Not a Blog

Rumors and Fabrications

December 9, 2014 at 4:52 pm
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It seems I need to clarify once more.

I am NOT on Twitter.  I am NOT on Facebook.  The only place I post myself, in my own words, is here on Live Journal.

I do have an official Twitter account, and an official Facebook account.  I established these in self-defense, because there were fake accounts out there, where people pretending to be me were making various spurious pronouncements… pronouncements that would then get picked up all over the internet and repeated as if they were gospel.

The official Twitter and Facebook accounts are maintained for me by my minions and my publishers.  I don't post there myself.  I don't even read them or check comments.  I have other stuff to do.  LOTS of other stuff.

Anyway, a few weeks ago, Raya came to me and said the folks at Random House wanted to do a special promotion on Twitter, a "Twelve Days of Christmas" with a Westerosi twist.  Did they have the green light?  It sounded fun, and funny, so I said sure, and thought no more of it.  It was just a little Christmas celebration.

But then, somehow, from somewhere, the rumor arose that the "12 Days" were actually a countdown… not to Xmas, but to the publication of THE WINDS OF WINTER, or the announcement of its completion and/ or pub date.

Sorry.  Not true.  Look, I've said before, and I will say again, I don't play games with news about the books.  I know how many people are waiting, how long they have been waiting, how anxious they are.   I am still working on WINDS.  When it's done, I will announce it here.  There won't be any clues to decipher, any codes or hidden meanings, the announcement will be straightforward and to the point.  I won't time it to coincide with Xmas or Valentine's Day or Lincoln's Birthday, the book will not rise from the dead with Jesus on Easter Sunday.  When it is done, I will say that's it is done, on whatever day I happen to finish.

I don't know how I can make it any clearer.

And while I am debunking rumors, let me also say that this story about me being inspired to finsh WINDS by STAR WARS is also utter bullshit, and I have NO idea where that one came from.  (I liked the first two STAR WARS movies, the third not so much, the prequels not at all, and the trailer for the new one had no impact on me one way or the other, and let's face it, even the best of 'em is no FORBIDDEN PLANET.  Robby is my robot ideal, not C3PO or R2D2).  Made up out of whole cloth, so far as I know.

It really stuns me how widely the STAR WARS thing has been disseminated.  Truly, internet journalism is an oxymoron.

As Mark Twain once said, "A lie can travel halfway around the world while truth is putting on its shoes."

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Power, Power, POWER!!!!

December 8, 2014 at 5:26 pm
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The HOLLYWOOD REPORTER says I am the third most powerful writer in Hollywood:

Mwaaaahahahahaha.  (Rubs hands together)   What shall I do with such awesome power?

Let me banish all reality shows from the air!

And these 'talent' shows too!  Instead of shows where assholes and audiences mack mock of wannabees who cannot sing and dance, let's bring back the variety show and feature really GOOD singers and really GOOD dancers.

Oh, and you movie studios… no more replacing screenwriters at the drop of a hat.  It should as hard to replace the writer as it is to replace the director.  And that "a film by" credit at the beginning of pictures should include the name of BOTH writer and director.  The film is by both of them, not just one.

And every TV series should be required to take X amount of pitches from freelancer writers and beginners.  That used to be mandated by the WGA, and way back when it was how a lot of newcomers got their foot in the door, but these days most shows find ways around it, and breaking in is harder than ever.

Since I am so so powerful, I know all this will come to pass!

(And if it does, I have a bride to sell you).

((BRIDGE! I meant bridge.))

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36 Hours in Santa Fe

December 6, 2014 at 1:42 pm
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If you have the chance to visit Santa Fe, but have only thirty-six hours to spend here, what should you see and do?

The NEW YORK TIMES has some suggestions for you.

(And of course a visit to the Jean Cocteau is a MUST).

Go check it out.

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This Week at the Cocteau

December 5, 2014 at 3:26 pm
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We have a big weekend coming up at the Jean Cocteau Cinema.

We're extending the runs of both INTERSTELLAR and HIROSHIMA MON AMOUR, so you'll be able to catch both of those off and on during the week.  Check the showtimes on our website for dates and details.  But we're also opening a new film tonight.  It's called BEFORE I DISAPPEAR.  Check outthe  trailer, looks like fun:

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Tomorrow morning, Saturday, we launch another one of our television marathons.  We'll be screening the entire first season of the new WGN dramatic series MANHATTAN, which is filmed right here in Santa Fe on the replica of 1943 Los Alamos that they built back of the College of Santa Fe.  If you haven't seen MANHATTAN yet, you should.  It's terrific, and if there's any justice it will competing with GAME OF THRONES next year when the Emmys roll around.  (And no, it's not set in New York, it's about the Manhattan Project).

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Keep a sharp eye out and you'll spot GAME OF THRONES alumnus Harry Lloyd, the late great Viserys Targaryen, at the Lab, part of the induction team.  Harry's in London just now, and won't be able to join us for the marathon, but other members of the cast and crew may be on hand.

Best of all: admission to all the MANHATTAN screenings will be FREE. So come and enjoy the show, and be sure to buy plenty of radioactive popcorn and glow-in-the-dark cocktails.

That's not all, either.  Come Sunday, December 7, the Cocteau will sponsor another of its famous author events.  HAMPTON SIDES, the author of the bestselling novel of Arctic exploration, IN THE KINGDOM OF ICE, will be here to talk with me about his book, his career, the Arctic, James Gordon Bennett, and anything else that come to mind.


Admission is free with the purchase of a hardcover book, $5 with the purchase of a paperback, and $10 without book purchase.

Speaking of books… the Cocteau still has a huge stock of autographed books if you're looking for a Christmas present for that reader in the family.  Junot Diaz, Anne Perry, Melinda Snodgrass, Pat Conroy, Neil Gaiman, Dennis Lehane, and many more are all available.  And of course we have lots and lots of my own titles, including the brand new worldbook, THE WORLD OF ICE AND FIRE.  If you're in the neighborhood, stop on by, catch a show, have a popcorn or a beer, and peruse the shelves.

See you at the movies.

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POP! More Wild Cards

December 4, 2014 at 3:51 pm
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There's another brand new, original, never-before-published Wild Cards story up on

This one is by Walter Jon Williams.  The star (well, she'd say she was, at least) is Pop Tart, last seen in INSIDE STRAIGHT and the first season of AMERICAN HERO.  The art, of course, is by the amazing John Picacio.


Check it out at

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GOT, HBO Score WGA Nominations

December 4, 2014 at 2:53 pm
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The Writers Guild of America has just announced the nominees for its annual awards, and HBO and GAME OF THRONES are both well represented on the shortlists.

The writing staff of GAME OF THRONES season four (David Benioff, D.B. Weiss, Bryan Cogman, and me) scored another nomination for Best Dramatic Series.  We'll be up against THE GOOD WIFE, HOUSE OF CARDS, TRUE DETECTIVE, and MAD MEN.


But that's not all.  In the Episodic Drama category, my own season four episode, "The Lion and the Rose," was nominated.  It will be competing against episodes from THE GOOD WIFE, RECTIFY, MAD MEN, and two strong BOARDWALK EMPIREs.  Tough company indeed.

But I am thrilled by the nomination.  The last time one of my scripts was nominated was 1987, when one of my TWILIGHT ZONE episodes was a finalist.  (I lost to Harlan Ellison, with another TZ script).  So it's very cool to make the shortlist. 

For a full list of nominees, go to:

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A Sickly Shade of Green

December 2, 2014 at 12:49 am
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Is he the answer?  Hell, I don't know.  But he's the only other quarterback on the roster besides Vick and Smith, and he sure can't be any worse than what Geno showed last night, or in that Buffalo game I attended when I was in New York.  And if he has even half the guts and smarts and arm of his father, he might even win a few of these last games.

Maybe he doesn't.  Maybe he'll lose them all.  That would tell us something too.  Then we'd know the Jets had no starting-calibre QBs on the roster, and we can try and draft that kid from Oregon next season.

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A Trailer From Telltale

December 1, 2014 at 12:59 pm
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Tellgame Tales has released another trailer for their new GAME OF THRONES videogame, IRON FROM ICE.


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I Have No Words…

November 30, 2014 at 6:58 pm
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It doesn't get much worse than that.  Losing to the Niners and the Cowboys the past two weeks was bad, but at least they are good teams.  Playoff contenders.  Jacksonville… arrgh…

 We lost two more offensive linemen as well.  As Coughlin was already playing the third-stringers.  No wonder Eli kept going down.  If one more lineman had been injured, David Diehl would have needed to leave the broadcast booth to suit up.

 Bad to worse to worst.


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Gobble Gobble Gobble

November 27, 2014 at 12:20 pm
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Turkey Day is here again.  (Where did that year go?)

 Happy Thanksgiving to all my fans, friends, and family.

A day for fond memories.  Including this one:

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