I am falling way behind on these posts, alas. The past few months have been very busy.
But I couldn’t allow Josh Gad’s visit to the Land of Enchantment go unmentioned. Josh dropped by Santa Fe on September 18, while on tour to promote his new children’s book, PICTUREFACE LIZZY. He signed a stack of copies for us at Beastly Books, so if you’re looking for a fun Xmas gift for the kids in your family, nothing beats an autographed book.
You can order your copy direct from Beastly. Just follow the link:
Link to Josh’s book CLICK HERE
And since Josh was in town, there was no way we were going to let him get away without sitting down for an interview, so we adjourned next door to the Jean Cocteau and talked… and talked… and talked. That was a lot of fun. We had a full house, but if you didn’t happen to be in Santa Fe that night, well, we got the whole thing on video. Check it out.
Current Mood: bouncy