Arrangements are still being worked out, but I have some tentative dates and times for my appearances in Ireland in November.
On Tuesday, November 3, I will be speaking and signing at Eason’s Bookstore in Belfast. The event begins at 1:00 pm. Or 1300 for you European types.
On Thursday, November 5, I will be at Eason’s on O’Connell Street in Dublin. This event begins at 5:00 pm, or 1700.
More details when I have ’em.
There’s a chance that David and/or Dan will drop by for the Belfast signing, and possibly some of the cast as well, but that’s not certain. May depend on how the shoot is going, what’s scheduled for that day, what’s happening down at the Paint Hall, etc. If I get any news on that front, I’ll be sure to pass it on.
These will be the first booksignings I’ve ever done in Ireland, so I don’t know what sort of crowd to expect… but I’m looking forward to meeting some of my Irish readers. Pass the word.
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