Not a Blog


August 30, 2024 at 7:50 am
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It is Fiesta here in Santa Fe, one of the oldest festivals in the City Different, and once again the highlight of the festivities will be the Burning of Zozobra (the original Burning Man, for those of you who have never heard of him).

Zozobra will be 100 this year, so the celebrations should be even more spectacular than before.    For the first time, Sky Railway will be joining the madness with the FLAME TRAIN, set to carry the fire that will consume Old Z from Lamy through the heart of Santa Fe to Fort Marcy Park.

Zozobra himself is a towering marionette representing Old Man Gloom.  The pyre that devours him after dark — as he shouts and screams and waves his arms and legs — contains within it all the doom and grief and depression and despair of the past year.   It is Santa Fe’s way of devouring the darkness, to clear the way for the light and joy that will hopefully mark the new year.

And believe me we need that, more than ever before.   The world, the country, and yes, certainly me.   This has not been a good year for anyone, with war everywhere and fascism on the rise… and on a more personal level, I have had a pretty wretched year as well, one full of stress, anger, conflict, and defeat.

I need to talk about some of that, and I will, I will… I was away from my computer traveling from July 15 to August 15, so a lot of things that needed saying did not get said.   I am glad I took that trip, though.   My stress levels beforehand were off the charts, so much so that I was seriously considering cancelling my plans and staying at home.  I am glad I didn’t, though.   It was so so good to get away for a little, to put all the conflict aside for a time.   I began to feel better the moment the plane set down in Belfast, and we all headed off to Ashford Meadow to see the tournament.   We had five great days in Belfast and environs, and that made me feel so much better.   The rest of the trip was fun as well, a splendid combination of business and pleasure that included visits to Belfast, Amsterdam, London, Oxford, and Glasgow.   I look forward to telling you all about our adventures… though it may take a while.   I had a thousand emails waiting for me on my return, and then I went and brought a case of covid back with me from worldcon, so I am way way behind.

I do not look forward to other posts I need to write, about everything that’s gone wrong with HOUSE OF THE DRAGON… but I need to do that too, and I will.   Not today, though.  TODAY is Zozobra’s day, when we turn away from gloom.




Current Mood: busy busy

Come to The Thicket

August 29, 2024 at 12:02 pm
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THE THICKET is one of Joe Lansdale’s best books — and believe me, that’s saying something, since the Sage of Nacodoches has written a lot of them.  Science fiction, mystery, horror, fantasy, humor, westerns, Joe can do it all.

And now THE THICKET is a major motion picture as well, starring the one and only Peter Dinklage and Juliette Lewis.

We’ll be premiering THE THICKET this Saturday at the Jean Cocteau Cinema in Santa Fe.

And Joe Lansdale, His Own Self, will be on hand in person to join us, and answer questions afterward.

Don’t miss it.



Remembering Howard

August 22, 2024 at 9:29 am
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On June 29th, while I was off in Europe stumbling from country to country with Parris and our mighty minions, Howard Waldrop’s friends and fans and loved ones held a memorial for him in Austin Texas.

I was not able to be there in person (we were in London at the time) but there was no way I could not be a part of a remembrance for H’ard, so I taped some remarks and sent them to Robert Taylor, who was organizing the event.   I went on rather a long time, as it happens, but Howard and I had a long history and I am a wordy bastard in any case, as many of you know.  My tape ended up coming in around 45 minutes long, and could easily have gone three hours if I’d just kept talking.  There are so many stories to tell.

That was too long for the Austin memorial, so Robert and his team kindly cut and trimmed it for the event.   I do have the longer version and will likely post it here… probably later rather than sooner.   For now, we have this; not only my video, but all the other speeches and stories as well, from some of Howard’s pals.   (Some, not all.  Howard had friends all over the world.

Parts of this may bring a tear to your eye.   Other bits will make you laugh.   Laughter was one of Howard’s gifts.

And thanks go out to Robert, who organized the memorial and put all of this together.   (Not easily, I am sure.  Fans and writers are as easy to herd as cats).   Robert’s own segment, at the end, is especially moving.


Current Mood: melancholy melancholy