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The Calendar Is Coming

July 9, 2015 at 1:45 pm
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I won’t be at this year’s San Diego Comicon, alas. Had to miss the fun, but there’s too much work to do, and I know that HBO and Random House and Tor have matters well in hand, with lots of great events and promotions.

Which is not to say I won’t be represented: the 2016 edition of the Official SONG OF ICE AND FIRE Calendar will be making its debut at San Diego. I was lucky enough to snag an advance copy.

This year the artwork is by the amazing and talented French artist, MAGALI VILLENUEVE, whose past work includes some terrific contributions to Fantasy Flight’s games and the WORLD OF ICE AND FIRE concordance. Check out more of her work at and

The calendars will be available at the Random House/ Bantam/ Del Rey booth at San Diego, so be sure and look them before the supply is gone. Magali has done some gorgeous work here; I expect you will love it as much as I do.

World Fantasy Shortlist Announced

July 9, 2015 at 10:46 am
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This year’s shortlist for the World Fantasy Awards has been announced, and I am proud and pleased to learn that ROGUES is a finalist for the Howard as Best Anthology.

The winners will be announced at this year’s World Fantasy Con in Saratoga Springs. Which I will not be able to attend, alas. I’d hoped to… the last WFC in Saratoga was great fun, and I loved the city, and the train ride up the Hudson from NYC… but the press of work, etc.

For the full ballot, go here:

(I would be surprised if ROGUES actually won. It’s up against some strong competition, including an anthology by my dear friend Ellen Datlow, and “Never get between Ellen Datlow and a World Fantasy Award” is right up their with “Never get in a land war in Asia” and “Never play poker with a man named Doc” where life’s truisms are concerned. It is, however, an honor just to be nominated).

More Signed Books

July 8, 2015 at 1:01 pm
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We’ve just added two more titles to the Signed Books page at the Jean Cocteau: the Jack Vance tribute anthology, SONGS OF THE DYING EARTH, and SONGS OF LOVE AND DEATH, original tales of star-crossed love.

While the supply lasts… which will not be long… these will be available in both hardcover and paperback, with autographs from both me and my co-editor Gardner Dozois. ((Hard to get both, since Gardner and I are seldom in the same place at the same time, especially these days)).

For those who want to stand up to the bullies and rabids and their Tor boycott, please note that SONGS OF THE DYING EARTH was published by Tor. (They were also Jack Vance’s publisher for most of the last few decades).

SONGS OF LOVE AND DEATH was published by Fallery Books in hardcover and Pocket Books in paperback, and contains work by Jim Butcher, Diana Gabaldon, and many more.

We have also added some new titles (all SIGNED) by Jo Walton, Susan Orlean (her biography of Rin Tin Tin is fascinating reading) and Anne Perry, among others.

Check them all out at

And Speaking of Wild Cards…

July 7, 2015 at 12:46 pm
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… I am thrilled to report that we’ve completed and delivered the latest Wild Cards mosaic novel, HIGH STAKES. The day before I left for Chicago, I shipped off the massive (truly) manuscript to Diana Pho, our new editor at Tor.

HIGH STAKES is the third and concluding volume in the triad that began with FORT FREAK and continued with LOWBALL. Aces and jokers and Lovecraftian horrors, what more could you ask?

The contributing writers this time around are Melinda M. Snodgrass, John Jos. Miller, David Anthony Durham, Caroline Spector, Stephen Leigh, and Ian Tregillis. Featured viewpoint characters, respectively: Francis Xavier (Franny) Black, the Midnight Angel, Marcus (Infamous Black Tongue) Morgan, the Amazing Bubbles, Barbara (Babel) Baden, and Mollie (Tesseract) Steunenberg. You’ll also see plenty of Lohengrin, Carnifex, Hoodoo Mama, Baba Yaga, and all sorts of other characters, both new and old.

As usual, it was a bitch to edit. But I think you’ll like it.

Look for it next year, in the spring. More details when I have ’em.

And meanwhile… YES!… another monkey off my back!!!

Buy Tor Now

July 7, 2015 at 12:30 pm
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While I have been travelling, talking, touring, reading, writing, editing, and listening to great music these past few weeks, Puppygate has continued to fester, growing ever uglier.

In one of the more recent developments, the Rabid Puppies and some of their allies and fellow travellers have declared a boycott of Tor Books. I say “Rabid” here because Beale is backing the boycott, while Larry Correia says the Sad Puppies are not boycotting anyone… though Correia and some of the other Sads certainly seem deeply sympathetic to the boycott.

I am not, needless to say. Neither is most of fandom.

Which makes this a perfect time to BUY SOME TOR BOOKS!!

You can do that at your local bookstore, of course, or from your favorite online bookseller. There is an incredible range of great SF and fantasy to choose from in the Tor catalogue. Tor won the “best publisher” award in the recent LOCUS poll, for like the twentieth year in a row; there’s really no other publisher in a field with a backlist to compare, whether you are looking for epic fantasy, space opera, military SF, literary SF, Hugo winners, Hugo losers, or what have you.

And, hey, you can even buy some AUTOGRAPHED Tor books by me. My Wild Cards series is published by Tor, as it happens, and we have signed copies of INSIDE STRAIGHT, BUSTED FLUSH, SUICIDE KINGS, FORT FREAK, and LOWBALL available through the Jean Cocteau… along with hardcovers of our award-winning anthology, DANGEROUS WOMEN, also published by Tor. You can find them all at the cinema bookshop, here:

So if you would like to strike a blow for free speech and decency, and support all the good people at Tor, go ye forth and buy a book today… from the Cocteau, or Amazon, or anywhere… and let your voice be heard. You’ll get some damned good reading out of it too.

Fare Thee Well

July 7, 2015 at 12:07 pm
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Parris and I spent the weekend in Chicago (one of my favorite cities), hanging around Soldier Field for the last three performances of the Grateful Dead, the Fare Thee Well shows.

(I went in disguise, forsaking my usual Greek fisherman’s cap for a series of baseball caps, but somehow people recognized me anyway).

What can I say? Amazing shows, and the end of an epoch. I felt privileged to be there. And the music… well, words can never truly capture the feel of great music, as I discovered long ago when I wrote my rock novel, THE ARMAGEDDON RAG.

It was the RAG that brought me to my first Dead show, back in the 1980s. There was a time when the late great Phil DeGuere, the writer/ producer who brought me out to LA to write for THE TWILIGHT ZONE, hoped to make a feature film of the RAG, working with the Dead. That never came to pass, but it did get us backstage at many a Dead show.

Phil is gone now, alas, and so is Jerry Garcia, Cap’n Trips himself… and now the remaining members of the Dead have played their final shows together. But the memories will Not Fade Away, and the music will live on as long as people listen to rock and roll.

You will be able to buy a boxed set of those three last shows, I understand. Don’t hesitate. They were amazing performances.

Meanwhile, here’s my favorite Dead song (a hard choice, since I love so many)… from a 1980 show at Radio City Music Hall (not one I attended, alas):

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In Hamburg With Sibel

July 5, 2015 at 2:39 pm
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Sibel Kekilli sent me some nice pictures of my visit to Hamburg. I thought I’d share them.



SIDEWALK CAFE (it was chilly)

Fun times. I hope to get back.

Back In The USA

July 2, 2015 at 1:09 pm
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So we’re back home in Santa Fe, after ten days on the road in Germany, Sweden, and Finland.

A wonderful trip, all in all. Yes, much of it was work… I did numerous interviews in Hamburg, more in Stockholm, still more on the Alands, yadda yadda yadda… but in between we had some fine old times.

Some highlights:
— touring MiniatureLand in Hamburg. Wow. Biggest toy train set in the world, but the landscapes and miniatures dwarf the trains. Very glad my hosts took me to see this.
— the big public event in Hamburg, 3000 fans, sold out months ago.
— hanging with Sibel Kekilli and her boyfriend, and my German publicist, Sebastian. Sibel fed me Turkish food and showed me some of Hamburg’s nightlife, to reciprocate for the tour of Santa Fe I gave her on INTO THE NIGHT. Hamburg stays up later than Santa Fe, you will be surprised to learn, but chile con queso is nowhere to be found. We drank White Russians while huddled under blankets in an outdoor cafe. Took a canal boat tour as well.
— Stockholm. What a gorgeous city. Comes of not having a major war since Napoleon. That way your gorgeous old buildings don’t get bombed into rubble.
— the Vasa Museum. Okay, the ship never made it our of the harbor, but it makes a great centerpiece for a museum,
— the Royal Armory, where you can actually see the bloodstained clothing that Gustavus Adolphus and Charles XII were wearing when they died,
— Marieham, on the Aland islands. Just a lovely place.
— the Aland Vikings, who fed us pancakes and mead and hammered at each other with axe and sword and spear for our amusement. They are building a very cool Viking village, definitely worth a visit if you visit the islands.

And of course Archipelacon was great fun as well. The Finnish fans are second to none, and we had plenty of Swedes on hand as well, and a strong BWB contigent who taught them all how to party. It is events like this that remind me what fandom is all about — a celebration of science fiction and fantasy, of friendship and family.

Locus Award to ROGUES

July 2, 2015 at 10:09 am
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Would that I could be in two places at once. While I was off in Germany, Sweden, Finland, and the Aland Islands, I was winning an award in Seattle.

ROGUES, the latest in the series of massive cross-genre anthologies I’ve edited with Gardner Dozois, won the Locus Award for the Best Anthology of 2014. The award is voted annually by the readers and subcribers of LOCUS, the PUBLISHER WEEKLY of science fiction, and a “must read” publication for anyone seriously interested in our genre.

I’m thrilled to say that one of the stories in the book also took home a Locus plaque — Joe Abercrombie won Best Novelette for “Tough Times All Over.” ROGUES also had two runners-up on the list, a novella by Patrick Rothfuss and a novelette by Scott Lynch.

The full results can be found here:

The two LOCUS Awards are the latest additions to the anthology’s awards haul. Gillian Flynn’s story for ROGUES earlier won an Edgar, and the book itself was voted a Stabby Award by the members of the Reddit online community.

If you’d like to check out the book for yourself, autographed hardcovers are still available from the bookstore at the Jean Cocteau Cinema:

We’re Number One… Again

July 1, 2015 at 9:45 am
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All great, of course, but I have to confess, that return to #1 especially tickles.

Pretty damn good for a book first published in 1996.

(It is the return to the show to the airwaves that’s responsible, of course, so thanks to HBO and David and Dan and Bryan and our amazing cast and directors… and also to Anne, and all the great folks at Bantam Spectra, who have kept all of the books in print and available for lo these long years. Long may we reign).