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Calendar Update

September 5, 2009 at 3:09 pm
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Sorry, there will be no 2010 Ice & Fire calendar. After our deal with DBPro was terminated, there was simply not enough time to find a new publisher, negotiate a contract, hire an artist, and get twelve paintings done so the calendar could be released on schedule. A calendar really needs to be released by Halloween at the latest… some 2010 calendars are already in the stores now, in early September… so….

However, I do expect to have some exciting news about the 2011 calendar Real Soon Now. And that one WILL be released on schedule.

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September 3, 2009 at 12:35 pm
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Taking another whack at the Meereenese knot today. I’m going to try breaking two largish chapters into four smallish ones, changing the order of events somewhat, and weaving them all together. Maybe that will work a little better.

Can it really be September?? Ack. I can feel the heat of those flames…

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As Cersei Lannister…

September 2, 2009 at 12:49 pm
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… yes, we have the superb British actress Lena Headey.

That’s not news, I know. The CHICAGO TRIBUNE broke the story, and the casting has been confirmed by the HOLLYWOOD REPORTER, Reuters, and numerous other blogs and websites. But just in case there were any doubts, this should put ’em to rest.

Lena is best known among genre fans for playing Sarah Connor in the recently cancelled Fox show THE SARAH CONNOR CHRONICLES. Sarah, of course, was played in the TERMINATOR films by Linda Hamilton, who was also Catherine on BEAUTY AND THE BEAST. Yes, that was the “Six Degrees” clue, with Sarah Connor as the link.

Lena also starred as Queen Gorgo of Sparta in the film 300, whence came my two “Gorgo” clues, one playing off the old monster movie GORGO (see below), the other off the actual historical Queen Gorgo, as chronicled by Herodotus, Father of History.

(Some folks have complained that the clues were too hard. Maybe so. Hard to judge these things. Originally I had intended to write that the search for our queen had been terminated after looking at three hundred actresses, but Parris convinced me that you lot would have solved that one in about six seconds. So blame her.)

Lena Headey has played all sorts of other roles besides Queen Gorgo and Sarah Connor, of course. Check out her credits on IMDB. She’s even worked with Jennifer Ehle (our Catelyn) in POSSESSION, she played Guinevere in MERLIN, she’s appeared in many period pieces and even a few set during the medieval period. Her range was one of the things that impressed us most about her; Cersei is a character with many colors, and Lena will be able to give us all of them. Her readings were wonderful… and of course she’s beautiful and sexy as hell.

Yes, it’s true, she’s not a blonde, but she has played one on TV (and in films). Seriously, guys. This is HBO. They know about wigs and hair dyes and stuff like that.

Lena should be amazing as the queen you love to hate. I’m thrilled to have her aboard.

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More Casting to Come

September 1, 2009 at 7:57 pm
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Glad to see everyone so excited about the casting.

We’re not done yet by any means. Roles still to be filled for the pilot include Bran, Jory, Hullen, Jeyne Poole, Septa Mordane, Maester Luwin, Ser Rodrik, Grand Maester Pycelle, Khal Drogo, Magister Illyrio, and the threesome from the prologue, Gared, Will, and Waymar Royce.
And the ever-popular Red-Headed Whore and Nameless Eunuch.

Rickon, Tommen, Myrcella, and Beth will be non-speaking parts.

People are getting way ahead of themselves with suggestions for Varys, Littlefinger, Lord Tywin, Ser Barristan, Renly, Stannis, Melisandre, etc. None of those characters appear in the pilot, and some won’t appear until the second season.

Assuming, of course, that we get that far.

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Mommy Comes to London Town

September 1, 2009 at 6:40 pm
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Gorgo’s mother meets Big Ben.

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Our Queen Is Cast…

August 31, 2009 at 11:50 pm
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… but I can’t tell you who she is.

Only who she isn’t.

She has no lines in common with Mr. Miyagi, but maybe she should. If we were playing “Six Degrees,” there would only be one link between us. Her mother and Big Ben are strangers.

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Report from Abq

August 30, 2009 at 10:42 am
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A good Bubonicon. Mike Cassutt gives his GOH speech in a couple minutes. And we had the usual raucous time at the Pope Room last night.

The dog is green. Just sayin’

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I’ll Be Good, I will, I will

August 30, 2009 at 1:01 am
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Eat your porage and you’ll grow up big and strong.

Just sayin’

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August 27, 2009 at 8:08 pm
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Off to our local convention in Albuquerque this weekend. Stop by if you’re in the neighborhood. Bubonicon is a smallish (about 500 people), friendly convention with a decided literary slant. This year the GOH is my old pal Michael Cassutt, a colleague from my TWILIGHT ZONE days and a veteran of the Hollywood wars. Mike is sharp and cynical and always fun to share a beer with, and we’ll be doing some panels together and talking about where the bodies are buried. Also on hand will be toastmaster Carrie Vaughn, a whole phalanx of Wild Carders, S.M. Stirling, Trent Zelazny, Diana Galbaldon, and many other good folks.

My reading is at 5pm tomorrow. Will probably read a chapter from DANCE, haven’t decided which one yet.

Meanwhile, off across the water, casting continues. The latest auditions I have screened were for “Nameless Eunuch” and “Red-Headed Whore.” (Remember, there are no small parts. Red-Headed Whore has a great line). Only one part has been filled since the Secret Seven were announced, but I expect to hear about more castings Real Soon Now.

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R.I.P. Teddy

August 26, 2009 at 11:57 am
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Ted Kennedy is gone. The lion of liberalism, one of the great voices of his generation, a senator in the proud tradition of Henry Clay and Daniel Webster and Daniel Patrick Moynihan.

He will be missed.

Teddy, Bobby, JFK. What a remarkable family. They were men like any other, not plaster saints, and had their share of failures and mistakes. But they fought the good fight, and left the world a better place than they found it, and no more can be asked of any man.

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