Not a Blog

Two Premieres

March 22, 2015 at 9:16 am
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Off to San Francisco this afternoon for the premiere of GAME OF THRONES season five on Monday the 23rd, at the San Francisco Opera House.  Should be a grand affair, though the LA and NYC premieres (for seasons three and four, respectively) will be hard to top.  I look forward to seeing our old friends on the cast, and meeting some new ones.

Then it's home again, for the Santa Fe premiere of season five at the Jean Cocteau, on Saturday the 28th.   Three screenings, including the first Spanish-language screening in the morning for our Hispanic fans.

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This Week at the Cocteau

March 20, 2015 at 5:30 pm
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A  cool new documentary opening tonight at the Cocteau: THE WRECKING CREW.

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Now that's MY kind of music.

See you at the movies.

LATER:  Just got back from THE WRECKING CREW.  Great, just great.  Made me want to put on my old albums.

Say what you want, old codgers from the Greatest Gen.  Say what you want, Generation Xers and Millenials.  The truth cannot be denied.  Us Boomers had the best music.

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Creepy Dolls and Ellen Datlow Invade Santa Fe

March 19, 2015 at 8:30 am
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We had a great time at the release of Ellen Daltow’s newest collection of horror stories THE DOLL COLLECTION.  In honor of Ellen’s appearance at the Jean Cocteau we held our Creepy Doll contest, and boy did we get some creepy dolls!


If you happened to miss out on all the fun the Jean Cocteau still has signed copies of THE DOLL COLLECTION and other titles collected and edited by Ellen available at their online Bookstore.  Get your copy while supplies last.

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ADDENDUM:  We had twenty-six entries, from all over the country, for our Creepy Doll Contest.  Some truly creative, original, and disturbing visions.  Ellen Datlow, Jeff Ford, and Stephen Graham Jones served as judges, no easy task.  Here are the three winners.


Second place: OPHELIA by DONNA KIDBY

And of course our first place winner, MELINDA by DAVID JESSUP.

Congratulations to the winners, and thanks to everyone who took part.

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Signed Books

March 17, 2015 at 12:40 pm
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We had a pleasant surprise last night at the Jean Cocteau when Elizabeth Bear and Scott Lynch dropped by for a short visit.

Of course, we immediately took advantage of their presence by making them sign books.

So… for as long as the supply lasts, which will not be long… we have hardcovers of ROGUES signed by Scott, and hardcovers of OLD VENUS signed by Elizabeth.

Rogues comp A March 17 lo resOld Venus final jkt

Of course, I've autographed both of these as well… and the copies of ROGUES on hand also have signatures from another contributor, Walter Jon Williams.

Also, from the day before, we have copies of THE DOLL COLLECTION, autographed by editor Ellen Datlow and contributors Jeffrey Ford and Stephan Graham Jones.


All of these, and many other titles, can be ordered from the Jean Cocteau bookshop at:

Happy reading.

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Sorry, Saratoga

March 14, 2015 at 6:50 pm
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I don't often attend the World Fantasy Convention (not to be confused with the World Science Fiction Convention, which I have only missed once thirty years), but I was there the last time it was held in Saratoga, and I had a great time. A terrific town, a wonderful con.

This year the convention is returning to Saratoga once again, and I was hoping to return as well. I'm not a guest of honor, and I'm not (so far as I know) getting an award; I just wanted to go.

Reluctantly, however, I've just had to scratch Saratoga off my list of 2015 appearances. For no reason having to do with the con itself. I am sure it will be terrific. It's just a matter of time.

I have too much to do. Too many things on my plate. Son of Kong foremost amongst them.

My apologies to anyone who saw Saratoga on my Appearances page and planned to go in order to see me. I won't be there. Go anyway. You'll have a great time.

Also, I have decided against attending this year's San Diego Comicon. Same reason. But since Comicon was never listed on my Appearances page, scratching it is not as big a deal.

(Should I complete and deliver WINDS OF WINTER before these cons roll round, I reserve the right to change my mind).

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At the Cocteau

March 13, 2015 at 12:46 pm
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This will be a great weekend at the Jean Cocteau Cinema.

PETER S. BEAGLE and his travelling show return tonight, with THE LAST UNICORN.

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We have one screening tonight (Friday) at 6:00, and two tomorrow at 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm. Peter will be introducing each screening personally, and fielding your questions afterwards. He’ll also be on hand to sign copies of his original novel, and many of other classic works. If you missed him last year when he passed through, don’t make the same mistake again. And if you were here last year, well, come again.

In between the two Saturday screenings of THE LAST UNICORN, we’ll be showing THE SALVATION a new western in the classic tradition, starring Mads Mikkelsen and Eva Green.

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Come Sunday, ELLEN DATLOW will be here with new anthology, THE DOLL COLLECTION.

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Ellen will be joined by two of her authors, Jeffrey Ford and Stephen Graham Jones. We’ll have readings from the book, an interview, a question-and-answer, and of course Ellen, Jeff, and Stephen will all be available to sign their books.

All that… and our CREEPY DOLL CONTEST! Check back here on Monday to see the winners.


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R.I.P. Terry Pratchett

March 12, 2015 at 10:22 pm
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Terry Pratchett is gone, and the world of fantasy is that much poorer this morning.

The creator of Discworld, and author of more novels than I can dare to contemplate, Terry was one of our greatest fantasists, and beyond a doubt the funniest. He was as witty as he was prolific, and that's saying something. The BBC has an obituary for him here:

I cannot claim to have known Terry well, but I ran into him at dozens of conventions over the decades, shared a stage with him a few times, and once or twice had the privilege of sharing a pint or a curry. He was always a delight. A bright, funny, insightful, warm, and kindly man, a man of infinite patience, a man who truly knew how to enjoy life… and books.


He is survived by Granny Weatherwax, Nanny Ogg, Mort, Death, Death of Rats, Commander Vimes, the Librarian, Cohen the Barbarian, Rincewind the Wizard, the Luggage, and hundreds of other unforgettable characters, whose adventures will continue to delight and surprise readers all over the world for many years to come.

Terry Pratchett was one of the good guys. He'll be missed.

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Revis Returns!!!

March 11, 2015 at 2:35 pm
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After two years in exile, the best cornerback in the NFL is finally returning to the New York Jets.

It has been a long long time since fans of Gang Green had anything to celebrate, but the return of Darrelle Revis is definitely cause for a smile.

Of course, he should never have left. See my Not A Blog post of April 21, 2013. I said it all then: trading away the Jets best cause was sufficient cause for dumping our then-new GM, John Idzik. Time has proved me right. Now Idzik is gone and Darelle is back. It only cost us two years, two lost seasons, and a great coach, Rex Ryan.

Will Darrelle's return make the Jets a contender?

Well, one can dream… but I think it unlikely, unless it turns out Revis can also play quarterback. So long as we have Geno Smith and the Pats have Tom Brady, I can't see the Jets contending for the AFC East.

Elsewhere in the NFL… well, the Giants are looking better and better as well. Not because of anything they have done, but because of what's happening down in Philadelphia, where Chip Kelly seems to be systemically dismantling the Eagles. Hey, keep at it, Chip.

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March 11, 2015 at 9:00 am
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We had such a great time at Janis Ians performance at the Jean Cocteau!  Thanks again Janis for fitting Santa Fe into your tour. DSC_0874

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Four Covers

March 10, 2015 at 8:19 pm
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Feast your eyes on the four variant covers for ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY's forthcoming double issue devoted to GAME OF THRONES.

Some gorgeous stuff here.





Be sure to collect them all. I know I will.

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