VARIETY broke the story a couple of days ago, so this will be old news to many of you, but…
We have our hedge knight.
And he has his squire.
Peter Claffey will play Dunk. He’s a former professional rugby player turned actor. And he’s tall. Ok, maybe not quite as tall as Ser Duncan the Tall, but still plenty tall, and with the magic of television…
His readings were terrific. I think you’re going to love him.
As Egg, we’ve cast Dexter Sol Ansell. Most recently seen in the HUNGER GAMES prequel, but he’s got an amazing amount of experience for his age. I am told he cannot wait to shave his head. (Love that sort of commitment).
His auditions were wonderful as well.
Peter and Dexter. They should make one hell of a pair.
Many more parts to cast, of course, but we’re seeing some great candidates. More news soon, I hope.
Current Mood: excited