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Comicon Coolness, Part the First

August 2, 2014 at 9:17 pm
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Lots of cool stuff went down in San Diego at Comicon… parties, panels, parties, signings, parties, meals with friends, and much much more.

Too much to relate here, at least.  But I can mention a few highlights.

For me, one of the highlights was the appearance of a couple of copies of THE WORLD OF ICE & FIRE.

The worldbook won't be released until October, so it wasn't for sale at San Diego, but Bantam had a couple of advance copies hot off the presses at the Random House booth, for lucky fans to open, peruse, and drool over.  Not mock-ups, either.  This is the real book.

Alas, the crowds at Comicon make it impossible for me to walk the floor anymore without a cordon of security, so I never made it to the Random House booth… but I was able to snag one of the samples and take it home with me.


It's everything I hoped for!  A bloody gorgeous book.  Wait till you see it.


Years back, when my editors at Bantam first approached me about doing a concordance for Westeros and its history, I was initially reluctant.  I had seen a number of these 'worldbooks,' and, well, some were pretty good, but others were awful, cheaply made collections of previously published material with lots of bad art.  If we do one of these, I declared, I want it to be the best one ever published.  A coffee table book, big and beautiful, with lots of original content, histories and tales never previously published anywhere, plus maps and heraldry and family trees, all of it lavishly illustrated by some of the best fantasy artists in the world.

That's what we got.  It took WAY longer than we thought it would, and required much more time and effort from everyone concerned, but I think the end result is worth it, and hope you all will agree.  Hey, even Robby the Robot loves the book.


Will THE WORLD OF ICE & FIRE answer every question you ever had about Westeros and its history?  Hell, no… I need to save SOMETHING for the novels and the Dunk & Egg stories.  But it will answer a lot of questions, including some you never knew you had, and there are long meaty histories of all the major regions and great houses of the Seven Kingdoms, plus the Lands Beyond — the Nine Free Cities, the Summer Isles, the grasslands of Essos, even the Further East, beyond the Bones.

And the art… the art will knock you on your ass… Justin Sweet, Magali Villenueve, Marc Simonetti, Michael Komarck, Jae Drummond, Chase Stone, Ted Nasmith, and many many more.

My thanks go out to all the great folks at Bantam, in particular my editor Anne Lesley Groell and production manager Erich Schoenweiss, who labored long and hard to bring the worldbook to fruition. Also, a lot of credit goes to art director Dave Stevenson, and to Delia Greve and Rosebud Eustace at Becker & Mayer… and of course to my collaborators and partners in crime, Elio Garcia and Linda Antonsson, without whose efforts THE WORLD OF ICE & FIRE could never ever have happened.

I wanted to give my fans the best fantasy concordance ever published.  I think we did.

If you want to see for yourself, Amazon is offering it at a considerable presale discount right now

and, of course, it is also available for preorder at many other online booksellers, and your favorite local bookstore.

I'm very proud of this one.  Maybe you can tell…

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FOCUS Interview

August 1, 2014 at 7:30 pm
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Here's the latest interview with Yours Truly, from Focus on New Mexico KNME.

(I must have done a hundred interviews in San Diego, but this one was done earlier, at the Jean Cocteau Cinema in Santa Fe).

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Return of the Ice Dragon

July 30, 2014 at 4:01 pm
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My children's book THE ICE DRAGON — actually an illustrated and edited version of a short story that I wrote back in the 70s — has been out of print in the US for some time, as a number of my readers have informed me over the past year.

That's because Tor was preparing an entirely new edition, which I'm now thrilled to be able to announce.

Same story, but ALL NEW ARTWORK.  This edition of THE ICE DRAGON will be lavishly illustrated by award-winning fantasy artist LUIS ROYO.

Have a look at the cover:


The new ICE DRAGON will be flying to a bookstore near you on OCTOBER 21 of this year!

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Comicon Is Coming

July 21, 2014 at 10:43 am
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It seems like I just got back from France and Switzerland… maybe because I just did… and now San Diego Comicon is on top of us.

I'll be there for the whole weekend, doing promotion for HBO, Bantam Spectra, and my various other publishers.  Flying in Wednesday, departing on the following Monday, so if you're going to comicon, you should have plenty of chances to see me, hear me, and get me to scrawl illegibly on your book, graphic novel, Blu-Rays, or body parts.

My schedule:

Wednesday evening, 6pm to 7pm, I will be doing a signing at the AVATAR PRESS booth, autographing copies of the SKIN TRADE graphic novel and IN THE HOUSE OF THE WORM comic.  (Only those, please.  There will be other places and times to get my other stuff signined).

Thursday, 2:30 to 3:30, I will be appearing in the main autograph area (the Sails) at Table 3, with DONATO GIANCOLA.  The two of us will be signing copies of the 2015 Ice & Fire calendar, which will be making its debut at the convention.

Thursday, 4:00 to 5:00 pm, you can catch me in the Indigo Room, where I'll be joining William Christensen of Avatar to talk about THE SKIN TRADE and IN THE HOUSE OF THE WORM.  (No signing here, this is just a talk).

Friday, we have the GAME OF THRONES panel in Hall H.  I'll be there, with showrunners David Benioff and Dan Weiss and various members of our cast.  This year CRAIG FERGUSON will be moderating.  Hall H seats 7,000 people… but of course 150,000 people attend comicon, so if you want to see the panel, best get in line… ah… now.  Afterward I will join the cast for interviews and a poster signing and more interviews.

Saturday, 11:00 am to 12 noon, I return to the Sails for a Random House autograph session.  This time I will be at Table 7.  This is the time and place to get your books signed.  Copies will be on sale in the autograph area, if you don't want to drag your old ones to San Diego.

Saturday, 4:15 pm to 5:15 pm, I'll be in Room 6A for a panel on epic fantasy, part of an all-star lineup of panelists with Patrick Rothfuss, Joe Abercrombie, and others.

Sunday, 12:30 to 1:30, back to the floor for another signing.  This time I will be signing copies of the HEDGE KNIGHT and SWORN SWORD graphic novels at the ComiXology booth, on behalf of Jet City Comics.

Sunday, 2:00pm to 4:00pm, I will be judging a costume contest sponsored by Courtyard Marriott.

Monday I go home.

Given the sheer numbers of people in San Diego for comicon, I regret to say that I will sign autographs ONLY at the designated signings.  There are, you will note, five of them, which means I'll be scrawling my name for five hours at various points through the weekend.  That's about all I can manage.  So if you should happen to see me walking the floor, riding a pedicab through the GasLamp, having a drink or eating my dinner, feel free to smile or wave or say hi, but PLEASE do not ask me to sign anything.  I can only do so much, and I do need some time just to enjoy the con and chill with friends.


See you in San Diego.

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Six Days Left

July 19, 2014 at 11:46 am
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Only six days remain on my big Prizeo fundraiser on behalf of the Wild Spirit Wolf Sanctuary and the Food Depot of Santa Fe.  We've raised some $459,000 as I write, but we're still short of our half-million dollar goal.  So if you have some spare change and/or folding green in your pocket, come help push us over the top with a late surge!

Many of the special incentive prizes have been snapped up… but some remain.

You can still book a brunch with me at San Diego Comicon, a week from Sunday.  (Hand at the Table).

You can still buy my red flame suspenders… yes, the pair I am wearing in the avatar pic above.  (Khaleesi).  They're worn, but they have done good service, and I am sure many of you would look better in 'em than I do.

Also.. some of you may recall that Bantam Spectra changed the cover design of A FEAST FOR CROWS before the book was released, and never used the beautiful Jaime Lannister artwork that Stephen Youll had painted.  But we have some copies of the never-used original covers, and we're offering those as well.   (Stag)


These cover flats have never been used.  A rare collectible, a few of them have turned up on ebay in recent years, sometimes with minimum bids in the thousands of dollars.  And those are unsigned.  Buy one for the wolves, and I'll autograph/ deface it (or not), as you please.  And the money will go to feed the homeless and shelter the wolves… plus buying you more tickets for the grand prize.

The grand prize, of course, remains the same: a trip to Santa Fe from anywhere in the world, a day with me, and a helicopter visit down to Candy Kitchen, New Mexico to see Wild Spirit and visit the wolves.

So join in… and do watch the site closely.  We plan to add a few more last minute incentive prizes on Wednesday, before the fundraiser closes down on Friday.

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Master Class

July 18, 2014 at 3:47 pm
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For those of you who were unable to travel to Switzerland for NIFFF, Livestream has uploaded my "Master Class" interview and Q&A.

NIFFF was great fun, all in all, though they kept me so busy that I was only able to see one film of the ninety-plus shown at the festival.  Most of the interviews covered the same old ground… but the masterclass got into some areas a bit more substantially, and you may find it interesting.

I had fun doing it, anyway.

If you would like to check it out, go to:


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Martians and Women and Rogues, Oh My

July 17, 2014 at 5:06 pm
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Hey, lots of good news on the anthology front while I was traipsing around France and Switzerland these past couple of weeks.

OLD MARS led the way, winning the annual Locus Award as the Best Anthology of 2013:

Old Mars cvr rev

You can check out the details at    And congratulations to my pals Daniel Abraham and Ty Franck as well.  As James S.A. Corey, they won the Locus Award for Best SF Novel of the year.  (Would that ABADDON'S GATE was on the Hugo ballot as well).  And of course, congrats to my co-editor Gardner Dozois, and our amazing lineup of writers, who made the anthology the delight that it is.  If you haven't checked out OLD MARS yet, you missed at lot.

((And for what it's worth, OLD VENUS will be even better)).

Next thing, the nominees for this year's World Fantasy Award were announced.  OLD MARS wasn't eligible, being science fiction and all… but DANGEROUS WOMEN, the big crossgenre anthology that Gardner and I released last summer, is one of the finalists for Best Anthology (against some mighty stiff competition, I might add).


You can check out the full list of Wold Fantasy Award nominees here:

To round out the triptych, in the midst of all this recognition for the books that Gargy and I did last year, our newest anthology, ROGUES, hit the shelves from coast and coast… and debuted at #7 on the NEW YORK TIMES Bestseller List.  No, not the anthology bestseller list, or the SF/ fantasy bestseller list, but the bestseller list for ALL HARDCOVER FICTION.  Which is pretty damned extraordinary for an anthology.

Rogues comp A March 17 lo res

So, all in all, it was a hell of a month.

My thanks to the LOCUS voters, the World Fantasy Con members and judges, and all the readers who snatched up ROGUES.

I love doing anthologies, and introducing great stories and new writers to my fans.  It's great to see the books being so well received.

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Home Again

July 15, 2014 at 5:11 pm
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Got home late (LATE) last night from Switzerland.  The journey back from Neuchatel, via Zurich and O'Hare, ended up taking us twenty four from when we took to when we toppled into bed again, thanks to a long layover and even longer delays in Chicago, so Raya and I were both zombies when we arrived.  The flight on Swissair from Zurich was a delight.  The flight from Chicago to Albuquerque on American Eagle was a nightmare.  I really hate these crappy little planes that United and American have put on their domestic routes.

Anyway… very tired now, and of course a thousand emails awaited me… but I am catching up, and hope to be able to say a few words about my adventures in Europe later.  It was an amazing trip.

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Wild Cards in Germany

July 1, 2014 at 2:10 pm
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Our German publishers will soon be releasing their translation of INSIDE STRAIGHT, first of the "next generation" of Wild Cards books, and they've released a cool "book trailer" to herald the event,


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GRRM is Coming to France & Switzerland

June 26, 2014 at 5:20 pm
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Hey all you European Fans, GRRM is officially on his way to France tomorrow, he will be signing books at the lovely Librairier Grangier bookstore in Dijon from 2PM -6PM on Thursday July 3rd.



Then after a short visit in France, it's off to beautiful Switzerland and the Neuchâtel International Fantastic Film Festival, or NIFFF, which GRRM will be attending from July 5th to July 12th.  During this wonderfully weird event highlighting fantastic films from all over the world they will feature three movies personally picked by George,  Hitchcock's PSYCHO, CASABLANCA and of course the forever classic FORBIDDEN PLANET.  GRRM will be introducing all three of these features and giving a short speech as to the influence these particular films had on him.

GRRM will also be hosting a panel about being an author, working in television and the overall adaptation process.  The Panel is listed as the Writer's Room at NIFFF and is being scheduled for Monday the 7th of July at 2PM.

There will also be a signing session for fans during NIFFF it beings at 2PM on Sunday July 12th.

Please visit NIFFFs website for more details on all the fun happening in Neuchâtel this July.


This Announcement has been brought to you by the Minions of Fevre River…. 🙂

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