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It’s a helluva town. The Bronx is up and the Battery’s down. The people all ride in a hole in the ground. Also, it’s the headquarters for all your GAME OF THRONES merchandising needs.
Just check out the HBO store at 1100 Avenue of the Americas (Sixth Avenue, for you out of towners). The shop was transformed last night into the official GAME OF THRONESD headquarters — the first and only one of its kind the world.
All of the merchandise from HBO’s on-line shop will be offered at the store. The shop has also gas props straight from the set on display, and GAME OF THRONES content running on the multimedia components. So it’s museum as well as a shop.
HBO plays to update continually over the next several months with rotating displays, official merchandiing and promotions.
So New Yorkers… get down into that hole in the ground. Visit early! Visit often! OOOOHHH and AAAHHHHH.
And while you’re in town, have a pizza for me at one of the many great NYC pizza places.
This is the best thing to happen to NYC since the Giants won the SuperBowl.
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