Here’s your chance to ask me that question you’ve always wanted an answer to.
Starting tomorrow, I will be appearing for the next five days on the Center Stage forum of the Barnes & Noble Book Club. I’ll be logging on at least once each day to field whatever questions my readers and the B&N customers have left for me. Now, I’m not going to promise to answer all of the questions. I will give it my best college try, but a lot depends on how many questions are actually posted. Sometimes this blog generates hundreds of comments in just a few hours, and that’s obviously more than I can handle… but if the number is more manageable, well, I’ll see what I can do.
You’ll find Center Stage at http://bookclubs.barnesandnoble.com/bn/board?board.id=CenterStage if you would like to post a question, or just read the ongoing discussions.
I will actually have three topics for my very own. One for INSIDE STRAIGHT and the Wild Card series, one for A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE and all my other books, and one about my experiences writing for television and film, including BEAUTY AND THE BEAST, TWILIGHT ZONE, and my series-that-never-was, DOORWAYS. So be sure to post your question in the right topic.
Current Mood: null