It’s August, so it must be time for worldcon. (Truth be told, that sentence should read “It’s Labor Day, so it must be time for worldcon, but that fight may be lost, alas, alas). The annual gathering of the tribes, our fannish family reunion. Time for rockets, time for parties, time for the fannish faithful to gather and howl at the moon.
This year the gathering takes place in Kansas City, Missouri. MidAmericon II. Which just happens to be forty years after MidAmericon I in 1976, the first KC worldcon and (in my not so humble opinion) one of the best worldcons ever, and certainly the most innovative. MAC II has a lot to live up to, but I’m looking forward to a great week.
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All that and world class barbeque too! Burnt ends rule!!!
For those of you who will be attending, here’s my own schedule at the con:
THURSDAY August 18
3:00 pm – 4:30 pm AUTOGRAPHING Convention Center, room 3501H
FRIDAY August 19
12:00 noon – 1:00 pm READING Convention Center, room 3501H
5:00pm – 8:00 pm HIGH STAKES launch and mass Wild Cards signing, Count Basie Ballroom,
Downtown Marriott (ticketed event)
SATURDAY August 20
1:00 pm – 2:30 pm AUTOGRAPHING Convention Center, room 3501H
3:00pm – 5:00pm WILD CARDS Death Matches Convention Center, Tucker Stage
SUNDAY August 21
11:45 am KNIGHT OF THE SEVEN KINGDOMS signing w/ Gary Gianni
dealer’s room, Convention Center
2:00pm – 3:00 pm panel: REMEMBERING BIG MAC I Convention Center, Tucker Stage
Those are my Official Public Appearances.
Mind you, I will be around for the rest of the con as well. You’ll see me at parties, wandering the dealer’s room, enjoying the art shows, popping into other panels, attending the Hugo Awards, drinking at the bar, eating at various local restaurants and barbeque joints. And of course, I’m always glad to say hi. Especially at those parties. Parties are the soul of worldcon.
That being said, I would ask that you do NOT ask me to sign books or pose for photographs at these sorts of chance encounters. I’ve scheduled seven hours for autographing, spread over several days and several venues… the rest of the time I just want to enjoy the con like everyone else.
(A good thing to keep in mind in dealing with ALL your favorite writers, by the way, not just me).
And yes, I will be throwing another Hugo Losers Party. How not? This is the fortieth anniversary of the first one, held in my room at the old Muehlebach Hotel, the night after I lost two Hugos. But I haven’t listed that here since it’s not open to the general public, sorry. Invitation only.
See you in KC. Let’s party like it’s 1976!