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HBO Greenlights Goldman Pilot

June 11, 2018 at 9:02 am
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There’s a lot happening these days, so much that some days it feels as if I cannot even keep up with my own life.   So let me beg your indulgence for being late to the party with this news — but, yes, it is true, after more than a year of development, HBO has greenlit the first of the GAME OF THRONES successor shows that we’ve been working on, scripted by the amazing Jane Goldman.

Everybody else has already broken the news, so there’s no sense in me just rehashing.  You can read all about here:

or here

or in half a hundred other places.   Pick the news outlet you like best,

To clarify, what we have here is a pilot order, not as yet a series order.   Though of course we are all hoping that will follow.

Yes, this is a prequel, not a sequel.   None of the characters or actors from GAME OF THRONES will appear in the new show.   All of the successor shows we’ve been developing have been prequels, as I have mentioned before.   This one really puts the PRE in prequel, since it is set not ninety years before GAME OF THRONES (like Dunk & Egg), or a few hundred years, but rather ten thousand years (well, assuming the oral histories of the First Men are accurate, but there are maesters at the Citadel who insist it has only been half that long).   We’re very early in the process, of course, with the pilot order just in, so we don’t have a director yet, or a cast, or a location, or even a title.   (My vote would be THE LONG NIGHT, which says it all, but I’d be surprised if that’s where we end up.  More likely HBO will want to work the phrase “game of thrones” in there somewhere.  We’ll know sooner or later).

We do have a showrunner: Jane Goldman, who penned the pilot script.

All of the news stories about the pilot being greenlit are slapping my own picture up there next to Jane’s, which is very flattering but also a little misleading Remember, they also slapped my picture up on the news stories about the TV development of Nnedi Okarafor’s WHO FEARS DEATH, when they should have been using Nnedi’s picture. I’ve consulted with all of the writers on all of the successor shows, and several of them have visited me in Santa Fe for long days of discussion, and we’ve gone back and forth in email, text, and telephone, so I have definitely been involved… but really, the accolades here should go to Jane.   She has been an absolute thrill to work with… and my god, what a talent.

Those of you who are fans of not just GAME OF THRONES, but of television, film, and sf and fantasy in the broader sense are already well familiar with her work, whether you know it or not.   She’s wrote the KINGSMEN movies, scripted one X-MEN film and did the story for another, did the screenplay for the adaptation of Neil Gaiman’s STARDUST, and for the superhero satire KICKASS as well.   Among lots of other credits.  Oh, and she’s written the script for Disney’s forthcoming live action version of THE LITTLE MERMAID too.   Can’t wait for that one.

I will try to keep you all informed as work progresses on the new show (whatever we end up calling it)… though, given the amount of stuff I am trying to juggle right now, news will probably break on a dozen other places before I get around to it, as happened here.

As for the other successor shows… if you have been following along, you know that we started with four, and eventually went to five.   One of those has been shelved, I am given to understand, and of course Jane’s pilot is now moving to film.   But that does not mean the others are dead.   Three more GAME OF THRONES prequels, set in different periods and featuring different characters and storylines, remain in active development.   Everything I am told indicates that we could film at least one more pilot, and maybe more than one, in the years to come.   We do have an entire world and tens of thousands of years of history to play with, after all.   But this is television, so nothing is certain.

(Oh, and WHO FEARS DEATH is moving along well too, and I am very excited about that one as well.  Selwyn Seyfu Hinds did a terrific job with his first draft of the pilot, based on Nnedi’s novel).

(And yes, before you ask, work on WINDS OF WINTER continues, and remains my top priority.   It is ridiculous to think otherwise.   If I wasn’t busy with WINDS, don’t you think I’d be scripting one or more of these pilots myself?  It’s not as if I’ve never written for TV… )

So cross your fingers and your toes, fantasy fans.   Some good stuff is coming.   And let’s have a round of applause for Jane Goldman.



Current Mood: excited excited

Ace or Joker?

June 4, 2018 at 10:13 pm
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Are you an ace or a joker?

The team over at Tor has prepared a fun new on-line quiz to help you find out.

If you’re a fan of Wild Cards… or maybe just curious… head over to

Are you an Ace or a Joker?

and take the test for yourself.

I did.

Alas.  I drew a black queen.

Current Mood: awake awake

Goodbye, Gargy

May 29, 2018 at 11:21 pm
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Gardner Dozois died on Sunday.

I cannot tell you how hard it was for me to write those words.   I probably should have posted something Sunday night, or yesterday for sure, but I just couldn’t.  It almost felt as if writing it would make it real, and there’s a part of me, a BIG part of me, that still does not want to believe it is real.   It can’t be real.   I just spoke to Gardner a few days earlier.   He was in the hospital after a fall that had left him “bruised but not broken” (his words), but he was still Gardner, Gargy, the Great Gargoo, funny, lively, full of plans.   We talked about getting together for a visit when I came east in July, either at Thrillerfest in NYC or down in Philadelphia where he expected to be in rehab.  We talked about his latest anthology, and I tried to convince him to come to San Jose for worldcon, and we joked.  This came on so quick…

I need to write a proper appreciation of Gardner, and I will, I will… but not just now.   The wound is still too raw.  I keep wanting to pick up the phone and call him and hear his voice again.

Gardner and I go back a long way.   He was my second oldest friend in the field (I’ve known Howard Waldrop longer, though I actually MET Gardner earlier, since Howard and I knew each other only by mail for the first decade or so).   Gardner is the reason I am here.   He was the assistant editor at GALAXY in 1970 who fished my story “The Hero” out of the slush pile and recommended it as a buy to editor Ejler Jakobsson (who always took his recommendations).  That was my first professional sale.  And in the spring of 1971, when I walked into Disclave, the first SF con I ever attended, Gardner was the first person I met.   He was working the registration desk.

Lots of people are posting and publishing appreciations of Gardner now, telling you that he was a great writer, and a great editor.  All true.   But right now it is not the editor or the writer I am mourning, it is my friend.  He was the warmest, kindest, gentlest soul you’ll ever met, larger than life, bawdy, funny… so funny.   When I remember Gardner, I remember laughter.   If you were walking through the halls at any con and you heard a group of people laughing, odds are Gargy was in the middle of it, with a jellybean or a cheese doodle up his nose, telling his old Army stories.   I heard those stories a hundred times, and they always made me laugh just as much as the first time.    “Do not piss on the third rail, or YOU WILL DIE.”

It breaks my heart to know that I will never laugh with him again.

And you know what else breaks my heart?   NIGHTFLYERS came out today, in two editions, one from Tor (with extra stories) and one from Bantam (with illustrations).   The book is dedicated to Gardner.   “Manatees!”   I was going to send him copies as a surprise… and now I can’t.

Ah, damn… this is too hard.

A couple of years ago at Capclave, Gardner and I and Howard Waldrop did a panel that was really just the three of us telling stories.   It’s on YouTube now:

Have a look.  Have a laugh.  Stick a jellybean up your nose.

That was Gardner.

God, I loved that man.








Current Mood: sad sad


May 29, 2018 at 7:28 am
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The illustrated edition of Nightflyers is available today here in the US in TWO different formats

One featuring fifteen gorgeously haunting illustrations by David Palumbo from Random House Publishing.

…And for those of you not into pretty pictures…

The other edition of Nightflyers Available today from Tor Books will include 8 other Science Fiction short stories that will entice your imagination.

This book is soon to be an original series on The SYFY Channel 😀





Current Mood: accomplished accomplished


May 24, 2018 at 10:05 am
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First published 1979 in Orson Scott Card’s short story collection entitled “Dragons of Light”.  The Ice Dragon holds a special place in George’s heart as one of his favorite short stories. Naturally he, and all of us at Fevre River, is thrilled with the announcement:  The Ice Dragon, a fully animated feature film headed by Warner Bros, is in development.

Read more on this story at Variety:

Since it’s inception the story of the ice dragon has taken on many forms, first as mentioned above as part of a collection of short stories.  In 2007 it was received well as a stand alone children’s book illustrated by Yvonne Gilbert.

 See more of Yvonne’s work at her website. 

More recently republished in 2014, in most countries, by Luis Royo.  Later that same year by Italian artist, Paolo Barbieri.

See more of their work at their home websites and be on the look out for more news on the animated Ice Dragon!


Current Mood: creative creative

The Great American Read is On!

May 22, 2018 at 8:30 am
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Tonight the eight part series that celebrates the power of reading begins on PBS.

Watch the two-hour launch episode reveal the list of 100 books, follow along with the five one-hour theme episodes that examine concepts common to groups of books on the list, and a finale, in which the results of a nationwide vote to choose America’s best-loved book is announced. 

Check out the PBS home page to see the list of all 100 books and vote for your favorite read.

We Minions noticed Game of Thrones floating around on the list along with some of our other all time favorites, such as; The Great Gatsby, Outlander, Catch – 22, The Hitch-Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Tales of the City, Ready Player One and Many more, too many to list here. 


Follow the link to learn how you can vote for your favorite book on The Great American Read.

Read on, America READ ON!





Current Mood: energetic energetic

Wild Cards Gets Wilder

May 14, 2018 at 3:00 pm
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There’s some cool new content out there for all of you Wild Cards fans reading this.

Over on, Katie Rask has uploaded a wonderful piece on the archaeology of the Wild Cards version of New York City, post Jetboy and all that followed.  Katie is a professional archaeologist in her real life and knows whereof she speaks.   Check it out:

SFF Archaeology: Excavating the Superhero World of the Wild Card Series

((And while you’re there, check out the Wild Cards Reread posts as well, and weigh in with your own two cents.   The reread is up to volume seven, DEAD MAN’S HAND, with many more on the way)).

Meanwhile, on the official Wild Cards website, there’s an amazing and exhaustive new blog post by Kevin Andrew Murphy, creator of Rosa Loteria (and half a hundred other characters), about Rosa’s origins and the history of the  ‘Mexican bingo’ card game, loteria, that inspired her.   Lots of wonderful loteria art is included, some of it from the incredible deck that John Picacio has been working on these past few years.   It’s at:

Next month will be a big one for Wild Cards, with two new books being released:  LOW CHICAGO by Tor in the USA, KNAVES OVER QUEENS by HarperCollins Voyager in the UK.   Both of them are available for preorder now from your favorite online booksellers.

You can check out a FREE excerpt from LOW CHICAGO over at at

Low Chicago


And do remember, signed copies of all the Wild Cards book (well, all the ones currently in print, anyway) are available from the bookstore at the Jean Cocteau Cinema.   All autographed by me… and in many cases by various of the contributing writers as well.

((Comments permitted, on Wild Cards only)).


Current Mood: cheerful cheerful


May 12, 2018 at 9:10 am
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Just saw online that SyFy has cancelled THE EXPANSE.   Season three is now running, and after that, they are pulling the plug.

It’s a damn shame, especially for fans of space science fiction… of which I count myself one.

THE EXPANSE was a terrific show in all regards.   It looked magnificent, but that’s true of a lot of big budget space shows these days.   It was also really well written and well directed, with an amazing and talented cast.   That’s not always true for some of the other SF shows out there.

There’s still a lot of great science fiction on TV right now… WESTWORLD comes to mind… but for hardcore SF geeks like me, there’s nothing quite like a space show.   Weird worlds, alien protomolecules, gritty asteroid miners, cool spaceships, that’s the stuff I was weaned on.  (Rocky Jones, anyone?)

THE EXPANSE was the best space show on television, far and away.   Nothing else even comes close.

I hope its producers can find another home for it.

If not, then this is a sad day for science fiction.


Current Mood: melancholy melancholy

SF in SF Presents an Evening at the Fox Theatre AUG. 14th

May 8, 2018 at 9:40 am
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Our buddies over at Locus Magazine have organized a special one night event being held the Tuesday before this years World Con. Our dear overlord (AKA GRRM) will grapple in conversation with multiple-award winning artist, John Picacio.  John has worked in the Fevre River world on numerous projects such as Wild Cards, House of the Worm and the SoI&F calendar, as well as being quite the entertainer.


The event will take place at the beautiful and historic Fox Theatre in Redwood City <>, and since seating is assigned, you’ll want to get your tickets as early as possible!

Locus Magazine has a wealth of other invaluable information including news, interviews, event listings, reviews and much more.   

Use the link below to join Locus’s mailing list which is the only way to access tickets to this event a full day before they go on sale to the general public.



Current Mood: bouncy bouncy

Morpho Girl Takes Wing!

May 5, 2018 at 9:30 am
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Hey, Wild Carders, we’ve got a brand new story for you up on  “The Flight of Morpho Girl,” by Caroline Spector and Bradley Denton.

The Flight of Morpho Girl

The artwork, as ever, is by the amazing John Picacio.

This one features the Amazing Bubbles, Rustbelt, Ghost… and of course the unstoppable Morpho Girl herself.

Go, check it out, and leave a comment!

And keep your eye on   We have a couple more Wild Cards originals coming your way soon, from the pens of Max Gladstone and Marko Kloos.

Current Mood: bouncy bouncy