoches, Texas, he has a unique voice; nothing reads like a Lansdale story.

His Hap & Leonard novels are among my favorites, and it is great to see them coming to the small screen (in your homes) and the big (well, medium sized) one at the JCC. The cast is pretty amazing too: Marc Antony as Hap and Omar as Leonard, how do you beat that? (James Purefoy and Michael K. Williams, for those not up on their HBO series).

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Joe will also be signing books, of course. (We have a good selection of autographed Lansdale titles available from the JCC online bookstore right now at — but supplies are limited. But have no fear, we will be getting lots more in by Tuesday for Joe to scrawl in, including a bunch of Hap & Leonard novels).

As with all our TV premieres, admission is FREE. You still might want to call ahead to reserve tickets, though, since this one could easily sell out.

See you at the show!

Redcaps at the JCC

February 19, 2016 at 1:01 pm
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The Authority took control at the Jean Cocteau Cinema last night, when Ryan Condal and his team from Legendary, IGN, and USA turned up for a special showcase of USA’s new sf series COLONY. We showed episodes six and seven on our big (well, medium sized) screen, and afterward Ryan and I talked and fielded questions about COLONY, GAME OF THRONES, working in television, development hell, SIXTH GUN, and all manner of other things.

If you missed it, you should be able to find it on line somewhere. I know people were filming us. So… Twitter, Facebook, IGN, Periscope, one of those places. (What do I know about this Interweb thingie? I still tie messages to the legs of ravens).

It was a fun event, and everyone left with a signed COLONY poster and a red cap.

Our drink special… the Redcap, natch… was also pretty righteous. I had one, and I think I am still feeling the effects this morning.

Everyone seemed to enjoy the episodes as well… even though only three people in the crowd had seen the five episodes that preceded the ones we screened. If you haven’t caught COLONY yet, give it a try. Ryan and his team are doing a nice job.

Orphans For Sale – Cheap

February 17, 2016 at 3:41 pm
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For a limited time only, Brick Tower Press is offering ebooks of classic works by Alfred Bester, Roger Zelazny, and others for sale on a “pay what you want” basis.

They call it a “Humble Books Bundle,” and you can find it here:

I note it here because the offerings include two Wild Cards titles, DEUCES DOWN and DEATH DRAWS FIVE. These two volumes — books number sixteen and seventeen in the overall series, but essentially stand-alones — are almost impossible to find in their original print editions, as many fans have informed me over the years. When Byron Preiss’s company iBooks picked up the series, after a seven-year hiatus following the last Baen volumes, they reprinted a number of the original books, but also added these two originals. DEUCES DOWN was an anthology of original stories about deuces, wild carders with trivial and in some cases absurd superpowers. DEATH DRAWS FIVE was a solo novel by John Jos. Miller, featuring Carnifex, John Fortune, Fortunato, and introducing John Nighthawk and the Midnight Angel.

When Byron Preiss died in a tragic traffic accident in 2005, however, iBooks did not long survive him, tottering into bankruptcy a few months later. Brick Tower Press acquired all the remaining assets of iBooks, including inventory and contracts, in the bankruptcy proceedings. DEUCES DOWN and DEATH DRAWS FIVE were part of that, along with the Zelazny and Bester titles you see offered as part of the Humble Books Bundle.

The print-runs of the iBooks WC originals were never large, and the distribution was scattershot at best… especially for DEATH DRAWS FIVE, which was published only days before iBooks closed its doors for goods. Brick Tower did subsequently release trade paperback editions, but those were not widely distributed either.

So if you’re one of the numerous WC fans who has been searching for these two titles to complete his collection, here’s your chance… but best move quickly, since the offer will expire soon.

Signed Neil Gaiman Books Now Available #GrrMinion

February 16, 2016 at 12:49 pm
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Ogre Jenni speaks to you! I help out at Jean Cocteau Cinema (George’s beautiful theatre) in Santa Fe.

We just received 16 awesome titles by Neil Gaiman—which he graciously took the time to sign. These books are now available for purchase at

Our Neil Gaiman Titles:

Smoke & Mirrors: Short Fictions and Illusions
Trigger Warning
American Gods
The Graveyard Book Graphic Novel: Volume 1
Fortunately, the Milk
The Ocean at the End of the Lane: A Novel
Blueberry Girl
Good Omens (co-authored by Terry Pratchett)
Anansi Boys
Sandman Overture
Sandman Volume 4: Season of Mists
Sandman Volume 1: Preludes and Nocturnes
Odd and the Frost Giants

You can learn much more about Neil at his website!

There are limited quantities of each book, so make sure to order quickly! If you have an inquiry about international shipping, please email for a quote.


Jean Cocteau Cinema Hosts Free “Colony” Screening and Conversation with Ryan J. Condal #GrrMinion

February 15, 2016 at 5:55 pm
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Hello everyone! I am Ogre Jenni, and I work for George R.R. Martin’s beautiful theatre in Santa Fe, Jean Cocteau Cinema.

Thursday, February 18th at 7:00 PM, we will host two free episodes (Episodes 6 and 7) of USA’s highly-anticipated sci-fi drama, "Colony". Immediately following the TV show screenings, we will host a conversation between Ryan J. Condal, the show’s creator, and George R.R. Martin!

For participating audience members there will be exclusive "Colony" giveaways (awesome red berets) and vouchers for free concessions. All you lucky attendees have to do is post to your favorite social media platform using the hashtag #Colony.

Can’t make it to Santa Fe? Thursday’s conversation with Ryan and George will be streamed live on IGN's Periscope channel at 8:30 PM (Mountain Standard Time). You won't be able to watch the broadcast until 8:30 PM sharp, so keep an eye on your clocks! Here is the link for the Periscope broadcast:


From executive producers Carlton Cuse (“Lost”) and Ryan Condal (“Hercules”) comes USA’s highly-anticipated drama “Colony.” Set in the very near future, “Colony” centers on one family’s struggle to survive and bring liberty back to the people of an occupied Los Angeles.

SAG winner Josh Holloway (“Lost”) stars as former FBI agent Will Bowman and Satellite Award winner Sarah Wayne Callies (“The Walking Dead”) stars as his wife, Katie, in the series which takes place in a dangerous world of divided ideologies. While some choose to collaborate with the occupation and benefit from the new order, others rebel and suffer the consequences. After being separated from their son during the invasion, Will and Katie are willing to do whatever is necessary to be reunited with him. Thus, when the powerful Proxy Snyder (Peter Jacobson, “House”) offers Will a chance to get his son back if he will collaborate with the occupational government, Will and Katie find themselves faced with the toughest decision of their lives. They will have to go beyond whatever they thought possible to protect their family.

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Sweetness and Light, Hearts and Flowers

February 14, 2016 at 1:50 pm
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Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone.

May you all enjoy a day of love and laughter with your valentine or valentines. Candy and flowers, cake and champagne, maybe dinner and a movie… be it a romcom, or a horror flick, or the ST. VALENTINE’S DAY MASSACRE, whatever floats your boat.

What They Edited, Once More

February 13, 2016 at 4:33 pm
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So… as we discussed below, a lot of fans don’t know who to nominate for the Hugo in the two editorial categories because they don’t know who edited what last year. The problem is especially acute in Long Form.

Fair enough. So I went and asked the editors I’d recommended what books they’d edited. We all benefit by being well informed, no?

You’ll find the responses from Jane Johnson (Voyager) and Anne Groell (Bantam Spectra) in my post below. Today I received another answer, from DIANA PHO of Tor.

Diana worked on a LOT of titles last year, but most of them are not scheduled for release until this year or next. (And that includes HIGH STAKES, the latest volume in my Wild Cards series). The only novel on her list to be published in 2015 was LONG BLACK CURL, by Alex Bledsoe. She was also one of the editors at, however, and in that capacity she was the editor on “The Two Weddings of Bronwyn Hyatt,” by Alex Bledsoe, from last May. Three other stories she acquired for, from Margaret Killjoy, P. Djeli Clark, and Bledsue) will be out in 2016. Diana is also responsible for BEYOND VICTORIANA, a website dedicated to multicultural steampunk (‘this has been my side project for the past seven years,’ she tells me). You can find it here:

Should more editors respond, I will post their credits here as well.

Consider this a Fannish Service Announcement.