Mad Max is coming to Santa Fe this weekend.
The long awaited fourth movie, MAD MAX:FURY ROAD, opens this weekend in hundreds of theatres acrpss the nation. One of them is our own Jean Cocteau Cinema.
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Most places will open the film on Friday, but we’re getting a jump of them with two Thursday night sneaks, one at 7:30 and one at 10:00 pm. As an extra added attraction, we will have Max’s car, the last of the V8 Interceptors, on hand outside the Cocteau THURSDAY and FRIDAY only.
Max himself may also be on hand, along with his old buddy the Gyro Captain (who isn’t in the new movie, I realize, but what the hell, he’s my favorite character).
You can buy advance tickets on line at the Cocteau website: http://www.jeancocteaucinema.com/buy-tickets/
And with every advance ticket, you get a FREE POPCORN!
We have the best popcorn in town, by the way. Organic, popped in su
So come see Max at the Jean Cocteau. I’ll see you there.