The wolf has meowed again. This time in Las Vegas.
Omega Mart, the strangest supermarket in all the multiverse, has finally opened in Sin City, where it will be the anchor of the new Area 15 mall. This is the second permanent installation from Meow Wolf, and tickets are available now.
If you are in Nevada, or close enough to visit, and would like to check out the Mart, do reserve ahead of time and get your tickets on line. Just showing up at the door is not likely to work. The opening is subject to Covid restrictions, which means they are limited (for now) to 25% capacity, I believe. Sellouts will be the rule of the day for a while yet. (And no, I have not seen the exhibit myself yet. I am a long way from Las Vegas, in isolation in my mountain cabin, and this is not a good time for me to be travelling. But I expect I will get there eventually).
So far, the reviews have been splendid.
Many of you reading this may have already seen Meow Wolf’s first permanent exhibit, the House of Eternal Return in Santa Fe. Be assured, though Omega Mart is part of the same mythos (with more clues to the same underlying mysteries), it is elsewise completely different from the House. This is not a Disneyland/ Disneyworld/ Euro Disney scenario, the same thing in a different place. This is a major expansion… and the Vegas exhibit is larger than the original as well. (And wait till you see what they are building in Denver!)
There are many more stories out there on the internet, for those who would like to know more. Just Google.
Meanwhile, back home in the City Different, the House of Eternal Return remains shuttered for the foreseeable future, in compliance with New Mexico’s own pandemic restrictions. When Meow Wolf will be clear to reopen we cannot say; that all depends on the pace of vaccination, I suppose. My theatre, the Jean Cocteau Cinema, remains closed as well. Next door Beastly Books is open only for mail order. (But we have plenty of signed books for sale, if you would like to help support us. Including all of my own titles).
Those of you in Vegas and environs, do check out the Omega Mart if you can… but please, do so safely. Wear masks, and get your vaccinations as soon as your number is called.
Current Mood: geeky