Not a Blog


September 28, 2024 at 1:42 pm
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All you aces and jokers out there, go ahead and mark  FEBRUARY 25, 2025 on your calendars.  There’s a party going down on Keun Island, off the Atlantic Coast of  Cornwall, and you’re invited!

That’s the day Penguin Random House will be releasing the hardcover edition of  HOUSE RULES, the 34th original in our on-going Wild Cards series.   Guests will be gathering at the ancient, historic, mysterious (some say haunted) Loveday House..  Lord Jago Branoc and his staff will be on hand to welcome you.

Stephen Leigh, Mary Anne Mohanraj, Kevin Andrew Murphy, Peter Newman, Peadar O Guilin, and Caroline Spector will be attending, accompanied by their characters new and old.   And I’ll be there as well.  I had better be; I’m the editor.  Someone has to keep this rowdy crowd in line.

You can check out any time you like.  Some of you may even be permitted to leave.

Mary-Margaret In the Mojave

September 24, 2024 at 8:01 pm
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Mary-Margaret Road Grader is heading for the Mojave, along with Billy-Bob Chevrolet, Freddy-in-the-Hollow, Elmo John Deere, and Simon Red Bulldozer.   You will find them all this weekend at the Wasteland Film Festival, “the world’s first post-apocalyptic short competition and exhibition.”


Based on the classic short story by Howard Waldrop, written and directed by Steven Paul Judd, and starring  Crystle Lightning, Martin Sensmeier, Elias Gallegos, and Cody Lightning, the film will screened on Friday morning.

If you’re anywhere near the Mojave, be sure and catch it.

Some Stuff and Nonsense

September 9, 2024 at 7:44 pm
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Stuff I thought I’d mention:

Week one of the new NFL season was played yesterday.   The Giants had the Vikings at home, and looked just as bad as last year.   They made some good draft picks, I thought, adding a top receiver and bolstering the O-line, but it did not seem to make a whit of difference.   Daniel Jones did not impress at all.   Maybe we need to go back to Tommy DeVito. I fear I am not going to get much joy from Big Blue this year.   Maybe the Jets will be better.  They play tonight.   Here’s hoping that Aaron Rodgers will last more than three plays.

So, this year’s Bubonicon, our friendly hometown SF con, was August 23-25 down in Albuquerque.   I could not attend the whole con, but I dropped down on Saturday for the mass signing and our traditional dinner with the Pope.   I also had a speech, “80 Minutes with George R.R. Martin.”  I did not have time to write a speech, as I’d intended, so I played it by ear and ad libbed my remarks… which turned out surprisingly well.   I’ve had a lot of things on my mind of late, so there was plenty to talk about:  WINDS OF WINTER, my television projects, the trip and my visit to Tolkien’s grave, my upcoming birthday, what I want to do when I grow up… er, rather, what I want to do for the rest of my life.   It was a serious talk, parts of it quite personal and heartfelt.   I am wrestling with a lot right now, and it felt good to share some of that with my listeners.   Afterward several fans  told me how much they enjoyed it.  One told me the speech was “poignant.”

One of my assistants was recording the talk on his phone, so that I could post it here.   Supposedly he got all eighty minutes… but his iPhone was glitching and  overheating, and the next day, when we tried to play it back, we discovered we did not have it after all.    The phone had failed, and the speech did not make it to the cloud either.   You have no idea how much that bummed me out.   We have brought in a recovery expert to try and find the speech on the dead phone, but I fear the odds of recovering anything are slim.   That sucks.   I had really wanted to share that speech… no, there were no huge earth-shaking announcements, but I tried to give some insight into where I am right now with my writing, and the rest of my life…   If anyone reading this was in the audience for “Eighty Minutes With George R.R. Martin” and happened to record it, let me know.   I want to know what I said, and if it was half as profound and eloquent as I remember.

Politics?   I could talk about the election, but I think I won’t.   Not now, at least.   Suffice it to say, I am worried.   Trump was the worst president in American history, and if he gets in again, he will be worse, judging from the remarks he keeps making about retribution and bloodbaths and the like.

I had some cool guests in between worldcon and Bubonicon: Anne LeGuernec, the amazing French actress who starred as Cat in my DOORWAYS pilot back in 1993, came to visit with her incredible family.   Anne and her husband did a reading for us at the Jean Cocteau, and we showed them Santa Fe and Taos and introduced them to green chile.   It was great to see Anne again, and talk about DOORWAYS and the roads not taken, all the stories we might have told had the show been greenlit.

Oh, did I mention that the first two seasons of DARK WINDS are now streaming on Netflix (as well as AMC), and doing very very well?

Meanwhile, the third season is filming here in New Mexico, at Camel Rock Studio.

Speaking of television shows, I have always loved alternate history and Jane Grey, England’s nine-days queen, has always fascinated me.   Small wonder, then, that I really enjoyed MY LADY JANE, a clever and original historical fantasy on Amazon Prime, set in an England full of witches and shapechangers, where Jane lasts more than nine days.   Meredith Glynn is one of the showrunners.   I had the pleasure of working with her on one of the GAME OF THRONES spinoffs that HBO shelved a few years back, and knowing her talents, it did not surprise me that MY LADY JANE was so much fun.  Witty and original, it reminded me a bit of THE GREAT, a show I loved.   Alas, THE GREAT is gone, and it appears MY LADY JANE is too.  Amazon did not renew it for a second season.

The show has a lot of fans, though, and they have launched a petition to get Amazon to order more.  (Got to love the fans).

I wish them luck.   Jane deserved more than nine days, or eight episodes.


Current Mood: busy busy

A Belated Blog

September 9, 2024 at 2:10 pm
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I am way behind in my Not-a-Blogging, I know.

Along with a thousand other things.

I was traveling in Europe from July 15 to August 15.    I do not travel with a computer (never have), so I had hoped to catch up before I left… but it was hard, hard.   The first half of my year was pretty miserable, dominated as it was by the death of Howard Waldrop on January 14.  Howard was my oldest friend in science fiction community; we had been corresponding since 1963, when we were both in high school.  His passing came suddenly, only six days after our last conversation,  and there’s a part of me that still cannot accept it, that wants to pick up the phone and ring him up and hear his voice again.

Nor did I find much solace in my work.   Writing came hard, and though I did produce some new pages on both THE WINDS OF WINTER (yes) and BLOOD & FIRE (the sequel to FIRE & BLOOD, the second part of my Targaryen history), I would have liked to turn out a lot more.   My various television projects ate up most of those months.   Some of that was pleasant (DARK WINDS, and THE HEDGE KNIGHT), most of it was not.   The stress kept mounting, the news went from bad to worse to worst,  my mood seemed to swing between fury and despair, and at night I tossed and turned when I should have been sleeping.   When I did sleep, well, my dreams were none too pleasant either.

I had been planning our European trip for some time.  The Dunk & Egg show would start  filming in July and I wanted to visit the shoot in Northern Ireland, and a month later there would be a worldcon in Glasgow.   I had not been to a worldcon since the Dublin convention in 2019 (we won’t count Covid Con, the New Zealand worldcon in 2020 that went all virtual) and I wanted to return.   Fandom had been my second family since 1971, and worldcon our family reunion.   Even so, I had so much on my plate that I seriously debated whether I should cancel the whole trip so I could stay home and fight on.   I am glad I decided against that.   I was so stressed out that I doubt I would have accomplished much anyway… and the trip turned out to be a blessing, balm for my bruised soul.

We had a great time on the trip, and I meant to tell you all about our adventures and experiences when we returned.     Those will be happy posts, made of happy memories, and I still mean to write them… soon…

But when we finally got back to the Land of Enchantment I had a thousand emails waiting for me.  I also managed to bring covid back home with me, after picking it up at worldcon.   It was a mild case, thankfully, but even so, it put me out of action for a week or so, with the worst sore throat of my life.  (I am fully  recovered and testing negative once again, thank you.  Don’t get covid, boys and girls, it is no fun at all).  And, alas, the moment I opened my computer again, the stress came rushing back.   I managed to put my problems aside for a month, but they were still waiting for me.

So… I have a lot to blog about.   Big things, small things, glad news and sad news.   I do want to talk about the trip while it is still fresh in my mind, but there is so much else…

Current Mood: stressed stressed

September Morn

September 3, 2024 at 11:54 am
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My calendar is telling me it is now September.   Really?  Damn, the days are going by fast.

We got back from our month abroad on August 15,  which seems like yesterday on the odd numbered days and last year on the evens..    I returned to find more than a thousand emails waiting for me, which proved even more daunting than usual since I brought covid home with me as well, acquired at the worldcon in Glasgow.  Two of my assistants tested positive as well;  Parris and the other two were spared.   We’re all negative now, I am pleased to say.

Joe Lansdale and kin were here in Santa Fe with us for a few days.  Joe departed this morning, heading for LA and the red carpet premiere of THE THICKET, the new feature film based on his novel, starring Peter Dinklage and Juliette Lewis.    We didn’t have a red carpet here, alas, and we didn’t have Peter or Juliette, but we did have our own premiere on Saturday at the Jean Cocteau Cinema, along with Joe His Own Self.  A good crowd turned out for the movie, and for the signing at Beastly Books before hand.   Joe signed a good number of copies of the latest edition of the novel, as well as his new new Hap & Leonard novel, and a collection of horror stories inspired by H.P. Lovecraft.   For the collectors among you, signed copies of all three are available at Beastly… while the supply lasts.

The Santa Fe audience seemed to like the film, as did I.   It’s a western, but the sort of western only Joe could write, dark and twisty and filled with a cast of colorful characters.  Dinklage and Lewis were both excellent.  If you’re a fan of the Old West, be sure and catch THE THICKET when it turns up at a cinema near you.

And speaking of movies, we are moving along with the short films we made based on some of the short stories by the late, great, great great great, Howard Waldrop.   Steven Paul Judd’s adaptation of MARY-MARGARET ROAD GRADER has been accepted into WASTELAND, depp in the heart of the Mohave Desert.


Mary-Margaret will also be showing down in New Zealand, at the  Wairoa Maori Film Festival in New Zealand

There will be more, I am sure; festival season is just beginning, and we’ve entered MARY-MARGARET ROAD GRADER and THE UGLY CHICKENS in other festivals all around the country and the world.   Watch this space; I’ll announce other show dates and locations as soon as we know.

Two other shorts are still in post production here in New Mexico;  another Waldrop, with the working title FRIENDS FOREVER (that is likely to be changed), and an original called THE SUMMER MACHINE, based on a story I pitched THE TWILIGHT ZONE back in the 80s, just before it was cancelled.  SUMMER MACHINE stars Lina Esco, Charles Martin Smith, and Matt Frewer.   Michael Cassutt wrote the short, based on my treatment, and directed as well.

We have several other movies under option or in development, but whether any of them will ever get filmed, well, I really couldn’t tell you.   It’s Hollywood, boys and girls.  As the late great William Goldman once wrote, “Nobody Knows Anything.”



Current Mood: stressed stressed


August 30, 2024 at 7:50 am
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It is Fiesta here in Santa Fe, one of the oldest festivals in the City Different, and once again the highlight of the festivities will be the Burning of Zozobra (the original Burning Man, for those of you who have never heard of him).

Zozobra will be 100 this year, so the celebrations should be even more spectacular than before.    For the first time, Sky Railway will be joining the madness with the FLAME TRAIN, set to carry the fire that will consume Old Z from Lamy through the heart of Santa Fe to Fort Marcy Park.

Zozobra himself is a towering marionette representing Old Man Gloom.  The pyre that devours him after dark — as he shouts and screams and waves his arms and legs — contains within it all the doom and grief and depression and despair of the past year.   It is Santa Fe’s way of devouring the darkness, to clear the way for the light and joy that will hopefully mark the new year.

And believe me we need that, more than ever before.   The world, the country, and yes, certainly me.   This has not been a good year for anyone, with war everywhere and fascism on the rise… and on a more personal level, I have had a pretty wretched year as well, one full of stress, anger, conflict, and defeat.

I need to talk about some of that, and I will, I will… I was away from my computer traveling from July 15 to August 15, so a lot of things that needed saying did not get said.   I am glad I took that trip, though.   My stress levels beforehand were off the charts, so much so that I was seriously considering cancelling my plans and staying at home.  I am glad I didn’t, though.   It was so so good to get away for a little, to put all the conflict aside for a time.   I began to feel better the moment the plane set down in Belfast, and we all headed off to Ashford Meadow to see the tournament.   We had five great days in Belfast and environs, and that made me feel so much better.   The rest of the trip was fun as well, a splendid combination of business and pleasure that included visits to Belfast, Amsterdam, London, Oxford, and Glasgow.   I look forward to telling you all about our adventures… though it may take a while.   I had a thousand emails waiting for me on my return, and then I went and brought a case of covid back with me from worldcon, so I am way way behind.

I do not look forward to other posts I need to write, about everything that’s gone wrong with HOUSE OF THE DRAGON… but I need to do that too, and I will.   Not today, though.  TODAY is Zozobra’s day, when we turn away from gloom.




Current Mood: busy busy

Come to The Thicket

August 29, 2024 at 12:02 pm
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THE THICKET is one of Joe Lansdale’s best books — and believe me, that’s saying something, since the Sage of Nacodoches has written a lot of them.  Science fiction, mystery, horror, fantasy, humor, westerns, Joe can do it all.

And now THE THICKET is a major motion picture as well, starring the one and only Peter Dinklage and Juliette Lewis.

We’ll be premiering THE THICKET this Saturday at the Jean Cocteau Cinema in Santa Fe.

And Joe Lansdale, His Own Self, will be on hand in person to join us, and answer questions afterward.

Don’t miss it.



Remembering Howard

August 22, 2024 at 9:29 am
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On June 29th, while I was off in Europe stumbling from country to country with Parris and our mighty minions, Howard Waldrop’s friends and fans and loved ones held a memorial for him in Austin Texas.

I was not able to be there in person (we were in London at the time) but there was no way I could not be a part of a remembrance for H’ard, so I taped some remarks and sent them to Robert Taylor, who was organizing the event.   I went on rather a long time, as it happens, but Howard and I had a long history and I am a wordy bastard in any case, as many of you know.  My tape ended up coming in around 45 minutes long, and could easily have gone three hours if I’d just kept talking.  There are so many stories to tell.

That was too long for the Austin memorial, so Robert and his team kindly cut and trimmed it for the event.   I do have the longer version and will likely post it here… probably later rather than sooner.   For now, we have this; not only my video, but all the other speeches and stories as well, from some of Howard’s pals.   (Some, not all.  Howard had friends all over the world.

Parts of this may bring a tear to your eye.   Other bits will make you laugh.   Laughter was one of Howard’s gifts.

And thanks go out to Robert, who organized the memorial and put all of this together.   (Not easily, I am sure.  Fans and writers are as easy to herd as cats).   Robert’s own segment, at the end, is especially moving.


Current Mood: melancholy melancholy

Here There Be Dragons

July 11, 2024 at 7:06 am
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I trust you all caught “The Red Dragon and the Gold,” the fourth episode of season 2 of HOUSE OF THE DRAGON.   A lot of you have been wanting for action, I know; this episode delivered it in spades with the Battle of Rook’s Rest, when dragon met dragon in the skies.

Has there ever been a dragon battle to match it?   I seem to recall that REIGN OF FIRE had a few scenes where a dozen dragons were wheeling through the skies.   So, okay, maybe that was a bigger scene, with more dragons on screen… but a better battle?   I don’t think so.   Our guys knocked this one out of the castle.   I think they took it as a challenge.    And the dragons…

Dragons are mythical, of course.   In the real world, the one we live in as opposed to those we like to read about… dragons never existed… though similar creatures can be found in legends all around the world.   Some believe that maybe the stories were inspired by the discovery of dinosaur bones by farmers plowing their fields.   Regardless of where the stories originated, they have been a huge part of fantasy for centuries.  And I’ve been fond of them for as long as I remember.

Hell, I’m named after a dragonslayer — St. George, of course —  and he’s still a saint, when a lot of other saints were thrown out a couple decades back… which I suppose means that dragons have papal approval.   I started writing my own dragon tales long before A GAME OF THRONES.   “The Ice Dragon” and  “The Way of Cross and Dragon” were two of my best.

Every culture has its own version of dragons; Chinese dragons are wingless and do not breathe fire.   They bring good luck.    Traditional western dragons bring mostly fire and death… but modern fantasists have played with that a lot too.   The dragons of ERAGON and HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON are very different from mine own.   (Toothless is even cute).

Tolkien’s dragons were always evil, servants of Morgoth and Sauron.   They were akin to his orcs and trolls.   JRRT did not do friendly dragons.   His dragons were intelligent, though.   Smaug talks.   He also has a huge horde of gold, a very traditional dragon trait… and he sleeps on his treasure, for months and years at a time.

Before Peter Jackson’s Smaug, the best dragon ever seen on film was Vermithrax Pejorative in DRAGONSLAYER.    Two legs and two wings, dangerous, fire-breathing, a flyer, does not talk, does not horde gold.   An inspiration for all dragonlovers.

At the other end of the scale is the dragon in DRAGONHEART (voice by Sean Connery).   Fat, four-legged, talking, a good guy who befriends the hero.   A much inferior dragon in a much inferior film.  Bah.

In A SONG OF ICE & FIRE, I set out to blend the wonder of epic fantasy with the grittiness of the best historical fiction.   There is magic in my world, yes… but much less of it than one gets in most fantasy.   (Tolkien’s Middle Earth was relatively low magic too, and I took my cue from the master).   I wanted Westeros to feel real, to evoke the Crusades and the Hundred Years War and the Wars of the Roses as much as it did JRRT with his hobbits and magic rings.

I would have dragons, yes… in part because of my dear friend, the late Phyllis Eisenstein, a marvelous fantasist and science fiction writer in her own right, now sadly missed…  but I wanted my dragons to be as real and believable as such a creature could ever be.   I designed my dragons with a lot of care.   They fly and breathe fire, yes, those traits seemed essential to me.  They have two legs (not four, never four) and two wings.
LARGE wings.   A lot of fantasy dragons have these itty bitty wings that would never get such a creature off the ground.   And only two legs; the wings are the forelegs.   Four-legged dragons exist only in heraldry.   No animal that has ever lived on Earth has six limbs.   Birds have two legs and two wings, bats the same, ditto pteranodons and other flying dinosaurs, etc.

Much  of the confusion about the proper  number of legs on a dragon has its roots in medieval heraldry.  In the beginning both versions could be seen on shields and banners, but over the centuries, as heraldry became more standardized, the heralds took to calling the four-legged beasties dragons and their two-legged kin wyverns.   No one had ever  seen a dragon or a wyvern, of course; neither creature actually existed save in legend, so there was a certain arbitrary quality to this distinction… and medieval heralds were not exactly renowned for their grasp of zoology, even for real world animals.  Just take a look at what they thought a seahorse looked like.

Dragons DO exist in the world of Westeros, however (wyverns too, down in Sothoryos), so my own heralds did not have that excuse.   Ergo, in my books, the Targaryen sigil has two legs, as it should.  Why would any Westerosi ever put four legs on a dragon, when they could look at the real thing and could their limbs?   My wyverns have two legs as well; they differ from the dragons of my world chiefly in size, coloration, and the inability to breath fire.    (It should be stressed that while the Targaryen sigil has the proper number of legs (two), it is not exactly anatomically correct.   The wings are way too small compared to the body, and of course no dragon has three heads.   That bit is purely symbolic, meant to reflect Aegon the Conqueror and his two sisters).

FWIW, the shows got it half right (both of them).   GAME OF THRONES gave us the correct two-legged sigils for the first four seasons and most of the fifth, but when Dany’s fleet hove into view, all the sails showed four-legged dragons.   Someone got sloppy, I guess.   Or someone opened a book on heraldry, and read just enough of it to muck it all up.   A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.   A couple years on, HOUSE OF THE DRAGON decided the heraldry should be consistent with GAME OF THRONES.. but they went with the bad sigil rather than the good one.   That sound you heard was me screaming, “no, no, no.”   Those damned extra legs have even wormed their way onto the covers of my books, over my strenuous objections.



Valyrian dragons differ in other ways from the likes of Smaug and Toothless and Vermithrax as well.

My dragons do not talk.   They are relatively intelligent, but they are still beasts.

They bond with men… some men… and the why and how of that, and how it came to be, will eventually be revealed in more detail in THE WINDS OF WINTER and A DREAM OF SPRING and some in BLOOD & FIRE.  (Septon Barth got much of it right).   Like wolves and bears and lions, dragons can be trained, but never entirely tamed.   They will always be dangerous.   Some are wilder and more wilful than others.  They are individuals, they have personalities… and they often reflect the personalities of their riders, thanks to bond they share are.    They do not care a whit about gold or gems, no more than a tiger would.   Unless maybe their rider was obsessed with the shiny stuff, and even then…

Dragons need food.   They need water too, but they have no gills.  They need to breathe .  Some say that  Smaug slept for sixty years below the Lonely Mountains before Bilbo and the dwarves woke him up.   The dragons born of Valyria cannot do that.   They are creatures of fire, and fire needs oxygen.   A dragon could dip into the ocean to scoop up a fish, perhaps, but they’d fly right up again.  If held underwater too long, they would drown, just like any other land animal.

My dragons are predators, carnivores who like their meat will done.   They can and will hunt their own prey, but they are also territorial.   They have lairs.   As creatures of the sky, they like mountain tops, and volcanic mountains best of all.  These are creatures of fire, and the cold dank caverns that other fantasists house their pets in are not for mine.     Man-made dwellings, like the stables of Dragonstone, the  towers tops of the Valryian Freehold, and the Dragonpit of King’s Landing, are acceptable — and often come with men bringing them food.  If those are not available, young dragons will find their own lairs… and defend them fiercely.

My dragons are creatures of the sky.   They fly, and can cross mountains and plains, cover hundreds of miles… but they don’t, unless their riders take them there.   They are  not nomadic.  During the heyday of Valyria there were forty dragon-riding families with hundreds of dragons amongst them… but (aside from our Targaryens) all of them stayed close to the Freehold and the Lands of the Long Summer.  From time to time a dragonrider might visit Volantis or another Valyrian colony, even settle there for a few years, but never permanently.  Think about it.   If dragons were nomadic, they would have overrun half of Essos, and the Doom would only have killed a few of them.   Similarly, the dragons of Westeros seldom wander far from Dragonstone.   Elsewise, after three hundred years, we would have dragons all over the realm and every noble house would have a few.   The three wild dragons mentioned in Fire & Blood have lairs on Dragonstone.   The rest can be found in the Dragonpit of King’s Landing, or in deep caverns under the Dragonmont.    Luke flies Arrax to Storm’s End and Jace to Winterfell, yes, but the dragons would not have flown there on their own, save under very special circumstances.   You won’t find dragons hunting the riverlands or the Reach or the Vale, or roaming the northlands or the mountains of Dorne.

Fantasy needs to be grounded.   It is not simply a license to do anything you like.    Smaug and Toothless may both be dragons, but they should never be confused.   Ignore canon, and the world you’ve created comes apart like tissue paper.

Current Mood: thoughtful thoughtful

A Bold New Look for the A Song of Ice and Fire Boxed Set

July 10, 2024 at 10:03 am
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Behold, the stunning new covers for the first five books! These covers will be available in a boxed set, available online and in stores this October.


The new design tries to capture the vastness of Westeros and the dangerous journey readers will encounter. There is a raw and gritty quality to linocut and woodcut art. A certain starkness that seemed to fit the stories, and a long history to the art form that felt right for this world.

This cover design process paired linocut artist Mark Seekins and designer Tim Green, with art direction from David G. Stevenson. They worked together to develop sketches and carve the designs into blocks of linoleum, where the raised areas were inked and pressed onto paper. The covers feature several colors, which required separate blocks for each color layer. The finished prints were then photographed and incorporated into the covers.

The linocut designs from the front covers are carried over on the spines so you can show off all five designs on your shelf at the same time.

The black and gold case delivers a stark, elegant design that collects this incredible series into a unified set. The design team wanted to place an emphasis on the series name and created a sigil using the initials ASOIAF. This symbol is used on each cover and featured strongly on the box, connecting each of the illustrations to the larger set.

Look for the new boxed sets online and in stores this October!

Jacket design: Faceout Studio, Tim Green

Cover linocut: Mark Seekins

Art direction: David G. Stevenson