Well, so far so good so far as international shipping is concerned.
Orders are coming in, books are being weighed, packed, and shipped.
Assuming that there are no problems en route, or with customs on the other ends, maybe this will fly and we can make all our fans overseas happy. So keep those emails and orders coming.
Oh, and speaking of autographs, my friend Diana Gabaldon dropped by the JCC the other day, and signed a few more stacks of books for us. So we have replenished our supply of OUTLANDER titles (have you guys been watching the series? it’s amazing). And Diana also signed some hardcovers of one of the anthologies she’s in, SONGS OF LOVE AND DEATH. While the supply lasts, we can offer copies of that one with four signatures: the two editors (me and Gardner), plus Diana Gabaldon and Neil Gaiman.
Happy reading!