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Three New Minis

March 5, 2009 at 4:26 pm
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Dark Sword Miniatures has just rolled out three new miniatures in their Ice & Fire line.

There’s a couple of hedge knights, one young and one old — no, not Dunk, he’s “the” hedge knight in my Dunk & Egg series, and we’ll get to him sooner or later, but these are just a pair of random hedge knights, the vagabonds of the Seven Kingdoms.

Here’s a look at the greens:

The third new figure is a named chareacter: everyone’s favorite turncloak, Theon of House Greyjoy, seen with his bow in happier days.

All three sculpts are by Jeff Grace. Sorry, no painted versions to show you yet, but those are in the works.

For more views… or to place an order… visit the Dark Sword website at

Comments are welcome, but only on the miniatures, or minis and painting in general. Thanks for staying on topic.

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Boys Says Goodbye to TO

March 5, 2009 at 2:29 pm
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So the Dallas Cowboys have released Terrell Owens.

Smartest thing that Jerry Jones has done in years. Addition by subtraction.

I certainly hope that the Giants and the Jets both have the good sense to stay away from this guy. He’s a talented receiver, sure — although age has started to catch up to him — but he’s also a locker room cancer.

Most of ESPN’s talking heads seem to feel that the only team that might take a chance on TO now is the Oakland Raiders. Is even Al Davis that crazy? Maybe so. Sorry, Lodey.

The Cowboys also released Roy Williams. The safety Roy Williams, not the recently acquired wideout Roy Williams. Williams will have an easier time finding a new team than TO. He’s a liability in coverage, but he’s still a hard hitter and a punishing tackler, might be useful as a role player in the right defense.

FWIW, I have been very pleased by what the Giants and Jets have been doing in free agency. I was sorry to lose Derrick Ward (“Wind,” from Earth, Wind, and Fire) from the G-Men, but he deserves the chance to start, and the Giants are still set at running back with Brandon Jacobs, Ahmad Bradshaw, and Danny Ware. Meanwhile, they have been bolstering what was already a pretty formidable defense, picking up Michael Boley from the Falcons, Chris Canty from the Cowboys, and Rocky Bernard from the Seahawks. Adding that trio to Osi, Kiwi, Justin Tuck, Fred Robbins, Jay Alford, and Barry Cofield should give the G-Men the most explosive pass-rush rotation in the league… and they were already pretty good at sacking the QB.

Meanwhile, the Jets have signed Bart Scott from the Ravens and Lito Shepard from the Eagles, and that should make their D a lot tougher as well.

As a fan, I’ve always loved tough D, so it’s great to see both of my teams strengthening the side of the ball.

(Comments welcome, but only on the NFL, please)

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March Madness

March 4, 2009 at 10:40 am
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My new Library Tower, under construction since last June, is nearing completion. A few more weeks, and I will finally be able to get my books out of boxes and back onto shelves, where they belong. This process has made me acutely aware of just how many books I have (a lot), and especially how many copies of my OWN books I have (more than I need).

We got a nice response to the TUF VOYAGING sale in January and the WINDHAVEN sale in February, so I figured I’d follow up with another sale for March, maybe clear off my shelves a little more. This month I thought I’d do something for my readers and collectors from outside the United States. So I’m going to put ALL my foreign editions on sale.

Over the years I’ve accumulated quite a few extra copies of many of my foreign editions, on just about all my books. A few of them are pictured here in this blog post. You can see many more on the Signed Books page of my website, where I’ve offered some for sale. Check out those listings at:

If you see anything you’d like to add to your collection, now is the time to get it. For the rest of March, I am reducing all the prices listed on that page by $5.

The prices listed (minus five bucks) would include Book Rate / Media Mail shipping within the United States. For overseas or international shipping, there would be an additional charge. Inquire at and let us know which book you’re interested in and where you want it shipped, and we’ll calculate the shipping charges for you.

French editions, Spanish editions, Italian, Swedish, Finnish, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, German, Czech, and many more… You’ll see most of these listed on the page I linked to above, but if you’re after a title or edition that you DON’T see, inquire. In cases where I only had a few extra copies I never bothered to list the book on Signed Books, but I still might have a copy I’d be willing to let go to a good home.

And yes, I do take PayPal. In fact, it’s my preferred method of payment… both for selling books, and for buying miniature toy knights.

And needless to say, I’d be glad to sign the books, and personally inscribe them upon request.

Thanks for all your help in clearing off my shelves and storage lockers.

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Once More, the Calendars

March 2, 2009 at 11:27 am
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It’s now March, and I think… hope… that we are almost done with the calendar business.

Les Dabel has assured me that everyone who bought and paid for a calendar has now been sent one (some have been sent two, or even three, he says, in cases where the first one never arrived). The international shipments may not yet have been delivered in all cases, overseas airmail being what it is, but all of them are on the way.

This leaves only the signed calendars. And no, those have not yet arrived here for signing. Let me say once again that the minute they turn up, I will post it here.

(Let me also say, once again, that I will NOT be signing any 2010 calendars. Les, Ernst, please do not offer any 2010 signed versions, I do not want to go through this again)

(And that’s March, FWIW. Arya and the dragon skulls. Komarck is amazing. I do hope enough of you nominated him for that Hugo, he deserves a spot on the ballot).

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Last Day

February 28, 2009 at 10:59 am
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… to nominate for the Hugo Awards.

… to order a signed WINDHAVEN hardcover at my sale price of $18.

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I Know Just How You Feel, Pat

February 26, 2009 at 8:54 pm
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Hey, looks like I’m not the only one…

I have received every one of those emails as seen in Pat’s cartoons. Many times over.

(I wasn’t going to comment anymore about DANCE, deadlines, and lateness, but a friend sent me this link, and I couldn’t resist. Somehow it is actually weirdly comforting to know that it’s not just me and my stuff).

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Time Is Running Out

February 25, 2009 at 11:29 am
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Time is running out to nominate for this year’s Hugo Awards. Nominations close on February 28, remember. Members of Denvention III (last year’s worldcon) and/ or Anticipation (this year’s Montreal worldcon) can nominate on line at:

If you’re not a member of either worldcon, you can’t nominate. However, it is easy enough to sign up for Anticipation, as either an attending or supporting member. Just go to:

Nominate now… or you can’t complain when the shortlist is announced and your own favorites aren’t on it.

(For MY favorites and recommendations, see the series of posts I made last week).

Time is also running out for my sale on signed copies of WINDHAVEN. If you would like to snag a WINDHAVEN hardcover for $18, book rate shipping included, act now. On March 1, the price goes up to $26.

Current Mood: null null

And Speaking of Limited Editions…

February 22, 2009 at 12:45 pm
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… Tom Canty has put up an online art gallery of all the images he created for the soon-to-be-released Subterranean Press limited edition of A FEAST FOR CROWS.

Links to the gallery, and the latest information about the book, can be found on the SubPress website at

(Sorry, both the limited and lettered editions of FEAST sold out months ago, though it is possible you might be able to find a copy from a dealer or an online bookstore that specializes in deluxe editions)

Also, as long as I’m talking about FEAST, this might be a good opportunity to clarify a couple points about the numbers and letters of previous volumes in this series. I’ve had a couple of collectors query me about this, and it is a bit confusing.

As many of you know, the illustrated limited editions of A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE began with Meisha Merlin out of Georgia. Now, whenever I do a book, or even contribute to something like an anthology, my contract always guarantees me a certain number of author’s copies. One or two copies for an anthology that I just have a story in, more for one of my own titles, be it novel, collection, anthology, what have you. In the case of an edition that is issued in several different states, like the deluxe Ice & Fire books, I receive so many copies of the lettered state, so many copies of the numbered state, etc.

Meisha Merlin was still a relatively new publisher when we began the series, however, and they had never done a limited edition before. I had, back in the 80s with Nemo Press (THE ARMAGEDDON RAG) and Dark Harvest (SONGS THE DEAD MEN SING and PORTRAITS OF HIS CHILDREN), but it had been a long time. The common practice with such editions is for the writer, editor, artist, and publisher to take their own copies from the overrun. Such copies are marked “PC” on the limitation page, which either stands for “Publisher’s Copy” or “Presentation Copy,” depending on who you ask. This allows the publisher to sell all the letters and all the numbers, up to whatever limit was announced.

The folks at Meisha Merlin did not know this, however, being new to this particular game. I probably knew it at one point, but I’d forgotten. So when Meisha Merlin did its edition of A GAME OF THRONES, with the Jeffrey Jones artwork, and Steve asked me which numbers and letters I wanted set aside as my author’s copies, I blithely answered him. I asked for the letters G, RR, and M, and Parris received the letter PP. From the numbered state, I got numbers 1, 7, and (I think) 77, and maybe another, I don’t recall. It is also possible that the artists (Jeffrey Jones on A GAME OF THRONES, John Howe on A CLASH OF KINGS, Charles Keegan on both) received numbered and lettered copies as well, though I do not know that for a certainty.

With A STORM OF SWORDS, however, the series moved from Meisha Merlin to Subterranean Press. SubPress was an experienced small press and had done dozens of limited editions prior to mine, and they had their own practices in this area… practices more in line with industry standard than those at Meisha Merlin. Bill pointed out to me that if he pulled 5 letters from the lettered edition to give to me, that left him only 47 to sell (the lettered editions of these were limited to 52 copies, A through ZZ), a considerable loss of revenue given the expense and price of these. And if he also gave five letters to the artist, the impact was doubled. Ditto with the numbered state. “PC” copies are not intended for sale, however, so those would have no impact on his bottom line. I could not argue with his logic, so I agreed that henceforth I would take my copies as PCs.

So that’s the story. Because of the change of publishers, I have lettered and numbered copies of the two Meisha Merlin books, PC copies of the Subterranean STORM OF SWORDS and (soon) FEAST FOR CROWS. And somewhere out there are collectors who own the G, RR, M, and PP copies of STORM and (soon) FEAST, who may be madly searching for the same letters of the Meisha Merlin volumes to complete their run. Alas, they won’t find ’em. I got ’em here. Ditto on the numbers.

I hope that clears up some of the confusion.

(Oh, by the way, Marc Fishman is already hard at work on the artwork for the Subterranean limited edition of A DANCE WITH DRAGONS. So when that book is finally done, there’s a good chance the Subterranean edition may come out quite soon after the trade hardcovers from Voyager and Spectra, and a very slim chance that it might actually beat ’em into print).

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A Great Giant Falls

February 21, 2009 at 6:35 pm
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Brad Van Pelt is dead at 57.

Shocking and sad. He was a great linebacker and a great G-Man whose career, sadly, was squandered on some very bad Giants teams. But true fans of Big Blue remember him fondly. We didn’t have much to cheer about in those days.

Current Mood: null null



February 20, 2009 at 10:50 pm
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The flood of support I have received in the last day has been overwhelming.

More than four hundred comments on the DWD posting, and more every time I glance at it. I can hardly keep up with the unscreening. (My assistant, Ty, who normally handles that for me, has been out the last two days, sick with the same wretched flu that laid Parris low for a week and a half). Almost as many emails pouring in. By rough count, at least 99% of the messages are generous, understanding, supportive, and heartening.

There’s no way I can possibly answer all of them. It’s all I can do to read them.

But I do appreciate them, and I want every one to know that.

And, no, please, have no fear, there was never any danger that I would be so discouraged by the comments of trolls, critics, and detractors that I would stop work on the book. I am still pounding my head against that bloody keyboard daily. Today it was in service of… ah, no, you’re not supposed to know about that POV character yet. (Though I have hinted).

I also spent part of the day on email correspondence with a WARRIORS author about his story, talked to my editor and an artist about the ICE & FIRE concordance, traded some messages regarding developments on the HBO pilot, accepted an offer for that old issue of AMAZING I was looking for, paid my phone bill, and watched an episode of ER and one of MONK that I had TIVO’d earlier. That’s a pretty typical day, actually. I work on DANCE, but not to the exclusion of all else.

But I digress.

The main point of this is just to say thanks.

Yes, there are some dolts and loonies out there. But by and large, I have the best fans in the world.

(And who knew so many of them were Rick Nelson fans?)

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