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January 4, 2008 at 2:56 pm
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SFRevu has a new review of INSIDE STRAIGHT up at

They’ve also posted an interview with me and Melinda Snodgrass about INSIDE STRAIGHT, the Wild Cards revival, and the series in general. That one can be found at

Only eighteen days until the publication of INSIDE STRAIGHT, by the way! Run down to your favorite bookstore and place your preorder now, all you aces (and jokers too). And wait till you get a look at the cool holographic foil Tor used on the cover.

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Sad News

January 2, 2008 at 10:52 pm
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I’ve just read the news about the passing of author George MacDonald Fraser.

What a rotten way to kick off a new year. Fraser will never be admitted to the august halls of High Literature, but if there was ever a more entertaining storyteller, I don’t know his name. GMF wrote some fine screenplays and some terrific stand-alone novels, but he will be best remembered for the Flashman books, his delightful series of historical swashbucklers featuring Queen Victoria’s most dubious hero, that notorious cad, bounder, and coward, Harry Flashman. I loved Flashie the first time I encountered him in the pages of FLASHMAN, way back around 1973 or so, and for more than thirty years it has always been an occasion for rejoicing when Fraser discovered another “packet” of Flashman’s unexpurgated memoirs. The arrival of a new Flashman book always meant that I had to stop whatever I was doing, drive to the nearest bookstore, snatch it up, bring it home, and sit down at once to read it. It saddens me to think that won’t happen any more.

Flashman was always great fun, and somehow managed to be an utterly original character, despite being “borrowed” from another book (TOM BROWN’S SCHOOLDAYS). And Fraser knew how to keep you turning pages. He was the best writer of pure adventure in our times, a modern day Dumas. I’ll miss him and Harry both. Roger on, lads.

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Updates Coming

January 1, 2008 at 6:31 pm
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I’ve sent a new sample chapter from A DANCE WITH DRAGONS and an update on the current status of the book to my webmaster. Expect them to go up soon, on their respective pages.

It may take a few days. It is the holidays, after all, and my webmaster has a life and other things to do besides taking care of my site. (This is the only part of my site that I can actually change myself). So please be patient. It won’t be long.

Happy New Year, everyone.

(And no, the book’s not done. Didn’t I just say that in yesterday’s post?)

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