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Aces Over England

September 2, 2017 at 1:05 pm
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Aces! Jokers! Once more into the breach… or close the wall up with our English dead.

Which is another way of saying that I’ve just finished editing and assembling our latest Wild Cards book, KNAVES OVER QUEENS, the twenty-seventh volume in the overall series (assuming the current projected publication schedule remains unchanged, which might not be the case), and our first in-depth visit to the British Isles.

Past Wild Cards books have taken our characters all over the world (once literally so, on the world tour that formed the spine of volume four, ACES ABROAD), and we’ve called a few times in England and Ireland for a scene or maybe a story, but we’ve never lingered there long enough to see how the virus affected Great Britain and Ireland… until now. KNAVES OVER QUEENS is, in a sense, a bookend book for our very first volume, WILD CARDS. Both books begin in 1946, with the release of the wild card, and both carry the story through the decades up to the present… 1986 for WILD CARDS, and 2017 for KNAVES OVER QUEENS. In the former, the focus is on New York City and the US; in the new book, it’s on the United Kingdom and Ireland.

The lineup this time around:

KEVIN ANDREW MURPHY: “A Flint Lies in the Mud” and “But a Flint Holds Fire,”
PEADAR O GUILIN: “The Coming of the Crow,” “Cracks in the City,” and “Feeding on the Entrails,”
CAROLINE SPECTOR: “Needles and Pins,”
PAUL CORNELL: “Night Orders,”
CHARLES STROSS: “Police On My Back,”
MARKO KLOOS: “Probationary,”
PETER NEWMAN: “Twisted Logic,”
MELINDA M. SNODGRASS: “Ceremony of Innocence,”
EMMA NEWMAN: “How to Turn a Girl to Stone,”
MARK LAWRENCE: “The Visitor.”

If you’ve ever wondered about the backstories of Captain Flint and Double Helix, this is the book for you… but most of the stories will be given over to brand new characters rather than established ones. I can’t wait for you to meet them. By the time you put the book down, I think you’ll be wanting more. I know that I certainly do. And as you’ve undoubtedly noticed, we’ve recruited a bunch of terrific new writers to the consortium ranks as well. Expect great things.

I know, I know, I am hardly objective, but I think we have some great tales in KNAVES, and I’m very proud of this one. I’ll confess, I was a wee bit disappointed when Wild Cards didn’t even get a whiff of a nomination in the Hugo Awards for Best Series, considering that we’ve been doing some great work IMNSHO for thirty years now. Only one thing to do about that: try to do EVEN BETTER books in the future. I think we will…

KNAVES OVER QUEENS will be published by Tor in the US and Voyager in the UK. No publication dates yet, but you’ll know when I know. While you wait, keep your eyes peeled for MISSISSIPPI ROLL, LOW CHICAGO, and TEXAS HOLD’ EM, the next three volumes in the pipeline… and for more all new, all original Wild Cards stories on Oh, and check out the blog on the Wild Cards website at — new content there every two weeks.

Current Mood: accomplished accomplished


September 1, 2017 at 4:33 pm
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It’s Labor Day weekend. Time for WORLDCON!! I’m so excited, I…

Oh, wait. Worldcon was over weeks ago. Finncon, Finnishcon, Helsinkicon, I remember (no, I will not call it “Worldcon 75,” I am not a number, I am a free fan). And a splendid con it was.

Even if it was held on the wrong weekend.

Worldcon belongs on Labor Day weekend. And always will. (After all, did Tom Disch slam my generation of writers as the “Early August Bunch?” No, he did not).

Dragoncon, you say? Dragoncon belongs back in July, where it was born.

Worldcon should move back to Labor Day and stay there, regardless of whatever other johnny-come-lately cons move to the same weekend. Worldon has dibs!

The Space Geezer has spoken.

Current Mood: annoyed annoyed


The NFL Is Coming

September 1, 2017 at 2:52 pm
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The opening of the NFL season is only a few days away, and the New York Jets made headlines once again today by trading away Sheldon Richardson, one of the monsters on their defensive line, the strongest unit on the team. Gang Green’s campaign to get rid of all of their good players continues, full speed ahead.

I know the Jets claim that they are not trying to lose all their games in order to get the first pick in next spring’s draft and snag a franchise qb… but it sure as hell smells that way.

I have the feeling that I am going to be starting a lot of blog posts with “Life is miserable and full of pain” this fall, at least where the Jets are concerned.

All I can hope is that the Giants come through for me. If Eli and the offense and rise to the level of the D, Big Blue should kick some ass.

(I am going to leave comments open for this one, for those who want to talk football. ANY off topic posts will be deleted. Football only, please).

Current Mood: gloomy gloomy


Talking Jokers

August 30, 2017 at 4:37 pm
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Our friends at Tor have uploaded another Wild Cards video, spliced together from the interviews they did last year at the Kansas City worldcon.

This time we’re talking about jokers.

Check it out… then go read some Wild Cards books!

(Speaking of which, I finished correcting the page proofs for MISSISSIPPI ROLL this afternoon, so our twenty-fourth volume is rolling ahead towards its December pubdate).

Current Mood: pleased pleased

Wild Carding

August 28, 2017 at 3:25 pm
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Kevin Andrew Murphy takes the stage on the Wild Cards blog today, with a tribute to his favorite WC character (aside from his own), Mister Nobody.

Check it out at:

Lots of other fun content there as well.

And speaking of Wild Cards, we’re almost done with another new volume. I hope to be able to deliver it to our publishers within the week. More details when I do.

Current Mood: amused amused

Name That Dragon

August 26, 2017 at 4:14 pm
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Our genre is blessed (or cursed, some might say, but not me, nosir) with a wide range of awards and honors for outstanding achievement. We have the Nebula, the Tiptree, the Bram Stoker, the LOCUS Award, the Sidewise Award, the World Fantasy Award (previously the Howie, now the Creepy Tree), the Stabbie, the Saturn, the Seiun, the Prometheus, and many more whose names I am likely forgetting.

The Hugo Award, first given in 1953, is the oldest and most prestigious.

The Dragon Award, first given last year, is the newest. It’s way too new to know how prestigious it will be in the long run.

The Dragon is a fan award, and aspires to be the Peoples’ Choice Award for SF and fantasy. It is given at Dragoncon, the huge Labor Day convention down Atlanta way, but you don’t need to be a Dragoncon member to vote on it. All you need to do is register, here:

Dragoncon has provided a handsome trophy for the winners, which is a good start. GAME OF THRONES won one last year, so I can testify to that. But the true prestige of any award derives not from the hardware (mind you, nice hardware helps), but from the works it honors.

I remember talking to Eric Flint about the Dragon Awards at Kansas City last year. He had a hand in their creation, and it was his hope that in time the Dragon would become a major broad-based award voted on by a wide spectrum of fans from all over the country. It’s not there yet, by any means… but it could become that, if enough people decide to take part. So far that has not happened. But it could. That’s up to you.

There is no cost to vote for the Dragons. You don’t even need to join the con. So if you’d like to cast a ballot for the novels, games, TV shows, and movies you liked best last year, register at the link above and vote. But do it soon. Registration closes in a couple of days.

Current Mood: calm calm


Just Sayin’

August 23, 2017 at 4:09 pm
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Oh, about those successor shows…

‘Nuff said.

Current Mood: mischievous mischievous

Long Time No See

August 23, 2017 at 11:48 am
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I am home again in the Land of Enchantment, after almost a month on the road.

I flew to New Jersey for my nephew Sean’s wedding, which was a lot of fun.

Then I went to New York City for a week, checking in with my editors, publishers, and agents, and some old dear friends as well. Did a pizza crawl, had myself a Cel-Ray and an egg cream and a pastrami sandwich (New York health food), and did a lot of business.

From there it was off across the ocean to Helsinki for worldcon. My third visit to Finland, which never disappoints. Helsinki is a beautiful city, and it was a terrific con. Sure, we lost the Hugo, but the Hugo Losers Party kicked ass.

After worldcon, we hopped a train for Russia. A few days in St. Petersberg — my god, what a stunning city — and then off to the woods for Assembly Con. Our Russian hosts were warm and wonderful.

All in all, a great trip, but an exhausting one. The trip home was grueling.

Let me catch my breath, and might be I’ll have some more to say.

Right now, I need some green chile.

Current Mood: tired tired

My Worldcon Schedule

July 26, 2017 at 10:40 am
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The World Science Fiction Convention is only a few weeks away. This is the oldest SF con, the one that started it all, and though it is no longer the largest, it’s still the one that matters, the heart and soul of SF fandom. And for me, it’s home away from home.

Here’s my schedule this year in Helsinki:

4:00 pm Tea & Jeopardy Podcast, w Emma & Peter Newman

THURSDAY August 10
12:00 NOON panel discussion: Invented Religions

2:00 pm autographing

FRIDAY August 11

SATURDAY August 12
2:00 pm panel discussion: Built Upon the Shoulders of Giants

4:00 pm autographing

SUNDAY August 13
1:00 pm panel discussion: Thirty Years of Wild Cards

Those are my official public appearances… but of course I will also be attending parties, checking out the art show, wandering the dealer’s room, lunching and dining with editors, agents, friends, and colleagues.

For those of you who want books signed, please, bring them to one of my two listed autograph sessions. I will NOT be signing before or after panels, at parties, during lunch or breakfast or dinner, at the urinal, in the elevator, on the street, in the hall. ONLY at the autograph table. If the lines are as long as they usually are, I’ll only be signing one book per person.

See you in Helsinki!

Current Mood: busy busy

The Swords Are Drawn

July 22, 2017 at 4:29 pm
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For all you fans of sword ‘n sorcery, and/ or my own ‘fake histories,’ the new anthology from Gardner Dozois, THE BOOK OF SWORDS, has been scheduled for release on October 10, and is now available for pre-order from Amazon and many other online booksellers. I imagine your favorite local bookseller is taking orders too.

This is NOT one I co-edited with Gargy (people keep getting that wrong), so I haven’t read any of the other stories yet, but it looks to have a helluva lineup, with originals by Lavie Tidhar, Daniel Abraham, Scott Lynch, C.J. Cherryh, Robin Hobb, Ken Liu, Cecelia Holland, Walter Jon Williams, and many more. And of course it also includes “Sons of the Dragon,” a chronicle of the reigns of Aegon the Conquerer’s two sons, Aenys I Targaryen and Maegor the Cruel, for those who cannot get enough of my entirely fake histories of Westeros. That one has never been published before in any form, though I did read it at a couple of cons.

Speaking of fake history… regulars here may recall our plan to assemble an entire book of my fake histories of the Targaryen kings, a volume we called (in jest) the GRRMarillion or (more seriously) FIRE AND BLOOD. We have so much material that it’s been decided to publish the book in two volumes. The first of those will cover the history of Westeros from Aegon’s Conquest up to and through the regency of the boy king Aegon III (the Dragonbane). That one is largely written, and will include (for the first time) a complete detailed history of the Targaryen civil war, the Dance of the Dragons. My stories in DANGEROUS WOMEN (“The Princess and the Queen”) and ROGUES (“The Rogue Prince”) were abridged versions of the same histories.

No publication date has been set yet, but it’s likely that we will get the first volume of FIRE AND BLOOD out in late 2018 or early 2019. The second volume, which will carry the history from Aegon III up to Robert’s Rebellion, is largely unwritten, so that one will be a few more years in coming.

And, yes, I know you all want to know about THE WINDS OF WINTER too. I’ve seen some truly weird reports about WOW on the internet of late, by ‘journalists’ who make their stories up out of whole cloth. I don’t know which story is more absurd, the one that says the book is finished and I’ve been sitting on it for some nefarious reason, or the one that says I have no pages. Both ‘reports’ are equally false and equally moronic. I am still working on it, I am still months away (how many? good question), I still have good days and bad days, and that’s all I care to say. Whether WINDS or the first volume of FIRE AND BLOOD will be the first to hit the bookstores is hard to say at this juncture, but I do think you will have a Westeros book from me in 2018… and who knows, maybe two. A boy can dream…

Meanwhile, you’ll have Gardner’s anthology to fill the time. Keep your swords sharp!

Current Mood: quixotic quixotic