I know that you all want to see pictures from the pilot shoot for A GAME OF THRONES, but alas, I can’t show you the sets, the actors in costume, or any of that good stuff.
Which is not to say that I can’t show you a few other things from my recent trip.
Jerusalem in Morocco, f’rinstance.
Here are some shots of the huge city walls and siege machinery that Ridley Scott built for KINGDOM OF HEAVEN, outside the city of Ouarzazate in Morocco. We did shoot some scenes here… but inside, in a court redressed for our purposes.
That’s my assistant Ty perched on the battering ram, which was full sized, made of real wood, and appeared to be fully functional. Ditto the siege towers and trebuchets Ridley left.
The interior courtyards were equally impressive (alas, I can’t show you the one we redressed and actually used).
I worked in Hollywood for a decade back in my checkered past, and these are the most impressive sets I’ve ever seen. Hell, Scott’s fake castle beats about eighty per cent of the real castles I’ve seen, and I’ve visited a LOT of castles.
I’m obviously going to have to put a city under siege sometime soon, so we can go back to Morocco and play with all these cool toys one of these days.
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