Oh, almost forgot to mention. It’s April, and the first issue of the new WILD CARDS comic book is on the stands, so run, don’t walk, down to your favorite neighborhood comic shop and buy a copy. That’s “The Hard Call,” written by Daniel Abraham with art by Eric Battle, featuring long time favorite Croyd Crenson (aka the Sleeper) and a host of cool new characters. It’s available in the “regular” edition, here.
and also with a special painted variant cover by Arthur Sudyam.
Speaking of comics, Marvel’s adaptation of “The Sworn Sword,” the second HEDGE KNIGHT novella, is also on the stands right now. The fifth and sixth issues came out while I wasn’t looking, it would seem. (Where has this year gone?)
You New Yorkers can get all of these, and much much more, at next weekend’s New York City Comicon. I won’t be there myself, but my friends from Marvel and DBPro will be. And be sure to stop by the Tor booth to learn more about our future plans for WILD CARDS, and the Bantam booth to pick up your free (FREE!) copy of SPECTRA PULSE with a never-before-seen preview chapter from A DANCE WITH DRAGONS. And no fair running home to put it up on ebay!
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